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  1. Hi, Just wanted to share my exactly 4 months fue post op. The hair is growing, not balanced yet but there is growth. Also since 3 weeks I notice hair is getting ticker and darker. 4 months, I am not expecting anything yet as they say after 6 months one should be satisfied with their hair. Donor area is clean (no sign of ht). I do get 1 or 2 pimples once in a while. I don't wear hat, people do ask me how come I got hair now as I was bald on top. so far I am happy about the progress. I am not on any special hair growth boost medication or any special shampoo. Good diet and natural shampoo is doing the job for me.
  2. At 1 month I had bad patchy donor, thin hair all over, sore, full of pimples and on top of it I had pain in the donor area. It was driving me mad from itching. I panicked and start emailing the surgeon, my gp, friends who done HT and I was for days on the internet going through forums. Everyone was telling me that it will get better in couple of months but because I was worrying badly it was hard to believe. They were right you know, now at 3 months I got my normal donor density back and no signs of HT. I don't have patchy spots anymore on the sides. In my whole donor area I have only 2 pimples which is very normal (used to be really a lot)...I hated it. Now I enjoy the feeling that I will not be bold anymore as I was before. If you want good results and good feeling then you should only do this: be positive, be patient and keep the donor and recipient area very clean. p.s. I don't use anything like propecia or regaine. Just letting it grow naturally. I am frightened by the side-affects
  3. baldtoo, its very normal to have all kind of doubts and questions after the HT as everything comes as surprise and for everything different results or recovery progress. I had the same doubt and questions as you have, regretting and all kind of things but now 3 months post op I am happy I have done HT even though its very early days to see good results. I am sure you will feel just fine after couple of months. Remember, stress and thinking negative all the time can affect your hair growth and can make your existing hair fall out much more and much quicker...so try to be relax about it. You will be fine and happy about your HT.
  4. Hi It was in april 2013. I will try to upload some in the coming days. In the mean time i have only this pic in below post http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/171302-2-months-3-weeks-post-op-fue.html
  5. I stayed at MyRose Hotel, it was very clean and relax. Great breakfast. The hotel is located in a busy area so you won't get bored. Its just 10 minutes away from Taksim Square where you can really enjoy yourself. p.s. I had really good support and bundles of information from @UK43. I am still in contact with him after my HT. Made the whole process very easy.
  6. Thanks, I have been checking your thread, great result by the look of it.
  7. Hi all just wanted to share my 2 months 3 weeks progress pic. Sorry I have a very bad camera so the quality isn't great. the left pic is 1 hour before the surgery. I keep my hair much shorter now. I see many new hair all over the place, some of them all long but weak yet. I didn't shed that much hair. ignore the hair line on the left pic, I was experimenting So far I am happy with the results as its really very early days, not expecting anything more than this at the moment. I will post a pic on the 5th month. regards
  8. @UK43 Great result so far. No sign of HT, looks very natural.
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