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Everything posted by ajax5050

  1. I am considering get a FUE done by dr Poon. has anybody ever heard of him or have had work done by him? he is located in Toronto. I will be having an FUE done in the near future likley in Toronto....can anybody else reccomend any good dr's......thanks.
  2. sorry about the huge pick, I'm not pc friendly but that should give you a good idea of what my prob is.
  3. The funny thing is my HT surgeon was't the person who "consulted" me, in hindsight he must have been more of a salesmen. I will post picks to get your opinion if FUE can work for me. thanks for the response.
  4. I kind of have the same question, I had a Stip taken out about 8yrs ago but got only about 1100 graphs, so I don't have alot of density yet need alot more hair to finish what was started yrs ago. Is FUE an realistic option for me?
  5. I have had FUT but didn't have enough donor hairs with my "patch" that was taken out. I managed about 1100 graphs and this was about 8 years ago when I was 28. I still had hair on top but the only thing my HT did was make a 3/4 inch wide hairline. I had enough overall hair to get bsic coverage back then but now it has gotten more thin and that "hair line" I basically had transplanted is almost visable now. my scar from it isn't that bad and hasn't really been noticed by anybody nor has my TP hair. I am new to this site and the first I heard of FUE I'm also wondering if it's a possibility for me. And mirza7 my advice is to get multuple opinions because when I got my HT done the doctors never told me that all I would be getting was a "hairline" because my donor hair wasn't dense enough. If I knew that I would not have done what I did. Because now I can't shave it because I have a scar on the back but yet also have a dense hairline compared to the rest of my thinning hair so it would look stupid and would be noticeable. Any advice would be appreciated as well.
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