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Posts posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. No offense but why is that little tuft of hair brushed forward partially covering the hairline on both side shots? Ive seen too many doctors post op photos with that little tuft making an appearance.

    I don't mean to be rude but if your gonna show post op shots, I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say we want the truth, and nothing but the truth.


    Also what is that big empty spot on his right side?......grrr


    This (HT's) only works temporarily, as with the passing years the hair around the transplanted hair will go, there will eventually not be much hair left to transplant from, and the areas the transplanted hair was taken from will become bald revealing the many scars from the hair plugs removed
    Ouch! I often wonder what my hair will look like 10-15 years from now if I go through with a hair transplant. Do other people who have had some years living with a HT share this experience?
  3. I have noticed the same. That little tuft of hair coming forward just over the side of hairline in a "modern" cut. I always wondered how some clinics got away with those post op shots. I like the photos by patients. Much more honest. Just looking through the "photo album" on this site you get some real honest shots taken by patients.

  4. Is there a definition for what a megasession is now? What number are we looking at to consider it that?


    Hi Spanker, I was thinking 2000-2500+ could be considered a "Mega session".


    From what Ive been reading more people are taking the option of around 1,500 in one session then an 8 month wait for the rest (3000 for instance).

    It seems that sometimes that splitting a big session over 2 days back to back is just too much trauma for the scalp and the yield is compromised.

  5. Hi Beaverbuzz,

    Your hair looked PERFECT before your HT. I hope you get the hair that you initially wanted but I have to ask...why did you decide to risk a surgery like this?

    I am so used to seeing guys who really NEED a transplant on here.

    You are already where most of want to be hair-wise. I would be thanking my lucky stars if I were in your shoes.

    Hope things work out.


  6. Hi Thomasc,

    You and I are pretty close in our hair loss/hair type. My advise to you is TAKE YOUR TIME. read as many posts and do as much research as you possibly can. Ive been reading up for the last few years and still learn something new on these forums every day. A HT can really be life changing and you want to be sure you get one that will make you happy. Yes there are reports from people who get bad HT's. These are also important to learn from.

    Choosing a TOP doctor is very important. Knowing what you're doing going in is also very important, and then it seems there is the luck of the draw. I know some will disagree with me but there is still an element of risk in getting a HT. Some people walk away with incredible results and others for different reasons do not.

    Again take your time. As you research science may catch up and give us something undetectable and easy. I mean we have The Large Hadron Collider, we have rovers on mars, we split the atom...why not a perfect head of hair for everyone..! Its bound to happen.


  7. you have not posted anything controversial, dishonest, or inappropriate. We always encourage hair transplant patients to fully share their legitimate experience, and this case is no different. Furthermore, full deletion can only be performed by a moderator. We're all here to help and I hope this thread and spending additional time on our forums will make you feel less vulnerable.

    Comforting words for all of us here. Thanks Blake.

  8. The only other reason I could imagine for your hair appearing worse at this time would be the progression of hair loss
    Hi Takingtheplunge, I was told by a doctor that native hairs "that were eventually on their way out" could grow back thinner after a HT. Could this also be a possible reason?

    This is really a concern for me also because sometimes I see areas that were worked on looking thinner in general post HT. Could a HT (in some cases) speed up the loss of the native hairs around it, and make the hairs that do grow back, thinner?


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