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Posts posted by Baldybee2

  1. To all the people that have experience and knowledge with smp, I always her about smp fading over time. Let's say if I get smp and like the look but as you get older you probably just don't care for it. If you don't do any touch ups and just let it fade, would it look ok? Or is it one of those thing where you get smp you will be chasing with touch ups forever? If it fades and still looks natural then smp is great but if it fades and just Turks blurry then it's gonna be a problem but I guess it will be that much easier to laser it off if faded? I'm trying to have a clear vision in smp. You get smp today and at 70 anything can happen.

  2. Hi everyone,


    When I shave my head I can clearly see an area of thinning. And areas that are still thick. Do the areas that are thin will for sure one day go bald?


    I'm thinning in a norwood 2 to 3 pattern and if I do get smp or a hairtransplant I want to make sure my other parts of my scalp don't start to thin.


    I had a miniaturization test and so far areas that are thin are confine to a norwood 2 norwood 3 pattern. Would more thinning just evolve? Any thoughts will be appreciated. Last thing I want to do is do a procedure and and later find out I thinning in other parts

  3. Nicole,


    Can you talk more about the smp touch up process since you're one of the techs? When you do touch ups isn't it impossible to touch up the exact location of the pigment? Or it doesn't matter?


    Also do you find that smp pigments blend it well with areas of hair?

  4. Well from everything I saw on the sites smp seems good for the scars. You can stil tell but it sure does help. You're right about the costs it just too expensive along with touch ups.


    Since you had a transplant does it provide fullness? I never had a transplant so just wondering if it really looks as good as on pictures

  5. Re: touch ups for smp I was referring to if the dot has faded and they go in and touch it up, they will be able to touch up the exact dot meaning they won't get exactly the same spot so hence wouldn't that make first dot bigger...


    I seen a lot of vids on HIS and most of them look fake to me. The hairline is just too straight. You can tell that somethings been done...

  6. Since smp is somewhat new, in my research I have not seen any smp picture past the 5 year mark. Anybody see first hand how smp will look years after?


    How about touch ups? I read a lot about touch ups. Well I'm thinking when you do touch ups won't it make it worse? Especially since the dot is not going on the same spot as the original dot. What is the process of this touch up stuff


    Also i read up on having smp lasered off. Is it really that easy to have smp lasered off? I just want to research everything about smp and making sure I know of everything smp related

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