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Posts posted by KO

  1. Unfortunately this has to be some of the most aggressive AGA I've ever seen. The only poster I've seen with more aggressive was a guy named azza786 who had FUT done by rahal, which turned out well.


    I would say you might be a candidate, but only if you can stabilize your loss with finasteride and dutasteride. If not, just shave it. Look into SMP.

  2. As a New Yorker for the last decade, I am afraid to say 80k a year is barely going to get you a studio out in Brooklyn, Queens or the Bronx. A decent studio in Manhattan, forget about it. It was only when I started hitting $120k a year that I could afford a decent studio in Manhattan, and it was tiny. When a good friend from Johnson City, Tennessee came to visit me, and I told him what I paid per month in rent, he balked and said that would pay off the mortgage on his 4 bedroom home in a year.




    Try UES...lot of good 1 beds available for sub 2k/mo

  3. I was just about to point out the exact same thing. Dr. Erdogan has stated his belief that the homogeneity between donor and recipient achieved through larger FUE sessions can be beneficial to the final aesthetic. In this particular case, where the patient's level of hair loss was so extensive, I believe that benefit is clearly evident in the final outcome.


    Yeah, he seems to target homogenization as a goal. Makes sense to me.

  4. Yeah, it's my profile photo what do you mean exactly? I've been a forum poster for a long time. Tell me exactly, how would a strip have depleted donor density? The friction and pulling forces don't work in such a way to decrease density. You're simply left with a scar. Sometimes it's unsightly, sometimes it's concealable. But a scar to me is preferable to than exhausting the donor area with punches.


    You have 100 grafts in an area, and you take 30 out. You have less donor grafts. Density depleted.


    Where do people get this idea that strip doesn't deplete donor density?

  5. harryforreal,


    With all due respect, while I understand your dissatisfaction, I think you are leaning too much on your case to determine how somebody else's result might turn out. Overall, it seems you're saying that natural looking, low hairlines cannot be done without significant aesthetic risk. On this, we'll disagree.


    As for my comment about "textbook", the major problems with FUT start and end with primarily the scar. When you're a man with AGA, it is progressive, it includes advancing norwoods, and donor area thinning. With FUT, you risk scar visibility if you cut your hair short, or if you experience donor thinning. You also lose the ability to shave your head and move on. But again, these risks are present if men have progressive AGA.


    With a woman (not undergoing FAGA) but simply having a congenital high hairline, those problems do not exist. Most women, even those with hair loss issues, do not shave their heads, or buzz it very short.

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