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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. 8 years have passed since I started taking finasteride and it's still working. Results are not spectacular and I haven't experienced any regrowth but at least my hair is safe.
  2. Come to Portugal. Competition among pharmacies is so fierce, you can buy ANYTHING here without a prescription (and not generics, I'm talking about genuine brand drugs).
  3. I've been taking Proscar for many years and it didn't just preserve my hair, it also improved the appearance of my scalp. My hair and scalp used to be EXTREMELY greasy and all shampoos and topical lotions were ineffective: I washed my hair in the morning and at night it was greasy again. Well, not anymore. Even if I don't wash my hair for 2 or 3 days, my scalp will always look fresh and clean. Apparently, this also facilitates the absorption of minoxidil and makes it less irritating.
  4. It irritates mine. My scalp is very sensitive and it gets a bit flaky and red in the areas where I apply minoxidil. So, I'm using a lower dosage (three drops two times a day instead of the recommended six drops) but I wonder if this is the right thing to do. On You Tube there's a video entitled 'How to Make Minoxidil (Rogaine) More Effective', in which a second product, called 'dexpanthenol', is mentioned; they claim that dexpanthenol can prevent scalp irritation caused by minoxidil. What do you think?
  5. I've been using it for many years (ever since I left college, probably 7-8 years ago) with good results and no side effects.
  6. I'm not an expert and reports on these new therapies are contradictory, but I think we have reasons to be optimistic: a) Progress in this area has been tremendous (e.g. for the first time in the history of mankind, there is a pill for MPB that actually works - Propecia) b) Pharmaceutical companies are going 'crazy' and investing billions c) The market for a baldness treatment is colossal
  7. Why do they have a bad reputation on this board?
  8. I have been using 1/4 Proscar and minoxidil 5% for some years (maybe 8,9 years, I'm not sure). Results are not spectacular and I didn't experience any regrowth, but it has preserved my hair. So yeah, I'm happy.
  9. I started losing my hair when I was 17. Now that I am 32 years old, I still have lots of hair. My secret? Finasteride and minoxidil. Here's a photo of me (in Brooklyn, May 2008), it's not a very good one but it shows that these drugs really work: 15 years later, I still look like this. And I deserve it! I deserve it, because I was sensible enough to read about it and get informed. I was probably one of the first men in Portugal to use finasteride to treat male pattern baldness.
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