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Everything posted by harryforreal

  1. DON'T DO IT! YOUR HAIRLINE LOOKS GREAT! What's more, I am 43 and was basically in your shoes 2 years ago. Doc told me "Propecia won't help that. Only option for you is 1000 grafts." I went with his suggestion, and his suggestion to lower the hairline a little bit (I only wanted it thickened up a bit). 16 months later it looks awful. I literally sat at work today with chest pains all day long thinking how bad it looked. I slept virtually none last night. Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it....This industry is sick.
  2. Thanks, Bill, this is what I wanted to know before speaking to him. I've been very confused and uncertain by the appearance of my HT, and the topic as it was presented here finally has given me clarity with regards to "typical technique" of physicians recommended by this website. I will do as you have directed and create a separate topic, as I would like more input from community members (including comments from photos). I am not interested in naming my physician at this time - just want a better of understanding of the process I have undergone. Thank you very much for this forum. Sincerely, harryforreal
  3. The doc who did my HT is a recommended doc on this site. I have 2's all the way across the front of my hairline interspersed with 1's and maybe a 3 or 4 at the very front! I had just over 1000 FUE graphs almost 16 months ago. I found myself constantly saying "It looks so pluggy!" but since people say "Wait up to 18 months before coming to a conclusion" I've tried to hold off on passing judgement. However, as I continue to come across hairline pictures that look very refined and natural, and then read they are done with all 1's, I'm wondering why a recommended doc on this site would use so many 2's all the way across. I'm really at a loss for words... :confused:
  4. I am wanting to know about placing soley 1's in front as the Shapiro team advocates on there site: Recipient Sites Is there any good reason a HT doc would transplant 2's in the front along the hairline?
  5. Fantastic summation - wish I had seen something like this before my HT so I would have known what to ask the HT doc. As is I went it quite blindly and now I'm trying to evaluate it all post op... I'm especially interested in the bit about single hairs being used in the frontal area. I have single and doubles - it looks a bit pluggy to me. Wondering why a HT surgeon would put graphs of more than one hair at the front of the hair line. Is there any reason to do so with today's modern techniques? I had FUE done, btw, a little over 1000.
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