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Posts posted by james84

  1. Mickey you say you wish you never had it done, but try and remember why you had it done in the first place. I know you have had a negative outcome but you of all people know the kind of Docs are out there to help you with your situation and what can be achieved, only when you are ready. Hang in there and i really do wish you the best of luck as you have been a great help in regards to my journey of an HT.

  2. I found it really exciting and enjoyed the whole thing. The only nerves I had was about the end result - the traveling and the whole general experience was awesome.


    Relax! I'm sure things will go smoothly.


    Cheers pal, gonna try and keep a positive mind heading into this. Hopefully after the procedure i can enjoy it.

  3. I'm sort of in the same boat as you. I may be having surgery on the 24th of this month and am currently having a different set of emotions. I was on monoxidil for and finasteride for two years and I don't think that it even slowed down my hair loss. I have been off of it for about a year now. I have a meeting with Dr. Shapiro and Matt Zupan tomorrow, I hope all goes well.


    As far as the surgery though, I really can't think of anything else that I could want than a nice set of hair.


    Good luck with your meeting tomorrow, Dr Shapiro is up there with the best so i am sure you will have a positive outcome.

  4. James-


    Had the same emotion before mine. I had done ridiculous amounts of research, spoke to countless patients, and even met some patients. All of my preparation didn't prepare me for those thoughts of almost backing out.


    The night before, I remember being on the phone with my gf and telling her that I think I made a mistake and this is too vain for me. She calmly reminded me all the reasons as to why I was doing this in the first place and all the research I had done. I was going in over-prepared. That little support I got from her that night allowed me to go through with the choice to have a HT that I had made earlier.


    The anxiety was still there, the what-if questions persisted...until I was having my new hairline drawn in and the shots to numb the area. Still today, one of the best decisions I made for myself.


    Cheers for sharing your experience and i honestly believe i am to going in over-prepared, however if i get a result like yours i will be over the moon:)

  5. James,


    I can still remember how I felt immediately before all 4 hair transplant procedures. I was filled with excitement and anxiety and my head was full of questions and dreams of seeing a fuller, thicker head of hair in the mirror. I honestly was having a hard time believing it was possible, especially since I've tried a number of "snake oil" lotions and potions previously with no success.


    Your anxiety and excitement is normal. Having researched our community for a long time, I suspect you've done all the research you need to make an educated decision as to what's best for you.


    All I can say at this point is try to do what you can and calm your nerves. Use this community for support and make sure your doctor answers all your questions and addresses any concerns prior to undergoing treatment.


    I hope youll post your detailed experience and regular pictures so we can follow along with your progress :-).


    Hang in there my friend,




    Thank you for the kind words and support Bill, i think i may have even researched to much if that is possible:eek:


    My experience shall be shared from day one, to give a little bit back to the forum for what it has given me and also i think i may need the forums opinions/help going through the waiting/ugly ducking stage:)

  6. I am booked in to have my procedure in under 3 weeks time and to say i am nervous and cant sleep at night is an understatement. I keep questioning what am i doing? Will it look fake? What if the procedure fails? and many more!


    I have wanted to improve my hair loss for about 8 years, however i have tried my best to wait for as long as possible, and in this time i have researched, stuck to meds and have tried to live a healthy lifestyle and even tried the shaved look which i hated and made me feel like a different person:(


    Forward 8 years i am booked in for a procedure which i know would change my life around tenfold, that is how much hair loss has bothered me, don't get me wrong i trust my Doc and he's abilities, however the closer i get towards the procedure the more emotions i go through:confused:


    Please tell me this is normal! Advice/Experiences much appreciated guys

  7. Photos of donor hair can be deceptive. Case in point...




    Most people would say this guy has a strong donor zone as you indicated whereas I see a guy that has strong quality hair but potentially low donor density. I've seen this misinterpretation many times.


    I also think that chart talking about how many grafts one will need is way off. I mean, why would a NW1 need anything at all but the chart says 800 to 1000 grafts. What is a NW1 aspiring to?


    Jotronic why do you think this patient potentially has low donor density? Or are you just making a point that nothing is clear until a patient has a face to face consultation in regards to finding out donor density?


    The reason i ask, is to my untrained eye it seems like a strong donor so would like to know if i am missing something:confused:

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