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Everything posted by pullinyourleg

  1. Your hair is looking fantastic for 3 months. Congrats on that so far.
  2. From the photos, your hair is looking phenomenal. Sorry if you have mentioned this before, but did Dr Pittella say if you had good/bad donor density and if you hair was thin/thick? How does the donor feel? Does it feel/look any thinner than before? All the best!
  3. I am scheduled with Dr Pittella Feb 2025 and I was asked and paid that 6K USD deposit. Cheers.
  4. Type felipepittella . Com in google and the first one should be his website. Cheers.
  5. Go on to his website, select the language preference (English for me) then select “I want to do my pre-assessment”. It should take you to WhatsApp where you can message the team from there. Hope that helps.
  6. How far in advance did you know that they would be booking you a hotel? As in the package details I received, it didn't mention anything about a hotel stay being included. So I just wondering if that has now been dropped from the package, or if I should just sit and wait for a while and see if they say anything about staying at that hotel? Many thanks again.
  7. Thanks. How close to your surgery date did they book you into a hotel and was that an additional cost to you? Did you ask them to book you a hotel or was it something that they do as part of the package? I understand that Dr Pittella doesn't recommend wearing a hat until 14 days, so when flying back home did you wear anything on your head to cover up that you have had surgery? Many thanks for answering my questions.
  8. Wishing you all the best in your hair transplant journey.my consultation process was the same as yours. I have surgery scheduled for feb 2025. My big concerns so far is getting to Brazil (from the uk) and it’s looking like I’ll be traveling alone. I did have some concern over safety but think I’m probably overthinking things.
  9. Great write up! Wishing you the best in your hair restoration!
  10. I waited around two months for the rep to get back to me with a date for my zoom meeting with Dr Pitella.
  11. This is an outstanding result. You must be over the moon.
  12. I was told by the doctor that it is male breast development, but without proof it may have been a cyst. Today I have had some bloodtests (Thursday) to see if it was caused by my hormones (gynecomastia) and hopefully give me answer that I can give you. Otherwise I may never have 100% proof what it was. Maybe the next step might be to have some fluid drawn from the little lump that is remaining to see if it is a cyst. I hope this information helps. All I can say is if you are taking propecia, whether it is a couple of months into the course or have been taking it for years, Still remain aware of the side effects that propecia can cause. I will let you know of the results which should be available next week. cheers, Matt
  13. Hi, new user here. I was on propecia for 2 1/2 years and have recently experienced a lump within the left side of my chest. I told the doctor about this and he said it was due to the tablets, and that I should stop using propecia. After I stopped using propecia in April of this year, the lump has practically gone with only slight swelling. Now my doctor has booked me in for a blood test to check my hormone levels just to clarify whats going on. So if this is a direct result from propecia then I would say no, you are not pretty much golden for the rest of your life. What I would say is that if this lump has been forming since I started propecia (but I only noticed it a couple of months ago), which has taken 2 1/2 years, then for it to disappear, it has taken only about 3 months, which seems abit weird.
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