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Posts posted by fueonly

  1. dr umar is reading each and everypost i am sure here and as someone said how can people say about dr umar if they have never been on his surgical chair

    wait and watch for experience from people who sat in dr umar chair and know that what kind of scarring he gives while plucking hair from beard with so called ugraft(mega session)

    so one thing is obvious dr umar drugs patient to pass out right before surgery during surgery and persons wakes up only after he is done with surgery

    i have read on other forums people has undergone umar for 3 days surgey and everyday they pass out before and wake up just before leaving the clinic

    that thins is just sidelined by saying who wants to know what he is doing right before or during the surgery

    hairguy came out and posted pic and all other info as we users have ask him till date

    now we are butchering hairguy by accusing him of malicious intent to defame dr umar and some doc from georgia is staging entire thing.

  2. wylie thanks for reading my post. please keep it up

    I always said bhati is cheapest 1$pergraft fue including body hair.

    I dont work for bhati or anyone in fact i knew bhati thru this forum

    wylie if you have anything against dr bhati i would say that is none of my business.

    dr umar beard pic i am waiting when will umar post his ugraft new patient pic.

    If it is large beard graft session i am curious to see and look.

  3. Stay away from the FUE surgeon in Sydney, I would go into further detail but he just does not present the results and skills that are found in Turkey, Belgium and the UK. Dr Erdogan and Hakan charge 2.5EURO and 2EURO respectively and are among THE BEST FUE surgeons in the whole world. That is cheaper than some North American strip doctors!




    Revamped Advantages/Disadvantages of FUE. Myths dispelled. Educate yourself


    Everything FUE. Manual, motorized, ARTAS, NeoGraft, physician details and more


    What can FUE do? Norwood 1-6 examples, scar repair, crown work, eyebrows, hairlines etc


    Hair Transplant Basics. Must read. Constantly updated. Content loaded.


  4. mickey85 i am also a member like you on this forum

    I have right to ask questions and pic if patient or doctor can.

    I inject dr bhati thats not true i just say peple who cnat afford fue at rate of 6 , 7, per graft can have it done at 1$ per graft by bhati.

    mickey thank for reply and i am glad you are reading my post

    if you see my post i recommend dr mwamba,hasson and wong ,konoir,some turkish doctors,bisanga and sorry if miss some more names as then list will go long

    dr umar giving excess medication thru nurse das and then making sign paper work to absolve his clinic and other concerns of pic below jawline are genuine concern.

    mickey if i offended you i did not mean to i am just asking questions on this forum as i feel and answer the post where patients ask for fedback

    if you lookn carefully we are here on forum

    mickey one more news just spoke to dr nigam and pretty much excited to hear about dr mwamba validation on dr nigams tecniq

    i express my opinion in general

  5. wylie i am glad to read my replis and on all thread

    umar issue here is of sedatives and hairline

    wait and watch let him post some big mega session beard hair to scalp patient and then

    you will see my contribution again and if you read carefully hairguy already replied me yes fue u r right nurse gave hairguy sedatives the moment u walk in clinic after putting disposable cloth and umar said no he gave him that after discussing hairline

    hairguy did not went away he came back and replied

    someones personel info should be personel


    umar takes ur pic when u r pass out he design the sketch on patients mid scalp frontal ,vertex or whereever he is going to fill the hair

    he makes patient pass out bcz he does not want patient to know what he is doing

    if you are doing nothing wrong why u want patient to pass out.making marks on midscalp,hairline and vertex he can do when patient is awake

    all doctors here you ask them they will reply what tools they use or are going to use

  6. greatjob I know what I am saying. You will see this is not umars first time

    you will see how many cases are now coming up .

    this a a breaking of silence by hairguy

    why dont you go and find out contact medical boards of different stae and see doctor striped of licenses in US who were naturalized citizen and GC holder what happen to them.

    I said this is opinion in general

  7. I would say this happened in US. I have said multiple times in US doctor cannot get away with medical negligence or giving sedatives that too without consent. It is a matter of time that doesn't matter doctor have been doing this from a long time.Today or tomorrow "noone can fool all the people all the time"'

    Hairguy is going to take appropiate actions as he feels justified.I was wondering one more thing 8$per graft how much HT cost in Nigeria.

    In US their is very strict rules and regulation for medical board and once you are not born US citizen. Doesn't matter if you are naturalized citizen they take your licence and after good good time of jail time they revoked your citizenship and send you back home.

    Do the google search on naturalized US doctors getting deported.

    It is my opinion on research and I am not saying about doctor here just in general

  8. concern here is not only hairguy complaining about results why dr umar gives so much of medicine and why he make patient pass out

    nurse gives oral sedatives and then dr umar talks about hair line and then says that patient goes to other doctor.

    I would say if hairguy was wrong about anything he would have never came back after bill has locked the thread but thanks to bill that he listen to both sides and he has open the thread

    Hair guy is posting pic and he has reasoning to his concerns.I have been saying this before also when i read on other forum and brought this issue here why DR UMAR GIVES SO MUCH OF SEDATIVES.hair guy can you tell me one more thing does dr umar gives preop picture right after surgeryr he keeps it with himself and gives at later stage. i have read that after surgery he does not come on phone at all and ask patient to contact him by email only. he replies to his mail not same day sometime after many days. o. I am curious to know.

  9. dr bhatti charges 1$ pergraft including body hair FUE

    he gives discount on 3000 plus graft

    return ticket to india from us you can get in less then 850$ or 800$ if booked months in advance

    I think from europe it might be more cheap i dont know where in europe you are

    Its my opinion I dont work for anybody

    It was discussion about so cheap so i posted

    Bhatti is the cheap cheap cheap cheap cheapesssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    in the world.

    see his results on this forum and on google

  10. MINOXIDIL (active ingredient in rogaine) does in fact cause sexual side effects.




    Minoxidil is a vascular dilator. During a normal erection, the tunica and base of penis is constricted in a way not to allow blood to flow out. Minoxidil causes blood not to be able to stay in penis because it dilates the base of penis. This results in impotence or temporary erectile dysfunction.




    -Source : I am a Urologist with over 11 years of experience.



    Check others experience here

    Does Minoxidil for hair loss cause sexual side effects? | Hair Loss Q & A



    Does Minoxidil for hair loss cause sexual side effects? | Hair Loss Q & A




    Asker's Rating:rating-4.gifAsker's Comment:Hey since you are a urologist I just wanted to now if these symptoms are temporary or permanent. Since im only 19 I dont want to lose my sex drive. Ive thrown my minoxin out never to use it again.

  11. Nice reply spanker.

    I have read here on HT networl many people have impact on erection while on minoxidil

    apart from these if you just google see how many other forums and blogs say about people experiencing sexual side effeects after applying minoxidil

    Read my post carefull i said many not all

    iT varies


    Its my opinion I am not doctor

    spanker thanks a lot that you always read my post and replies

    Please keep it up

  12. to calgacus, stuart

    clear cut not one but many many peole i have came across who have been effected by yes yes yes minoxidil

    stuart you should read carefully all post on HT network and calculate how many people have said stuart please go and check the post or if you want ask moderators on forum they will send you

    minoxidil impacts libido, sex drive and so called sex life whic is very imp

  13. after seeing this pic i would say good job and i would wait atleast till 6 months mark and then 8 then 10 then 12 months to get atleast 80% of growth.

    Can you post post op pic of current date the one which you posted of current iis an very dark shade

    can you take it in good light and post so it will help to gauge how hairs are growing

  14. if you are in india just go to dr bhati he does fue

    cheapest and cheapest not only in india but all around on this planet

    you can see his results on this forum

    HT realy has help lot of people and you can take advantage of it too

    remember you have to tell dr bhati that he should be careful in filling temple points

    i have seen his work here on forum but just he need to refine in hairlines including temple points

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