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Posts posted by Ryan73

  1. @Portugal25  Just wanted to let you know that, after reading your detailed information, and checking reviews on Dr. Arika, that I decided to move forward with her. I was told today that I need 3000 to 3500 grafts at 2.10.

    She looks to be outstanding at what she does. I just want to thank you again, that I'll keep posting about my progress on this, and that I hope this will be an outstanding experience.

  2. @Portugal25   Thank you so much for wanting to take the time to write such a detailed response. It means a lot to me, because there's a lot I have to learn at this point. The only thing I did know that you mentioned was that my budget would certainly not be good enough for this country and some others. I don't want to fall into the "you get what you pay for" category, so I hope I'm not opening myself up to that by being cheap.

    I will look into these options you mentioned and thank you so much, again, for taking the time.

  3. I joined this forum years ago as a transplant has been on my mind for years. I'm nearly 47 years old, and have been using Rogaine plus Nioxin for about the past 10 years to try to keep what I've got.

    I'm getting to the point where I'm becoming very serious about having surgery. I live in Virginia, and am not the type to throw down $10K-$20K USD.

    I would say that I probably need 2000 to 2500 grafts maybe. I'd be glad to post pictures if it would help.

    I'm willing to travel to another country in order to save money. I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but there are so many choices that it makes my head spin on such an important life decision.

    I would love to hear from the moderators or long-time members here who have done the research, and who they would recommend.

    In my mind, I am thinking $5K-$7K USD is an acceptable range for me.

    I joined this site years ago and have always had it on my mind to have this done, as it's certainly affected how I feel about my appearance over the years.

    All advice from the educated and/or experienced is extremely valuable to me.

    I'd be happy to have it here or privately.

    Thank you in advance for your help as I take this first step after many years towards getting this done.


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