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Everything posted by thecenturion

  1. If I were the patient here, I would ask for some more light touch-up work along the hairline. It's not absolutely 100% to a trained eye. But, just to be nit-picky: Some single and two follicle grafts would add a bit more of a natural touch. This result is excellent - undetectable to 99.99% of observers, Certainly a result anybody should be able to live and be very happy with.
  2. Botched transplants should be subject to a malpractice claim and even criminal prosecution - just like any other quack-hack who butchers someone. There are a lot of ruthless con artists out there who won't let the potential for mutilating you and wrecking your life stand in the way of an easy buck. Cosmetic surgery is an art. A medical license is no real guarantee or endorsement of their talent.
  3. It's pretty good, IMO. For me, what separates the artists from the hacks is the hairline. A poorly executed hairline can make a hair transplant look more like a wig than a wig.
  4. I wouldn't trust this clown to remove a hang-nail. It used to be laser beams Now he's into robots - hi techie BS to dazzle the suckers into feeling no pain before they realize they got royally screwed by him and his con-artist ring-master, John. In my opinion, these idiots are no different than a couple of muggers, only they use a scalpel instead of a gun. My bet is the only thing they've ever successfully transplanted is cash from their victims' bank accounts into their own... for nothing. If you go here, a year later you WILL end up looking just like Markou himself and Vin Diesel from the neck up. , LMAO Gotta love it. Guess why Markou is the only "physician" in Tampa Bay offering his "techniques". Think about it. It's because the others are afraid of losing their license.
  5. I got the Frankenstein Procedure in the Beverly Hills office of Mayer and Fleming in 1982. In those days, it was thought way better than the transplant route which was still rather primitive and unsightly. If you had really thick hair, like mine, you could maneuver things in a way that mainly concealed the weirdo Barbie Doll hairline - which looked more like a hairpiece than an actual hairpiece. But, with a little spray and enough hair in proximity to the flap, it could all look essentially normal, overall. I refused to get the follow up flap procedure which replaced a balding crown with the other side of the scalp. Mayer tried to sell me on that and I might have gone through with it. But the pain and misery - which are severe - from the first procedure deterred me from going there.. thank God. This was sold as an outpatient procedure; but it shouldn't be. It's definitely major surgery. It should require a mandatory night in the hospital - at the very least - and maybe two. And after that, you end up with a huge bump on the side of your head from the scalp being rearranged and has to be resolved with more surgery a few weeks later. Meanwhile, you look like a friggin sideshow freak or cancer patient with a tumor on your head. Nice. Flash forward 30 years. A lot more hair has gone kaput and there's a lot more real estate exposed - but on the crown and sides. Plus, there's always been a weird bump on the back of my head near the neckline which has bugged me ever since. So, as a veteran of every Frankenstein procedure in the books - including the famous "Doctor" Underwood Synthetic Implants horror show in the 70s ( a major criminal med scam and worthy of a place in the Medical Malpractice Hall Of Fame. ) Bottom Line: Anyone thinking about getting a Flap Job should get their head examined by a competent psychologist first before even thinking about surgery at a hair transplant mill.
  6. I don't understand why there's not some real teeth in the laws regulating hair transplant surgeons. Medical professionals are expected to have earned the special position of trust that they enjoy in their communities. But, sadly, some of these "doctors" are nothing more than muggers who use a scalpel instead of a gun. They get away with that because the results of cosmetic procedures are subjective and open to judgment calls from beginning to end. And hair transplantation is especially conducive to an artistic interpretation. . However, it's one thing when some con artist lies though their teeth to drain your bank account. But, it's quite another when someone - not only uses human desperation and pain as leverage to influence the victim - but then leaves them mutilated with life-long damage. You can make money to recover from a common financial scam. But you can't grow another scalp or recover from scars left by some monster who sees other human beings as nothing but pieces of meat to deceive, exploit and then throw to the side when they're finished . This is a real atrocity that rivals the worst crimes - on the same level as an aggravated assault, rape or other outrageous violation. If it can be demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that a surgeon misrepresented and/or defrauded victims, all they currently face is a possible reprimand from a medical board or civil arbitration procedure. This is really a bloody joke. These vampires should get some good hard prison time in a tough prison - like 30 years in the slammer. My guess is if that were the case, we'd be seeing fewer sad stories from victims on forums like this.
  7. LOL>. I got worked over by Markou and his Con Artist Salesman John about 5 years ago. They were selling the Laser Beam BS that supposedly was a shit-wow innovation in the hair restoration biz. The selling point was that it resulted in a "less detectable" result. To be honest: I guess there was a grain of truth in that claim... since any new hair growth whatsoever that ever resulted was completely undetectable. The bottom line: What's really undetectable is how this clown manages to hang onto his license to practice medicine... or stay out of jail for that matter.
  8. LOL>. I got worked over by Markou and his Con Artist Salesman John about 5 years ago. They were selling the Laser Beam BS that supposedly was a shit-wow innovation in the hair restoration biz. The selling point was that it resulted in a "less detectable" result. To be honest: I guess there was a grain of truth in that claim... since any new hair growth whatsoever that ever resulted was completely undetectable. The bottom line: What's really undetectable is how this clown manages to hang onto his license to practice medicine... or stay out of jail for that matter.
  9. My advice is: Steer clear of Satino and his little Igor, "'Doctor" Markou. The scam here is the old "laser beam" myth along with a real ow-ball quote on the grafts. I had MORE hair before these clowns got me into the chair.
  10. Looks like this guy is nothing but a criminal with a medical license, in my opinion. I've been down the pike with all of these hair restoration "procedures" and learned one thing a long time ago: Just because the guy is wearing a white smock doesn't make him any less of a liar and con artist. This industry needs a lot more regulation - like serious jail time for these con artists who use a scalpel in their crimes.
  11. Haha.. You mean "Cloient" Sperling was an ever present and ubiquitous icon of late night TV advertising in New York for decades. I wonder if he's still around since I no longer live there. I was one of his first victi... um "Cloients" back in the early 70s. The only thing undetectable about Sy's product is how he managed to stay out of jail or escape being beaten to a pulp by his "Cloients".. It simply was a cheesy rug that looked more like a dead muskrat than a natural head of hair attached by tying the thing your fringe. After a few days his piece of super pricey garbage would begin to rot as your scalp turned into a festering swamp underneath. It would stink so bad that you couldn't sleep.. Forget about sleeping with the hot sexy babes Sy would liberally feature in his ad blitz - always fawning over some dude who obviously wasn't one of Sy's "Cloients" in real life.
  12. This is interesting.. in a morbid way. I just happened to find this site by doing a search on transplants. I went through Markou' and his pal John's lame procedure a few years ago. John is the sales department and the guy who does all the talking. I've seen every hair restoration scam out there and been through most of them, from Don Lee in New York 35 years ago, Dr. Underwood - the fake medico who mutilated people with the implant scam - to this latest smoke and mirrors BS with "lasers" at Clearwater Hair & Scalp. Trust me. When these vampires talk about scalp, they have something entirely different in mind than treating your hair loss. This place is standard operating scam procedure - real low-ball price on the grafts to sucker you in with the added sizzle of shooting holes in your head with a Laser Beam... Way cool eh? I mean, anytime a laser is involved it just has to be real Jetsons Hi-Tech stuff guaranteed to blow your mind.....right? Wrong. Very wrong. Frankly, I would have gotten better results rubbing tree bark on my head because I could have taken a vacation with the money and relaxed instead of wasting my time and money with Markou and his con artist salesman's BS. Of course, the pain and suffering I endured from yet another friggin hair restoration scam is the main damage. These low-life bastards should be tarred, feathered and lynched while their victims use laser beams to cut their balls off.
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