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Posts posted by fueonly

  1. dr charles is absolutely right dr charles i always said if you read my post

    lot of patients cant afford HT in US and if they do they have to go for more sessions and as their loss is so much they need more grafts

    Dr charles i said dr bhati bcz their are other surgeons too in india

    what i like is bhati has posted lot of results and lot lot of people from US are going to bhati

    he got lot of patients from this HT forum

    dr charles you should be proUd of US and i am sure you are bcz i always say MOST research and advancement has its invention in US

    as far i think india has surgeons like bhati but if you see india is trying to develop and it is because of western influences.

    Western influence is very instrumental in getting india and other countries also move forward with time and advancement

  2. depends on who is your surgeon

    i would say its a very artistic and creative work in hands of very few skilled HT surgeon

    some with even 3000 graft cannot give or acheive which skilled surgeon with 1500 grafts can give coverage.

    Its a very skilled surgeon expertise and his creativity and artistry

    remember HT is not cup of everyones tea

  3. can you tell who did your surgery and do you have just post op pic.

    That will let us know whether you got grafts only in hairline and midscalp and crown or just hairline and midscalp.So far in this light and period of months you mentioned growth is good.

    I would like to see the post op pic to know where grafts were placed and how far it was spreaded .

  4. I say its my opinion. I wont contradict people mentioning their point of view.

    Sudhir time will tell you whether it is reversible or not. I would say take a close up photo of your entire scalp now and take after 6 months then after 10 months then after 12 months.I think by that time you will see your results of HT. At that time you can gauge the difference if any and you will know whether you had shock loss or not.

  5. who was your HT surgeon

    i would recommend you to not zero but 1 cut(use machine trimmer) and start applying nizoral if you have flake or itchy scalp or dandruff twice a week after 6 week from HT

    Make sure you do zero but 1 cut(use machine trimmer) entire scalp bcz i ahve seen in more then two person

    they had tremendous hairloss with shock loss same like you but after zero cut it was under control not totally averted but slowed down i would tell you to 1 cut

    make sure when you do 1 cut be very gentle on scalp

    i would say go to barber and get it done

    shockloss will make your appearence very dull and your confidence will drip

    hair is confidence thats why we undergo HT and our self esteem boost

  6. janna i think you are confused i was not refered to H and w nor zering.

    kasia said on phone about someone in illinois i am not sure.

    kasia was very good in speaking and she has thorough knowledge of smp.

    I would say she was very optimistic initially then may be because of pregnancy i will give benfit of doubt she back out.

    I nevr meant to offend you janna.

    I already mentioned shapiro clinic is known for HT

    if you see my all posting everywhere i mention shapiro for hairline

    so janna as shapiro has tackle that shortcoming of fading sooner then later by new machine.

    Is it that shapiro clinc is now doing smp on day to day basis.

    arrie please post your recent pic and i will appreciate it.

  7. sudhir i am sorry for your shock loss. this is something which could be minimize by surgeon with good skills and expertise but it cannot be averted.

    I am not commenting on your surgeon. its a procedure of HT where shock loss happens.

    some people have more and some people have less it avries with individual scalp and hair roots also.

    I know its very stressing but I would suggest you to wait and watch give like complete 12 months fro day of surgery so u will know the actual picture.

    can u post your close up pic of before surgery and after surgery and now pic of that exact area close up view where u think u r having shock loss.

  8. cant decide is right janna this is HT network

    i called clinic like 7 times then spoke with kasia she first said august then she said sep and now she is saying find another clinic and she is promoting other clinic which is not recommended on HT network.if you guys dont do SMP you should be straight bcz shapiro has good name when it comes to HT.


    Janna i ask you smp and you told me ask on different thread

    Janna this is HT network very transparent and very impartial

    Janna please reply

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