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Posts posted by abcd0000

  1. You may not be able to get your teenage hair back. But I am sure you will be able improve your condition a LOT with FUE. Why do I say this?


    Here are a few reasons:


    Reason 1:



    Reason 2:



    Reason 3:



    ... and the list goes on and on...!


    Dr. Tejinder Bhatti is the best FUE doctor in India.


    Good luck!


    Wow, I'm the primary example :P


    Yes, I was going to say--you have more hair now than I had pre-op, there is definitely hope! Just be realistic and do your research. Good luck!

  2. What do you guys do about direct questions from people you'd rather not tell? I once said I used medications (distant family member). On another occasion I just said I had a minor procedure (an acquaintance, but a nice guy).


    The thing was, I didn't want to see HT as a stigma. Should I better not risk it and just tell I'm on meds? I now regret telling anyone except my closest family and friends.

  3. Alright, you did your surgery, the hair grew in, you learned how to apply concealers and suddenly you went from "horseshoe NW7" to "not-bald-anymore." Your friends and family are supportive. You look in the mirror and you are very happy. And then you realize you'll need to meet old professional acquaintances, distant relatives or high school friends (who saw your Facebook pictures) and to appear in front of them with your newly acquired hair. What do you do?


    I chose this time of my life to do HT because I was moving from one phase to another, leaving from the place I was living and I figured out the new people I meet will not know me without hair. I never thought through the old Facebook images and generally my bald life ( :) ) and how drastic the change will be :eek:


    Advise, please :confused:

  4. I've been through the Turkish airport control with my hat on--just tell them you had a minor surgery. I even overheard ladies at the desk saying to each other "sach ekim" (hair transplant), but they didn't look judgmental and anyway who cares.


    One thing is for sure: you'll be drowsy from the anesthetics and in a post-op shock and it is not a good idea to drive in such condition. Plane + cab is the way to go.

  5. Dermmatch is basically a paint for the scalp. Unless you have enough hair to mix with it and cover it, the result will be very unnatural and visible. Nanogen also needs hairs to attach to, otherwise it falls through to the scalp and looks like ugly spots of dirt.


    People tend to be overly positive when they use concealers, and unfortunately they often don't realize that 1) the use of concealers must be very discrete to be effective 2) other people are generally very judgmental when they notice makeup in your hair. I'd say it bears a greater stigma than a hairpiece.


    IMO one month post op you'd be better off to just go out without wearing anything than to use concealers. That said, you can of course get some and experiment a bit and see for yourself.

  6. abcd0000, on 08-03-2013 you said: "There was also another patient at the clinic in another room." Please have a look here

    What I meant was, I can't tell if each technician worked only on me, i.e., whether they split in two teams or the team moves between the patients. Yes there was another guy, Dr. Maral told me they can accommodate up to three patients per day. Glad that you read my posts so carefully ;)

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