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Posts posted by KO

  1. Personally, I think you are a canidate. You have lost a bit more hair than me and I did well in Dr.Rahal's hands. Check my web page link. Your donor will need to be examimed to be sure.


    Good Luck


    Hey, I saw the link to your procedure, it looks fantastic! If you do not mind, do you have preop pics of sides, back, and top? Just so we can get a clear idea of the preop stage.

  2. The only way I think you could be an HT candidate is if you get FUE done to add coverage to the front and top of your scalp, not with the goal of getting hair, but simply so you can create a "buzzed" look, say with a triangular hairline. In that vein, SMP might be a good idea to investigate as well. Broadly you should accept "buzzed" as the only possible style that is achievable, and try to find a solution, whether it is FUE or SMP that can maximize your look for this particular style.


    I don't know how often that is done, but you should discuss it with your doctor.

  3. Jotronic - Not that I'm questioning your judgement as I don't have the trained eye that you do, and I agree with your assessment, but hasn't HW gotten good results with people of similar hair loss levels? For example the patient named Dutch or Zauriel, I believe he had a similar level of baldness, or even your case before your first surgery with HW.


    OP - I think you should get on fin as well as minox. Fin will keep what you have minox will thicken it hopefully. You have a decent shaped head, and I think if you shave the sides real close and buzz the top, it will look good. Sadly shaven heads are not common among south asian or middle eastern people, but it may look fine on you. Also it will help if you get into shape.

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