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Blog Comments posted by sharan9895

  1. Great Transformation Bill.... Since you have underwent multiple procedures kindly give me an opinion


    I have a Norwood 3 Balding pattern.... Everyone in my family do.... Starts balding young and then stays it like that.... Kinda Stupid Gene...(No balding on DAD's side)


    I am 23 and have already performed an HT of 700 Grafts -frontal 1/3rd (4 Cm of strip was taken yielding 320 grafts) and remaining FUE.. A total of 16 sq cm has been covered....


    Once the pattern is complete (might take 5 years from now i assume ) i would have 51 sq cm to be covered (Measured with graph paper) requiring at least 2500 grafts....


    I am now confused.... What should i do....


    1) Wait till the balding process is complete?? (Would have to excise a new strip since i wont get another 2500 from previous strip scar)

    2) Do another two 1500 grafts sessions as and when required... (First 1500 strip removing the existing 4 cm scar and later another new 1500 strip)


    I Don't mind having multiple strip scars at the back as i keep my hair atleast 7 cm in length


    What is your opinion... Which approach would be ideal??


    P.S : There are no Advanced balding classes in our Family....



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