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Everything posted by GodAwfulLuck

  1. So, I got a reply from Dr Bhatti and my graft estimate was in the 2000 - 2500 range. This is honestly a bit too expensive for me in one go so I thought I'd redesign my plan to fill in the bald spots, but leave my hairline high, to be repaired with a scalp advance (Along with other surgeries) 6-12 months later... Basically I'm hoping for 1500 grafts, with 2000 being the absolute maximum... http://i.imgur.com/df6utxF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xpVZ834.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VlLhh1R.jpg Sorry for the bad lighting in the images. Basically, my temples have always been rather thin and went back, so I'm not aiming to change that, basically just fill in the area circled which for the most part goes slightly into my existing hair and etc... I know it's uneven and etc right now, but it's more of a plan than absolute. Measuring behind the pointy bit of hair I have (basically where the straight hairline will be) my forehead is about 7cm from hairline to the bottom/slightly under my eyebrows... Thanks if anybody helps aha.
  2. Hair restoration surgery before and after result photos with 1200 grafts I stumbled upon this page just looking through google images, and I can't help but wonder how does he cover such large areas with so much less grafts than other surgeons would use? In some cases I'm skeptical as he doesn't seem to give. A great view of e hairline always, but it still appears acceptably thick and normal looking? Des he just use more follicles containing 3/4 hairs? If so, would this look pluggy?
  3. Alrighty, thanks for the example. I'll try to scrounge up enough for 2000 grafts, maybe 2500
  4. Alright, thanks for the helpful paragraphs... So what does transplanting hair for 'blending' actually do? Does it help in case some of my normal hairs die or something? I'm not really sure why I'd have to go deep into my normal hair and not just slightly over it. This guy seemed to get a similar amount to mine at 1500 grafts and his results didn't look too bad.
  5. I'm needing to restore the hairline to that point because I'm transgendered and need it passing wise. The hormone regime has stopped me from losing any more hair, but I didn't regrow any. Also, why are the numbers given always to much larger than the calculators and by plotting the loss out in square cm and multiplying it by the number of grafts? Were you suggesting a density more like 70 per sqcm rather than something like 40-50?
  6. This page here suggests that anecdotal evidence suggests that a hairline normally doesn't exceed 45 follicular units per square cm, which is what I was kind of basing it on... What is an Appropriate Hair Density for the Hairline and Front in Hair Transplant Surgery? | Hair Transplant News I guess it didn't appear in the photo, but the area I was counting was a bit like this, if the sparse corners were what you were counting... Outside of that upper corner, I'm pretty sure I'm not thinning and it's more the photo. It looks normal in various lighting conditions when I check in mirrors. http://i.imgur.com/12icGjo.jpg
  7. I'd need that many?... Is transplanting with fine hair really that noticable, like the front would look all balding if I just went with say 45 grafts cer sqcm?
  8. The lines I drew already go slightly over the hair I have, i've covered the thinning in the upper corners aha. And as for the graft numbers, I'm planning to do this at the darling buds clinic in India, as its the absolute most I can afford. The Results and some patients on actual forums seemed pleased so I figured its safe to get a $3000 transplant rather than a $12000 one (australian prices are death). The clinic seems to do 45 as there normal number and its apparently naturally dense appearing.
  9. i counted the area as 35sq cm, but would increasing it to 40 as a 'just in case make sense? That's 1800 grafts, would that seem alright for the are shown?
  10. I've tried the calculators and etc, but they never seem to match up compared to the surgeon's results, so I'd like to ask here. I'm planning to get a hair transplant of about 45 grafts per sqcm to restore my female/juvenile hairline and would like some opinions to go along with the images I've linked to. http://i.imgur.com/Nk0pJvT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lPpMe51.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1S8IxW3.jpg The black lines are what I kind of need filled. Thanks in advance.
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