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Posts posted by Paulygon

  1. Applying minoxidil too soon post-op and/or too frequently can also compound shock loss and even induce a shed cycle, and especially if it involves the first time initial use of minoxidil.


    We all have varying opinions regarding issues such as jump starting grafts, advancing the growth cycle, etc, and I still think our bodies have enough in our auto-immune systems for healing to take place with time and patience.


    Having said that, some docs will recommend and advocate the use of minoxidil at 5% strength to help stimulate a slow growth cycle emergence post-op.


    oops---- I'm sorry, I meant that I started Minox about 10 days post-procedure! I will edit my comment.

  2. Hsrp...you hit it on the money, I think I've been trying to talk myself into it. Ive had a bad receding hairline ever since I was 17, and I feel like I'm a good looking dude but I just got robbed of being able to have my peak best physical appearance. It's kind of like a now or never thing, shave or transplant. I want to be able to enjoy swimming and being on a boat or whatever, without being paranoid about my hair. The thought of it actually being feasible has never been so close in my reach in all the years I've been obsessed about my hairline. But I knew that it's not something to be taken lightly, and that's exactly why I came here. I think the overwhelming advice is to not go forward at this point, and I think it'd be foolish if I didn't listen. I just don't see myself wanting to do this procedure when I'm older, I want it while I'm still young, and could, should be in my prime. Do you have even in the ballpark somewhere, how much you think I would have to spend on a good transplant with a reputable doctor on the graphs I would need? I just wanna know if it's something worth me aspiring for or to just say screw it, and shave my head.


    What about Care Credit? Do people finance HT's? (A family member of mine is a cosmetic dentist and his patients finance procedures with care credit from time to time.. I know Vetrinarians have that too). I don't love the idea of financing luxuries but when you make the argument about being in your "prime appearance" that tugs at my heart strings a bit.


    Another consideration- I got a pretty nice discount on my procedure for signing up to be a candidate on a standby list where the physician's office would call me to fill in for a cancellation (which reminds me, if you cancel you shouldn't feel too bad because your doc may have someone else on standby). Mohebi's office called me about a week or so before the procedure date and told me if I want, I can come in and get the procedure done on a Friday. So, I talked with my boss to make sure I can get a day or two off and he was supportive.. so I did it.


    My thoughts are that it would cost somewhere between $6-$12k to do an FUT procedure with 1400-3000 grafts, depending on the surgeon, location, travel expenses, etc. That's just a ballpark, and my thoughts.

  3. I dug up some old photos of how I used to wear my hair. I started needing to comb it forward around 2004 I think since my hairline was quickly vanishing and the front thinned quickly. These are some samples of that which I found. I would never wear my hair combed back because even with Toppik there just wasn't enough hair there. You can tell that it was combed to cover the baldness, and these shots probably had toppik concealer as well.



    Hair combed forward with toppik


    Hair combed back, no toppik. My hair color is a medium brown, even though photos and lighting make the color shift.


    That middle pic (with the blue background) is so similar to my forward-combing days (specifically, that nearly bald patch right above the hanging, wavy locks on your forehead)!

    When I was at that point, I didn't know whether to comb forward or to comb backward.. it was a NO-WIN situation then. I'd just pile on the Toppik and try to fool myself into believing that it ain't that bad.


    But now, comb forward, comb backward, no hair day is a bad hair day! :P I checked out your photos-- you have a nice pic where it's even combed to the side!


    Its like when people say "any day above ground is a good day" -- that's how I feel now that I got my hair back.. and I'm sure you feel that way too brother!


    I'm glad you like the community.. I hope you continue to post and support others who have yet to see the light.

  4. I have not heard of him, especially for FUE.

    If the surgeon is not recommended here then cancel.


    Research more deeply, and save your money and go with one of the best surgeon's in the world.

    You only have a finite amount of grafts, so choose wisely.


    read this btw:







    my thoughts are that w/ 1400 you could probably have a good cosmetic result but you may need a second procedure down the line.


    The deal with the ARTAS discount you're getting-- sounds a little risky. Does anyone have experience with such a discount for the physician being trained for ARTAS? What was the result?


    Please keep us posted with what you decide to do.

    • Like 1
  5. Two of my favorites (before social events or dates) are:

    (1) Oribe Shampoo for Magnificent Volume

    (2) L’Oreal Professionnel Volume Expand Shampoo Review


    And I still use T-Gel or Nizoral 1-2x a week when I do not plan on going out.


    does anyone know if most of the volumizing products share the same active ingredients-- that is, are those shard active ingredients responsible for the volumizing benefit--- and would that make one product simply equal to any other that has the same percentage of the active ingredient?

  6. Good question. From the limited view of his donor it looks fairly dense and with the salt & pepper color he would get good coverage. His hair also appears to be fairly coarse so that too would aid in coverage. The challenge is that his sides are pretty low so some grafts would be used for this area. The crown wouldn't be touched at all but just doing the front, having a nice hairline that is believable and coverage for the front half and blended to lowe density in the vertex would make a huge positive difference. Before anything though, I'd advice Mr. Lauer to start Propecia:)


    The patient you referenced has characteristics that we typically find in our Spanish patients. Above average donor density, above average donor laxity which allows for big numbers and eventually big results.


    Thank you!! That answers alot.

    Is there any indication from that picture of Matt Lauer that he does not take propecia? Would you expect that his crown would be more filled in if he were to take Propecia-- or is it just a wild guess?

  7. I was NW5A in 2012, have had HT and am on Finasteride and Minox (also since 2012).. if you look at my Before/After pics.. there is a HUGE positive difference in my appearance.. but I AM STILL SHEDDING.. which almost doesn't make sense.. I've been having a hard time trying to understand what that shed indicates.. it is a continuous shed (not just something that was happening during the first 3 months of treatment). But how can there be such a continuous shed and a great improvement in amount of hair on my scalp? Scientifically, like the article above suggested, it has to do with shed rate. It still sucks seeing these hairs shed every day, and clogging my bath tub drain (every 2 weeks).. or seeing the hairs on my fingers after each Minoxidil application...


    Look at the pic.. it is unbelievable that I transformed from bald to "not bald" but am STILL SHEDDING.. what the heck!?


    the article posted above suggests that maybe the shed actually means the drugs are working-- who would've thought!? :o is it possible that the sheds indicate that the hair loss cycle is being reversed..?


    btw, I think that the best way to determine shed rate (save for collecting all your shed hairs every day, which is impossible to do) is to do hair density mapping every 6 months at your HT Surgeon's office. I don't think this is standard practice.. but should be.


  8. Anyhow, since the change to the new pill I have experienced nipple pain on either or both nipples. I have no lumps or physical evidence of change but is the tenderness evidence enough that I could develop gyno problems and therefore should no longer be on the drug?



    I have had tenderness which lasted for 3-4 days. I realized that it was because I was wearing a nylon jersey while playing basketball (I jump up/down alot because I am a rebounder) which caused the nylon jersey to scratch against my nipples, causing tenderness and irritation. This scared me a little (I initially thought it was early signs of Gyno!) but lasted only 3-4 days and was better. I never wore that jersey again without a cotton t-shirt underneath and all has been fine.


    Moral of the story: There may be some causality or coincidence with the sore nipples that you have not identified. You might be jumping the gun and blaming Propecia/finasteride for something that is not finasteride's fault. Though, I do commend you for being in tune with how your body feels and taking all symptoms seriously.

  9. Does anyone recall Dr. Rassman's study on Propecia.?

    I think he said that Propecia stays in your body for about 4-5 days.. so if you miss a few doses, it won't have any negative effect...

    hsrp10's comments on absorption reminded me why absorption is so important.. i have the bad habit of skipping doses (probably because of Rassman's study from several years ago).

  10. I I like to go for A) Rogaine FOAM 5% per day and B) Propecia 1mg every seven days. Can some suggest me is it good thing if use them without doctor consultation? NOTE: I havent gone for any HAIRTRANSPLANT al these years. If it is OK to take both A and B , what time I should consider applying FOAM and what is the good shampoo to clean it ? And how long i have to leave the FOAM on my hair before cleaning ? Advance Thanks MKOD



    In the USA propecia/finasteride is available by prescription only; so you would need to consult a physician to get a script.

    Rogaine/Minox is an FDA approved med for hair regrowth that is available without prescription, and thus, you do not need to see a doctor to start that topical medication.


    That being the case, a person would be wise to discuss any health issues, medication changes or general health changes with a physician.


    I am aware of this new public health terminology, self-care, but to most people "self-care" includes consulting a physician at the pivotal point of medication changes... especially when an Rx is required for one of the medications.


    With excellent forums like this, and all the knowledge on the internet, we are empowered to make bigger decisions (ie. medication changes) on our own... this is a personal choice.


    Now, if you want to be extremely prudent... why not get a full physical before starting the meds? This way, a year or two after you start your new meds (rogaine, propecia), you can compare to your baseline from before you started the medication regimen.. Or, maybe you can even get a hair density map as a baseline (via microscope by an HT surgeon), and then compare a year or two later to see if your hair density has increased.


    My HT surgeon (Parsa Mohebi) checks my hair density every year to monitor the state of my hair loss at different regions of my scalp. This is recommended to all HT patients, and I think everyone on this forum should have a similar chart (hair density map) that they regularly update (ie. every 6 months to 1 year) in order to be aware of how their hair loss is progressing.

  11. Yeah I remember Piven as the doctor in the film Heat with De Niro and he was basically a NW 6, he covered it well with a few FUT,it must have gave him the confidence to become an absolute legend in Entourage.


    I also remember Joe Rogain hosting that show where people jumped outta helicopters etc, then as you say his hair went and he had to turn into an MMA meathead :)


    Awesome post bro--

    I will have to watch Heat and look for Piven.. Did you ever see him in Seinfeld playing George Castanza in the show "Jerry" they were pitching to NBC (see pic).. Do you think that was that Piven's real hairline or was it cosmetically decreased to be a NW6? Is it similar to what you saw in Heat?


  12. the idea is to get past the ugly duggling phase, and this can be good idea for people who hide their hairloss by making a comb over with toppik . i for example hide my hairloss by doing a complicated comb over and then apply toppik and so far no one figured out i am bald so if i can create a hair system that kinda looks similar to my hair style and use it only once a month i will be so going forward with my HT in my line of work where I have annoying work colleagues if they figure it out they will keep looking and staring, and between them will ridicule me for it. Somehow I wish I never used toppik then things would have been much easier, as using toppik trapped me in fooling everyone I have hair


    true.. get past the ugly duckling phase post HT... which is about 3-8 months long IMO.


    for me toppik, started fooling me into thinking i was fooling everybody else that i have hair.. in other words, relying on toppik, i allowd my hair get to a really terrible state where hairs were sparse located (low density) and i would just put toppik in wishfully thinking people wouldn't notice my hair loss...

    many years ago, I had this interview at a law firm; the interviewer just kept looking at the train wreck (mostly toppik mixed in with a low density of native hairs) on my head the whole time.. what an ass.. funny thing is, he was totally bald.. you'd think that other hair loss sufferers would be more sensitive to one's feelings.. what was I thinking.. I should have had the HT done years sooner!

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