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Posts posted by superdudeo

  1. Thanks for the reply. I haven't looked into the prices yet. I just know that Belgium has the best surgeons in Europe and I do not want to leave Europe for this.


    I will speak to them as they may give some different opinions to the others. I want FUT as it is the best surgery type, simply (don't want this to turn into FUT vs FUE).


    Dr. de Reyes also does everything himself. He only does FUE though. He is also cheap and used to be recommended by this site.


    What is that about the 21% VAT?


    I think De De Reys uses his wife in some placement of grafts so I'm not sure that is 100% accurate. But you're right, he only does FUE which is why I might have to exclude him.


    I think Dr Lupanzula won an award recently. I think one thing's for sure, Lupanzula and Bisanga are both extremely good surgeons that most people wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

  2. Hey Trix,


    I am in a similar position to yourself and have only just started considering FUT. One thing I will say is that people like Bisanga don't seem to like taking on challenging cases and I am assuming you are a challenging case if you're considering FUT?


    Does not like challenging cases?


    I think I was probably one of the most challenging for any Doctor, and Doctor Bisanga took my repair on with excellent results. 3800 beard into strip scars pictures below. No scarring or trace of extraction on my face.




    Hi Ej,


    Have you got an experience posted on this site? I would be interested in looking at it.


    I don't think what I have said is outside of common knowledge. Bisanga is well known for only taking on cases where they can get a really good result. That's not criticism but it can deter some people who don't consult other surgeries. Not everyone can get a hollywood result.

  3. Superdudeo, if the surgeon is proficient with trichophytic closure, that should help minimize the FUT scar.


    Hey, thanks for the info.


    I was just looking up this trichophytic closure. Is it something that would be clearly advertised by the surgeon website do you think? I can't see it on the surgeon I am thinking of going with. It looks like something I'd want though!

  4. In no way is Fut outdated today, it comes down to supply and demand. If you have the supply to keep up with your loss demand then either avenue is available to you. If your demand pushes the limits of your supply then fut is the best option. The tougher the case you are the better the fut option becomes for you ie, If you're a high nw, if you're the type with extremely kinky curly hair which may be a tougher fue extraction and so on. Most top fut doctors have gotten the scar down to as small as it can get but your own physiology and your post op recovery will dictate if there will be stretching and then you'll just have to see if a 2.5 grade will cover it, you can usually fade below the scar and get some sort of compromise but over the scar itself it is possible you may have to go a little higher but again maybe not. If you're already at a 2.5 grade, then going to a 3 or 4 isn't the end of the world if it means a full head of hair or better head of hair, so make the choice based on which route allows you to get the hair you want.


    Thanks for your input, I feel a bit more reassured. You're right, I will have to compromise with a slightly higher grade but that's doable and I might even be lucky at 2.5. I am a challenging case so I think I will have to go with what gives me the best donation which will be FUT. I keep having the image of that long cut with the staples in and it puts me off, guess I need to find the courage.

  5. I think that the modern hairstyle fashions of the past 20 years have aided the popularity of FUE. Whereas, if we were all sporting 1970's Hair Helmets, no one would really care.


    Are you a Vanilla Ice or a .38 Special? It all comes down to personal style preference.


    When long hair is the fashion again, FUT will reign...


    Yes true, I guess my biggest concern is not that I won't be able to conceal the scar now (I'll just go to a grade 3 or 4) but that I get to the age of 60, 70 or 80 and my hair thins out. What then?

  6. I've never considered FUT for the same reasons most people state but considering I am a challenging case and more hair can be taken with FUT, it is something I am now having to take seriously.


    Only thing is I normally have my hair at the back at around 2.5 grade and I think the scar will be visible still.


    Is FUT outdated in 2018 or am I being a bit precious?

  7. Thanks. I have seen excellent recommendations from other surgeons for Dr. Feriduni on here from US surgeons (Feller and Bloxham for example) as well as in other forums. Dr. Devroye is a bit strange. The results I have seen are good though! Hence the consultations. Thanks again!


    Hey Trix,


    I am in a similar position to yourself and have only just started considering FUT. One thing I will say is that people like Bisanga don't seem to like taking on challenging cases and I am assuming you are a challenging case if you're considering FUT?


    Lupanzula is heading to London next month, I have already booked an appointment with him. Just an FYI. I think he's the only surgeon in Belgium who still does all the work himself.


    Also, if you're heading to Belgium to save a few pennies then I don't see a massive gap these days once the 21% VAT has been added. Just something to consider.

  8. Just a couple of days past 4.5 months, I wish I'd not buzz it down and just let it grow out from before.


    Getting a bit worried, I know there is hair coming but it's patchy in places.


    This is the worst depressing time ever :(


    Chillax man, Saifi is highly respected within his field. I'm sure your result will be great.

  9. Not when you get permanent side affects .


    I wouldn't call it crazy for Saifi to not recommend a drug that you can get side affects at any time.


    I took it for 2 years no problems but suddenly got side affects. Now 5 months off I still have very bad ED,


    Yeah, don't let anyone tell you fin side effects are not serious. I've almost got over the sides from a single dosage of less than 0.5mg 18 months ago. I still can't believe there are people taking it for decades.

  10. I think he is conservative. My yield on the right side hasn't been great. At 13 months, i;m not hoping of much improvement. Not sure about a second round yet, but won't rule it out. It's a definite improvement on before the op. I think my result was stronger around 7-8 months. I had sides on fin, within days of taking it, so stopped it.


    Ant chance we can get some pics Dolph? I had my op booked with Dr Saifi in November but had to cancel due to family probs, it was a cancellation itself but I'm sure he managed to fill it. He's a popular guy.

  11. I believe it is still quite a bit cheaper. Feriduni works out at about 5 euro per graft (including the tax), as opposed to the 7,50 sterling for Reddy quoted by the OP. I am under the impression Bisanga, Lupanzula, and Devroye are a bit less still. With Reddy you are covering his overheads for the fancy clinic on Harley St.


    I don't think most people use Reddy in London when they discover they can save 1000's by going to solihull. Therefore british surgeons are around the 5 pound per graft level. There's really not that much in it these days with the pound being weak.

  12. Hi Superdudeo ,


    Really surprised at your response as I also had a consultation with Dr Reddy this year and found him to be a gentleman (new to forums so please bare with me everyone due to this, after having my hair transplant and then finding this forum I have enjoyed reading other peoples experiences as I go through mine ☺).


    I was quite nervous before my appointment (which was not rushed and I left understanding all I wanted and needed to know) but after meeting Dr Reddy and after getting my long list of questions answered and after he explained the process; I knew he was the only surgeon I would be happy doing my Hair Transplant.


    I felt at the time when meeting Dr Reddy he was honest and is someone who will understate his work and then over deliver with the results; at nearly 7 weeks post op I could not be happier with everything so far.


    Also could not be happier with the consultation I had before my op, the op itself and the two follow up appointments I had after my op, Dr Reddy really is the gentleman I thought him to be and the rest of the team who have worked for him for many years are amazing.


    I judged Dr Reddy on his passed results, his honest approach, the fact the transplant would not be rushed (2150 grafts over two full 10 hour days) the experience of the team that helped Dr Reddy carryout my transplant (and the fact they have worked together for so many years meant a lot).


    I would be more than happy to answer any questions or give more details on my experience so far at seven weeks please let me know (I am a norwood 5a I believe, I am pretty much bald on top and grafts went into the front and mid section which was completely bald).


    I don't doubt his results, that's why I went for a consultation. I don't think he asked me a single question and only after I asked did he draw a hairline for me. That's the only time he touched my head. Didn't ask family questions, didn't look at my donor area, I could go on. Nothing.


    After looking at a few older threads, it seems this experience is not isolated and I personally don't feel a recommended surgeon on this site should be that - recommended.

  13. Hi Shacked I’m thinking of using Dr Raghu Reddy also so it’s been good to read your posts.


    I have more frontal thinning and general thin hair rather than the crown area , do you still feel prop is worth starting ? as I am planning a ht hopefully soonish not sure on Reddys average waiting times etc


    I went to a consultation with him recently and I'm trying not to exaggerate but I found it shockingly poor. I couldn't proceed with him just based on that and I don't think he should be recommended on here.

  14. I had the same experience consulting with Dr Saiffi. He estimated 1500 grafts for density whereas Dr Yaman estimated 4000. Massive difference. Dr Villnow is in the middle at 2800 grafts.


    Also see what the level of consultation is like. If it feels personal and detailed and your questions are answered you may get a good feel from them.


    As I have consulted with many doctors and for me personally I have found some pros and cons with all of them. Remember these are just my personal views from consultations and research


    Dr De Reys:


    pros- good location, very personal and not technician based (his wife is his assistant), very good reputation online, pricing very reasonable


    Cons - conservative approach if looking for a significant procedure, surgery will take a very long time as he does not have a large team (also a pro depends how you look at it) Not too many recent cases on the forums, a lot of them are from around 2014.


    Dr Villnow - pros: very experienced, not technician based, very good level of consultation and understanding, online cases look very good,


    Cons: not very much of his work online, price is slightly higher than many of the Turkish doctors,


    Dr Hakan Dogonay- pros: price is very reasonable, has some very strong results online, appears to be improving after some poor results, was once regarded as a top class doctor


    Cons: reputation online was very bad a year ago after some poor results, communication is very short and abrupt, has been known that technicians have been doing most of the work.


    Dr Saiffi - pros: good reputation online, communication is very good he even called me to discuss my expectations. He was very confident that you do not need a high number of grafts to show density. He says it's all about angle and placement.


    Cons: personally I prefer a more aggressive approach and higher graft numbers. He wants you to use a laser comb of which I do not believe in. The waiting list is very long and also the price is slightly on the high side


    Dr Yaman -

    pros: recommended on here. Aggressive approach to graft numbers. Price is very good for a recommended surgeon.


    Cons: is technician based, I haven't seen many full 1 year results on here as most of his results on here are very early stages. Communication is slow and I somewhat lost confidence due to the slow nature of the replies.


    Dr Cinik

    Pros: price is very very low, some good reviews on here


    Cons: is a technician clinic with every patient paying the same amount of money. Seems fairly new to the community and not many full 1 year results online.


    Dr Erdogan - pros: world renowned reputation. Amazing results and consistently amazing results posted online


    Cons: price is a touch higher than others (but still pretty good)


    Dr Bhatti (India)

    Pros: very good reputation online, price very good, a happy medium of graft estimation, does beard hair


    Cons: a few complaints online from a small number of patients. Also depending on where you live it is very hard to get a direct flight. From the UK I couldn't find a good flight from any London airport.



    I must stress this is from my own research and my own consultations.



    Some great info there Frank which has spurred me onto contacting a few clinics. I think you've been a bit harsh on Dr Saifi. He seems to be the cheapest in europe at his skill level, conservative yes but I'd prefer that than Dr Yaman who doesn't seem to plan for the future.


    The Villnow clinic is still a bit of an unknown quantity in my opinion.

  15. That all seems very strange to me and doesn't seem like a typical, thorough evaluation at all. You should be having conversations with the doctor about your own personal history with hair loss, your family history, your expectations, etc. And he should be examining your hair, looking at your donor supply, drawing possible hairlines on your head, talking about how many grafts you would need, whether he recommends FUE or Strip, how many hair transplants he predicts it all taking, and much, much more.


    Just saying, "Yeah, let's do it" doesn't seem to cut it IMO.


    Thanks for the input.


    I am 37 so he said my loss should have stabilised, no family history was brought up.


    I told him my expectations. He did draw a hairline for me after I enquired.


    No talk of FUE vs FUT.


    I am struggling to see how he could be recommended on here unless I am overreacting which I may be.

  16. So very recently I attended a consultation with the surgeon himself. I might add that this is after I sent images of myself and his representative said I wasn't a good candidate.


    I asked whether it was worth me attending to see the doctor himself and they said sure pop along as the final decision would be with the doctor.


    So I attended the consultation which lasted about 10 min. No tools or devices were used and I'm assuming the doctor made his decision from a visual perspective. He didn't touch my head.


    He said he was happy to do surgery on me. This is a surgeon that is recommended on this site.


    Does this fit into what you would expect for a HT consultation?

  17. As a newbie on here I'm trying to learn and apply a bit of common sense (or guesswork you could say).


    What I have taken from this thread wrong or right but at a guess (and will use myself) from the advice given from others is :


    1) When high on the Norwood scale (as I am also) go to a few recommended Doctors rather than email photos if possible, if there is no charge or a small charge (under ?250.00) your only really wasting your own time and with anything you learn a bit as you go picking up new questions as you go to ask I would hope.


    2) expectations, make them clear to the docs straight away and I am now in my own head doing this.


    I for myself am hoping after 2 or 3 HT; I can end up a 3V on the Norwood scale on the front and I am not going to worry about the crown and around the crown to even if it dips down; for me I'd be happy with having some hair on the front of my head again :-).


    I've belive my donor is quite good to average, my head is quite narrow in width and is medium straight hair.


    What are your expectations superdudeo?


    My expectations are to get an improvement! A restoration of my hair line would be good but I'm not expecting the world, just an improvement. The thing is, my hair type is thin which makes my case even harder to improve density.


    I have an appointment now with Dr Reddy next Saturday so we'll see what he says. Fear the worst, hope for the best.


    Here are some more of my donor area:







  18. After looking at Dr Reddy website you can't help but be impressed by the results there, out of interest the photos in the links are they the same photos you sent to Dr Reddy representative?


    Only asking as you seem (at a guess) to be quite similar to a resent patient who posted on here (he thought and was told his doner area was quite thin).




    If the photos you sent were different, showing things a little differently may be post links to those photos as well.


    Also did you mention your overall expectations to DR Reddy team?


    I think at a guess it shows a Dr who is really trying to do the best for the patient and not just after the money, have to say hats of to Dr Reddy right or wrong and as I think at a guess it shows honesty.


    I sent him the same photos but more of them. It's funny because any other feedback I've received from surgeries has not mentioned concerns of DUPA or alopecia but now you've said that I can see it myself. I'm not sure if its the lighting or just had a hair cut but I guess not!


    I've sent a reply to Reddy's PA to see if its worth me making a visit at least.


    Thanks for replying everyone, I thought my donor looked ok but from what you've said, its worse than I thought!

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