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Big Allan

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Everything posted by Big Allan

  1. Hi all, Whoever has HT with doctor Path, can you please post pictures?
  2. Thanks Splitting hairs, So do you mean, initial shedding phase is normal? Anybody, else has similar experience??
  3. I asked this question to my doctor. Here is what he said, side effects are minimal and if you feel that, you are getting side effect from prepacia then stopping the medicine works out ok.
  4. Hi All, Planning to undergo HT sometime this year, so I started with 1mg prepocia. It has been like 15 days since I started the medicine. At the same time, I have flu like symptoms so I am taking tylenol. Not sure, because of side effects of tylenol or is this expected behavior at the start of prepacia, I am seeing my hair loss increased. Does anybody has same experience?
  5. Hello, I would like to know, if anybody has any bad experience with Dr Pathomvanich?
  6. Once I had HT, for how long do I need to holed in at home as scar's in recipient area might still be visible? Do doctors shave the part of head which is going to hair transplanted? please share
  7. Hello All, There is side effect of prepocia, but my dermatologist to me that side effects may not occur. So people who are taking this medicine can advise.
  8. Hello All, I am seriously considering to get HT done but have not decided yet with whom. But can you please give me feedback on the answer provided by this gui on yahoo answer. Click on below link. http://in.answers.yahoo.com/qu...0061027201733AAd9Zin
  9. Hello Dr. Madhu and moderator, Subbu has raised very valid question. Did you get authority from Shine to share his pictures on the web.
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