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Posts posted by HunkyMonkey

  1. I've added a new pic. I'm definately getting early regrowth. Seems some of the transplanted hair didn't shed and just started growing!! Should I be worried? I thought this wouldn't happen until after 3 months?


    Once side has more growth than the other, should that be a concern? The side showing more growth had scabs for longer... Is that good or bad? I like the early growth, just worried it isn't even each side...




  2. I've been wondering about people with naturally curly hair and the FUE technique. Surely with the way the hairs are extracted and the rate of hairs that get lost because the follicle isn't where expected, that curly hair wouldn't be a good candidate for this and where the follicle might actually be under the skin is a lot more hit and miss...




  3. I've been wondering about people with naturally curly hair and the FUE technique. Surely with the way the hairs are extracted and the rate of hairs that get lost because the follicle isn't where expected, that curly hair wouldn't be a good candidate for this and where the follicle might actually be under the skin is a lot more hit and miss...




  4. I understand your frustration. I emailed Taner myself. He seems genuinely concerned for your result. I hope they manage to calm you down and you come to an amicable resolution.


    No one is denying that you have had very poor regrowth.


    Who was the surgeon that did your brother?


    Are there any other factors that you think might have effected it? Drinking, Steroids, etc, the usual... It would be nice to know if you think there is so I can avoid it :S


    Can you remember which surgeon did which side of your head? From your pictures one side is better than the other...




  5. Hi Woody,

    Could we see some before and after pictures of your brothers HT? Which surgeon did he see?


    Transmed will likely want to see what has gone wrong so that they can try and reduce cases like this in the future... No company would want this kind of result. The people I met at the clinic who'd had transplants with them were very happy and did have good results. Although this is clearly a bad result and gives me concern for my HT with them (which has yet to mature), I do know first hand that they have had very good results as well.


    I'd really like to see some before and after pictures from your brother.




  6. Got another picture up, sorry for the delay.



    A bit worrying to see your post. I almost went for FUE, but did FUT instead... I'm glad that they have offered you free flight, consult, etc.


    Fingers crossed my results will be better.


    I do remember Dr Melike saying to me that it's common for people to come back for a second procedure. And that they can't guarantee complete growth and I might have some patches, etc. She told me all this before I paid and had my op... I got the impression all of the HT surgeons say this sort of thing?? Looking at forum member blogs many of them had 2 or 3 procesures... People please correct me if I'm wrong.


    Did you follow the after care lotion, etc? Are there any other factors that you think might have effected it? Drinking, Steroids, etc, the usual... It would be nice to know if you think there is so I can avoid it :S




  7. It's been a month and I've got another pic I'll upload in a couple of days. Things seem to be progressing. I swear some of the hairs around the edge are starting to grow already... But it could just be where they shaved it a bit??


    Either way I'm taking MSM twice a day and using my laser comb every other day to try and speed up healing time.




  8. My Ex told me regularly how much she *physically* hated my receding hair line and how embarrassing it was when we bumped into people she knew because of it.


    Needless to say I dumped her, but she was REALLY good looking, so took me ages to do it.

    It was to late though, the damage had already been done icon_frown.gif I ended up getting a HT. I never like my receding hairline, but it'd never really been an issue for me before.


    To think, all those times I told her she didn't need a boob job and she was perfect just the way she was. Why couldn't she have been so kind to me?


    I remember getting a quote from the hospital group (didn't go to them). The guy asked if my partner knew I was getting the quote because they get a lot phoning up angry. I told him it was my girl friend that pushed me to make the appointment, he looked shocked icon_frown.gif


    F**king B**CH, glad to be rid of her.




  9. My doc told me I shouldn't do situps for at least 2 months (I took it as a compliment on my abs as I didn't ask). I'm 3 weeks post op, I'm doing bench press etc but avoiding situps and upper back, lats.

    I got carried away about 2 weeks post op and did a load of upper back and trapezius. The skin around my scar felt really tight for a couple of days after, so I regret that. Not sure if it stretched, but I'll be leaving all upper back stuff and situps for at least another 5 weeks.




  10. I wasn't sure on their other docs, although I had red positive things about one of them. I insisted on having mine done with Dr Kulahci herself.


    I was lucky in that when I went there were 2 people in for a check-up who had a transplant with them about a year ago. There hair was very impressive which really put me at ease.


    I guess if you wanted to make an extra trip to Turkey I suspect they would be happy for you to go in on a day that someone is in for a 12 month check-up or a second op. But then there is the extra cost...


    Saying that I think Istanbul flights are pretty cheap off season.


    If you take the patent route you can always wait 6-8 months and come visit me in the flesh.




  11. I only had an online consult sending in pics before I went there. I had the real consult the day before my op. I guess if I had changed my mind I would have lost my deposit.


    I'm not sure how long the redness lasts. Mine looks almost back to normal now, but I'm pretty sure it varies from person to person.




  12. You know I'm not sure. I think it was about 1600. Lots of the follicles were 2's and 3's under the scope which surprised me as I really didn't think my hair was that thick. Guess it is at the back. So lots of hairs.


    I'll do another scar pic when the scabs are off.


    Looking forward to 6 months time.



  13. 13 day post op pics added including scar pic, still a bit scabby, only had the staples out today, 32 in total.


    I went for FUT because it was cheaper. Theory being to get the bulk done with FUT. If I want a further procedure next year it would be FUE into FUT scar and touch up around the temples.




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