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Posts posted by HunkyMonkey

  1. Hi All,

    I've been on Finpecia for about 3 months. I bought it from a site online, but after reading some stuff about 'you never know what you're getting' when buying these drugs online, I'm worried that what I'm getting actually is Finpecia.

    Does anyone know of a good, low cost source? Or a safe way of verifying it's genuine?




  2. Hi All,

    I've been on Finpecia for about 3 months. I bought it from a site online, but after reading some stuff about 'you never know what you're getting' when buying these drugs online, I'm worried that what I'm getting actually is Finpecia.

    Does anyone know of a good, low cost source? Or a safe way of verifying it's genuine?




  3. Fear not, I've started a blog and I'll be posting my pics later today. But I am only 4 days post op, so you'll have to wait and see how it turns out for me. I know Mop is further ahead, if you can convince him to post pics...



    Mop if you want you can send me your pics and I can clean then up for you (take your face out, etc so your aren't recognisable) and send them back to you.




  4. Hi All,

    Pre op they told me not to take vitamin E. I wondering when it's safe to start taking it again? Also is it ok to start taking MSM again?


    Does anyone have experience with using Hairmax laser comb after HT? I've been told it helps prevent shock loss and speed up regrowth, should I start using it right away?


    Also in a couple of weeks I'll start body building again. Is it ok to hit all the protein supplements again?


    One of the body building supplements I take is Ecdysterone. Does anyone know if this will effect my HT? One of the effects of Ecdysterone is to increase the number of platelets in your bloody. I've noticed that when I take this supplement I get bruises much easier. Do you think this would effect my HT in a good or bad way?


    Sorry for all the questions... Just scared to do anything at the moment that might mess up my HT icon_frown.gif




  5. To Everyone,

    Well I've done it. I've had my HT. My experience overall has been pretty good. Not looking forward to the next 10 nights sleep with these staples in the back of my head... But I am looking forward to 6-9 months time when I get to see the real results. The people at transmed were very accomodating. They picked me up from the airport and took me to transmed and my hotel at no extra cost. After being evaluated in person it turned out I needed less grafts than they initially thought from the photos I sent so they actually gave me ?‚¬300 back! icon_smile.gif


    All concerns I had as to the quality were gone as soon as I got into the building. It is remarkably clean, the floors are white and yet show no dirt at all. It seemed there was always someone cleaning. There was a big TV in reception that was playing repeated footage of Dr Melike (pronouced Mel-ike not Me-like, oops) appearing on various news channels such as CNN giving interviews on HT.


    As I waited in reception I was sat next to two people with full heads of hair. When I went into the consultation room and asked about success rates and what the scar would look like I was very happy to find the two people I'd been sat next to were actually patients. The consultant showed me their before photos on the computer and when I went back into reception both were happy to show me their hair and FUT scars. Both were clearly very happy. One was in for a checkup and photos, the other was in for FUE this time into the FUT scar and a bit more in his templates. I had been asking the consultant about FUE into the FUT scar, although when the patient getting it done showed me his FUT scar I did wonder what is the point? The skin under your hair is very pale, just like a faded scar, his FUT scar was hard to see.


    The procedure appeared to go smoothly. Dr Melike removed the section of skin from the back of my head, then proceeded to make the channels for the new hairs while the technicians separated out the hairs from the strip. Melike inserted the outline hairs the the technicians did the rest one working on either temple. They gave me a sedative before they started so while it was happening I dosed in and out a bit. They gave me a remote and I had a hundred or so channels to choose from. Although with the dosing I just left it on VH1. Once complete they gave me a pack and a load of drugs to take with me.


    I'll be starting my weblog on this soon and upload some photos. They were also happy for me to take photos of the transmed building inside and out so I'll put those up as well. As for spending money, I spent less than 90 lira over the 3 days (about ??45). I'll tally up my total costs including travel, etc.


    The only thing I'm really regretting at the moment is that I didn't realise they do laser hair removal as well, as I could have had my chest and back done at the same time icon_frown.gif




  6. Well I couldn't wait any longer. I've booked my surgery for the end of the month. I've had a lingual brace (behind the teeth) for the last 2 years which should hopefully be off in 9 months or so, I desperately wanted my new hair to co-inside with this.

    I've booked with Dr Melike transmed for the end of this month. I've read some good reviews on her. There seems to be a lacking with hair blogs here on her work with complete pictures each month, so that's what I'm going to do. I'll start it soon, I've got some pre pics ready, I'll do some straight after the op, 2 weeks after, 4 weeks then every month.

    Was really excited at first, but now feel strange about it. Lots of questions about why I'm not happy with myself to start with... Mostly blaming on the last girlfriend telling me she "physically hated my hairline", but I'm not going into how nasty she was, but at the same time very attractive. Seriously Beauty is only skin deep.

    Hopefully my hair weblog will be like Predators...




  7. Hi,

    I'm looking to contact ex patients of Dr Melike, from Transmed Turkey. Anyone please reply to this post or contact me.


    If there is someone from the UK that I could meet with that would be perfect... But really anyone who's had surgery with her please reply.




  8. Hi,

    I'm looking to contact ex patients of Dr Melike, from Transmed Turkey. Anyone please reply to this post or contact me.


    If there is someone from the UK that I could meet with that would be perfect... But really anyone who's had surgery with her please reply.




  9. I don't think I'll ever be able to afford Feller unfortunately. I've had a couple of surgeons estimate I'll need between 2800 and 3000 grafts. By Fellers costs page that'd be $11,750


    I've got a quote for $10,100 from Rahal...


    In an ideal world money would be no object. But I'm guessing that there won't be much difference in the end result from the top 5 or 6 surgeons in the world. But there will probably be a considerable difference in price.


    Like you said, research, research...




  10. Hi All,

    Sorry to post 2 questions right away. I posted this to a different forum a while back but didn't get much useful response. Judging by how helpful you guys were to my last question, I'm sure I'll get some good advice here icon_smile.gif


    I want to make the most of what I've got. I'm on Finpecia, use the hairmax laser comb and take MSM vitamin supplement.


    When I wash my hair I use Nizoral if it's itchy, otherwise I use normal shampoo. I've recently switched my normal shampoo to herbal essences uplifting volume and the same for conditioner (looked like the best they had in ASDA).

    I'm sure there are better products to thicken up my hair? I know my brother had one a while back. But when he showed me all it seemed to do was make his scalp dark, rather than the hair actually thicker.




  11. Hi All,

    Sorry to post 2 questions right away. I posted this to a different forum a while back but didn't get much useful response. Judging by how helpful you guys were to my last question, I'm sure I'll get some good advice here icon_smile.gif


    I want to make the most of what I've got. I'm on Finpecia, use the hairmax laser comb and take MSM vitamin supplement.


    When I wash my hair I use Nizoral if it's itchy, otherwise I use normal shampoo. I've recently switched my normal shampoo to herbal essences uplifting volume and the same for conditioner (looked like the best they had in ASDA).

    I'm sure there are better products to thicken up my hair? I know my brother had one a while back. But when he showed me all it seemed to do was make his scalp dark, rather than the hair actually thicker.




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