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Posts posted by olmert

  1. I think this may have to do then more with the cost being charged by the other surgeons.


    False. Bill writes "I will not openly discuss all the concerns brought to my attention. I can tell you however, that it has nothing to do with competition."



    What are we missing out here ?


    I don't know what secret the doctors are telling about Bhatti.


    There are a lot of things that patients would not realize and only other doctors would, so having happy patients does not mean these secrets are false.

  2. I think Bill himself made it very clear, the reason Dr Bhatti is not being recommended is due to the way he is pushing & perhaps even marketing FUE vs other Doctors out there who push forward FUE as well as FUT.


    False. Bill says the exact opposite. Bill writes “several leading physicians recommended by this community have come to me in confidence with additional concerns [on Dr. Bhatti] having nothing to do with FUE versus FUT.”


    Bhatti's misleading FUE statements do not discourage me from going to him. But the other doctor’s secrets about Bhatti that have nothing do with FUE statements could mean something really, really bad.

  3. ^^^^^^^^ Wow, I don't see why anyone would go to Bhatti after Bill wrote:


    "After garnering private input and various*concerns*from several physicians recommended by our community, we've decided not to present Dr. Bhatti for potential recommendation at this time.* . . . .


    Before presenting Dr. Bhatti for potential recommendation on this forum, we sought the input of our physicians. Given that many leading physicians expressed various confidential concerns about potentially recommending him (including but not limited to the concerns listed above), we've chosen not to recommend him at this time. . . .


    several leading physicians recommended by this community have come to me in confidence with additional concerns [on Dr. Bhatti] having nothing to do with FUE versus FUT. . . .


    I will not openly discuss all the concerns brought to my attention. I can tell you however, that it has nothing to do with competition."



    These words cast a great shadow of doubt. If all Bhatti did was make misleading claims on FUE, I would still go to Bhatti. I have read enough about FUE, so that I would not be misled.


    But physicians rejected Bhatti for other reasons that are secret. Do these secret reasons make it less likely that I will get a good transplant? Is his office not sterile? It is safest to assume the worst when there is a secret.

  4. A lot of people say you can get more grafts in one FUT session than you can get in one FUE session.


    But let's say you committed to do multiple FUE's, instead of multiple FUT's. Will you get fewer grafts? Can you simply have one extra FUE procedure, and thereby get as many grafts, as you would have gotten with FUT's?


    I have heard people say that FUE will kill more grafts because the doctor blindly harvests with FUE, and I have heard the opposite claim that FUE kills no more grafts than FUT.


    If a guy is going to Dr. Bhatti at $1.20 / FUE graft, price is really a lot less of a factor in the FUT / FUE decision.

  5. If FUE is so risky for scars, how can they do it on beards?



    I find that the scars are fairly undetectable. There was one case in which there was a slight depression to the sites and I performed a small dermabrasiion procedure which made this difference disappear. Mike Beehner, M.D.
  6. I had FUT about a year a half ago. I have been waiting for my second procedure, so have not kept up to date in the since.


    Back then, no one was talking about beard/chest donors.


    I asked one doctor about it, and he said that it causes ugly scars, so people don't use it unless they have no scalp donors.


    Now a year and a half later I am reading up again, and am seeing a lot of posts on it.


    Is beard/chest the new FUE norm? Is the scar small?

  7. #1 My current FUT scar is good. No complaints. (I would be better off spending FUE donor hair on the forehead, instead of diminishing the FUT scar.) True, if I could do it all over again knowing I could get FUE for only $1.40 a graft with Dr. Bhatti, I would probably do FUE with him to avoid the scar. I did FUT in part to save money.


    #2 My doctor did a double layer closure, instead of a trichophytic closure. He believes the trichophytic closure should be left for the last FUT because it risks leaving ingrown hair and losing viable donors for the next transplant.


    The double layer closure I got left a bigger scar than a trichophytic closure would have. So it is feasible a second FUT with trichophytic closure will actually lessen the scar or perhaps only moderately increase it. And again, the current scar is pretty good anyway. I think this makes me more of a candidate for FUT.


    Even if I get FUT, I will have to decide whether to get a trichophytic closure or double layer closure. I plan to get a third transplant, so it may be best to get the second FUT with another double layer closure, anticipating a third FUT with trichophytic closure.


    In sum, I have three options for the second transplant:


    1) FUE

    2) FUT with trichophytic closure, in anticipation of a third transplant via FUE.

    3) FUT with double layer closure in anticipation of third transplant via FUT (with final trichophytic closure).


    I am Jewish and have a religious prohibition against tattoos, which includes SMP.

  8. Yeah, I guess I should have said "least expensive," instead of cheap. Then, everyone might not have said "money is no object; if you don't know this, you shouldn't get a transplant. Better to pay $1 million more, if the doctor has one more satisfied patient."


    For rich patients, an extra $10K might be so little that price should not be any factor. But not everyone is rich, and as long as you are taking a doctor recommended here or widely recommended elsewhere, it is not entirely clear how much more you get for that extra $10K that some charge.


    Two years ago, I decided to limit myself to the doctors recommended here, not because I thought that they were the only good ones. (A lot of people explained that this website charges doctors, and some are good, but don't want to pay.) I just figured I had to draw the line somewhere on how much information I could absorb. (Had I known Dr. Bhatti was doing FUE at only $1.40 per graft and was regarded well, I probably would have gone with his FUE.)


    But two years ago, all the doctors recommended here were much less expensive for FUT rather than FUE, and all charging much more than $1.40 per graft for FUE. Back then Dr. Radha Palakurthi was the cheapest for FUE, charging $2 per graft, but she sent me an email which suggested she expected only an 80% yield for FUE and encouraged FUT. I was confused by the email, since no doctor would do FUE with such a low yield, and understood from the email that Dr. Radha Palakurthi wanted to get out of the FUE business.


    In any event, I am not rich, and there were already other reasons arguably to opt for FUT without even a cost savings (for example, possible better yield and more grafts/session). Accordingly, I got FUT from a doctor recommended here.


    And now I am ready for the next surgery. I have to decide again whether to get FUE or FUT for this round 2 and don't know what to do. FUE for only $1.40 per graft is temptingly cheap.


    A lot of people will have no sympathy for me and say I just need "to do the research." But anyone who has done the research knows, no matter how deeply you look into it, you have to assess conflicting opinions, and "the research" does not yield a clear answer, but merely subjective opinions.


    I guess I can start by getting prices from Bisanga, Feriduni, and Erdogan. Two years ago Humayen, Radha, and Madhu were the cheapest doctors here, so I should look into them too.

  9. Jimmy, I wish someone told me that a year ago. As things ended up, I went to a doctor recommended here and got FUT. I am pretty satisfied, though if I could do it over, I probably would have opted for FUE for no scar.


    As things stand, I am ready for a second surgery. I figure, since I already have a scar, I might as well get FUT again. I figure the scar will only get slightly bigger.


    I am considering Dr. Humayun Mohmand in Pakistan, who is cheap. Any thoughts on him or someone else good and cheap for FUT? Any thoughts on whether I should get FUE, despite already having a scar anyway?


    A lot of people answered in the nature of "if price is even one bit of factor, you shouldn't get any surgery." It is a ridiculous answer, as price needs to be for even the wealthiest at least something of a factor. No one would go to a doctor charging 1 million dollars if his results were just a drop better than someone doing it free.


    Saying price should be a non-factor is as ridiculous as saying price should be the only factor.

  10. In response to number 3, I will presume your joking..... needless to say that putting a solvent on wounds, grafts in particular would seriously reduce the possibility they will survive.


    I wasn't joking. What makes you think putting solvent on grafts would reduce yield? I doubt much of the solvent gets to the root. I put so much neosporin, and it just wouldn't come out.

  11. I know vitamin A can cause baldness. My question is whether beta carotene can do the same. Beta carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A.


    I have been taking a lot of beta carotene pills in order to get an orange glow. I do this because I wear a lot of sunscreen and would otherwise be very pale. The self tanning lotions have left me looking spotty, so I gave up on them.

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