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Posts posted by michaeljames

  1. Always choose a physician that has a good background history. If they have a lot of success then you are safe. Also ask if they have insurance as well.


    (Promotional link removed. Read our terms of service)


    Choosing the right surgeon for your procedure is vital. It is a change that is going to last for a very long time, you need to know that they have experience and know what you want and help you get it in the best manner possible. Find a doctor that does hair transplants with a passion and is interested and knowledgeable in the latest advancements!


  2. I think it is great that there is a forum like this that helps people make the right decisions in choices for a HRT doctor. It is such an important decision to find the right doctor and something like this really helps many people who may not know make the right decision for themselves. Bravo.


    Yep! finding the right doctor is key to the best results and a comfortable procedure.

    Many times people concentrate on the economic side of the hair transplant and forget that the process involves trusting your surgeon, it is an easy ride if you connect with the Dr. that is going to hold your hand through the process and you trust he has your best interest at heart!


  3. I think it is great that there is a forum like this that helps people make the right decisions in choices for a HRT doctor. It is such an important decision to find the right doctor and something like this really helps many people who may not know make the right decision for themselves. Bravo.

    Yep! finding the right doctor is key to the best results and a comfortable procedure.

    Many times people concentrate on the economic side of the hair transplant and forget that the process involves trusting your surgeon, it is an easy ride if you connect with the Dr. that is going to hold your hand through the process and you trust he has your best interest at heart!


  4. This patient came to us a few years ago for a session to boost the front and top of his scalp.He is in his late 50's and his aim was simply to look less balding and to this extent this has been achieved.unfortunately I do not have immediate post operative shots for him.


    As normal with out of town patients it is often difficult to catch them for a post operative visit, hence the pictures.I do know though that he is planning a visit in the near future and i will add his pictures accordingly.


    Full details to be added.



    Hey Mick!

    Great results... way to go! please do post more pics so that we can see the development in full. Some patients just are able to get the most out of hair transplantation.



  5. I have just had my FUT surgery but 10 days after surgery I'm being concerned by some kind of lost hairs in my scalp.


    As you can see in the pictures there are some lines appearing on my scalp with no hair while a few days after surgery these lines did not exist.

    I talked to my surgeon and he assured me that this phenomenon is normal and occurs for some patients.


    I'm aware of the fact that soon after surgery I would lose all my new hair and I am aware of telogen phase and shock loss. But based on my limited research, I have not found any proof that this phase starts just a week after surgery. To the best of my knowledge, I shall expect to start losing my hair months after surgery.


    Besides, I have not seen anyone reporting this problem.

    I am really worried now and any advice would be much appreciated.


    Hello Myjax,

    Hang in there. Stress will not help the healing process. It is important to have your Dr. look at it and you should trust that he can asses the situation and help you through. It is rare, but it does happen at times, we all have different reaction to surgery. Just make sure you do not let it go unseen and make sure to follow through with treatments. Best, Michael

  6. Hi Guys,


    I'm super nervous/excited. I have been researching HTs for well over a year and have been to several consults. My last consult was with Dr. Rosanelli in the Bay Area and I felt really comfortable with him and feel like he would do a great job that was personalized to my needs. I've been processing all of the information since the consult with him a week ago. I'm really serious about getting this done, but taking the next step and diving in still seems really scary.


    So his office called today and said if I can come in for my HT this month and squeeze into the schedule by tomorrow they will give me a sizable discount. I am certainly not letting cost dictate my plans, but is this the motivation I need to actually get off my ass and do this??? Giah! Scared! Help!


    Yep it is important to meet the Dr. and feel comfortable with him. It is a long process and you need to feel the connection. This is a change for the long run. It is important to be sure and confident. Make sure you have all your questions answered and ask, no matter how silly you think the question is, it is important. It matters to you and the end result.Good luck!


  7. Hey Guys,


    I have been thinking about getting a hair transplant for about 3 years now. I've done a fair bit of research online, also visited a couple of suregeons within the UK. Basically i wasn't very impressedwith them so decided to look further afield.


    I have found a surgeon in Belgium, Dr Feriduni, been very impressed with his online gallery, so i submitted photos for an online consultation. I received a reply from his patient co-ordinator with a quote. I am happy with the price and number of grafts. She says that most overseas patients have the consultation with the surgeon on the day before the surgery. The problem is i am slightly worried about making such a big commitment without meeting the surgeon in advance. Obviously i have the option of travelling over for a consultation prior to booking surgery but this will mean paying twice for flights over there, which are fairly expensive.


    Can anyone with experience in a similarsituation give me some advice. Is it always important to meet the surgeon and discuss the procedure before making the decision and paying the deposit.




    Hello Aj,

    It is important to meet the Dr. and feel comfortable with him. It is a long process and you need to feel the connection. This is a change for the long run. It is important to be sure and confident. Make sure you have all your questions answered and ask, no matter how silly you think the question is, it is important. It matters to you and the end result.Good luck!


  8. Hey Guys,


    I have been thinking about getting a hair transplant for about 3 years now. I've done a fair bit of research online, also visited a couple of suregeons within the UK. Basically i wasn't very impressedwith them so decided to look further afield.


    I have found a surgeon in Belgium, Dr Feriduni, been very impressed with his online gallery, so i submitted photos for an online consultation. I received a reply from his patient co-ordinator with a quote. I am happy with the price and number of grafts. She says that most overseas patients have the consultation with the surgeon on the day before the surgery. The problem is i am slightly worried about making such a big commitment without meeting the surgeon in advance. Obviously i have the option of travelling over for a consultation prior to booking surgery but this will mean paying twice for flights over there, which are fairly expensive.


    Can anyone with experience in a similarsituation give me some advice. Is it always important to meet the surgeon and discuss the procedure before making the decision and paying the deposit.




    Hello Aj,

    It is important to meet the Dr. and feel comfortable with him. It is a long process and you need to feel the connection. This is a change for the long run. It is important to be sure and confident. Make sure you have all your questions answered and ask, no matter how silly you think the question is, it is important. It matters to you and the end result.Good luck!


  9. Hey Guys,


    I have been thinking about getting a hair transplant for about 3 years now. I've done a fair bit of research online, also visited a couple of suregeons within the UK. Basically i wasn't very impressedwith them so decided to look further afield.


    I have found a surgeon in Belgium, Dr Feriduni, been very impressed with his online gallery, so i submitted photos for an online consultation. I received a reply from his patient co-ordinator with a quote. I am happy with the price and number of grafts. She says that most overseas patients have the consultation with the surgeon on the day before the surgery. The problem is i am slightly worried about making such a big commitment without meeting the surgeon in advance. Obviously i have the option of travelling over for a consultation prior to booking surgery but this will mean paying twice for flights over there, which are fairly expensive.


    Can anyone with experience in a similarsituation give me some advice. Is it always important to meet the surgeon and discuss the procedure before making the decision and paying the deposit.




    Hello Aj,

    It is important to meet the Dr. and feel comfortable with him. It is a long process and you need to feel the connection. This is a change for the long run. It is important to be sure and confident. Make sure you have all your questions answered and ask, no matter how silly you think the question is, it is important. It matters to you and the end result.Good luck!


  10. Hey Guys,


    I have been thinking about getting a hair transplant for about 3 years now. I've done a fair bit of research online, also visited a couple of suregeons within the UK. Basically i wasn't very impressedwith them so decided to look further afield.


    I have found a surgeon in Belgium, Dr Feriduni, been very impressed with his online gallery, so i submitted photos for an online consultation. I received a reply from his patient co-ordinator with a quote. I am happy with the price and number of grafts. She says that most overseas patients have the consultation with the surgeon on the day before the surgery. The problem is i am slightly worried about making such a big commitment without meeting the surgeon in advance. Obviously i have the option of travelling over for a consultation prior to booking surgery but this will mean paying twice for flights over there, which are fairly expensive.


    Can anyone with experience in a similarsituation give me some advice. Is it always important to meet the surgeon and discuss the procedure before making the decision and paying the deposit.




    Hello Aj,

    I live in NZ. I found a surgeon in LA, after much research and the same results as you. He actually gave me the option of sending my info and doing a Skype consultation. Seeing the Dr. virtually, but live and being able to ask questions and know that he had actually taken a good deal of time to go over my info made me feel a lot better about the whole thing. I traveled to LA and had a great experience. They put me in a nice hotel and I met the doctor the day before. The surgery was not bad at all, surrounded by beautiful nurses.. and yes, it hurt a bit, but not more than my feelings when people would mention my baldness. So, I recommend you check this doctor out. FYI, US Hair Restoration. Good luck!

  11. Hey Guys,


    I have been thinking about getting a hair transplant for about 3 years now. I've done a fair bit of research online, also visited a couple of suregeons within the UK. Basically i wasn't very impressedwith them so decided to look further afield.


    I have found a surgeon in Belgium, Dr Feriduni, been very impressed with his online gallery, so i submitted photos for an online consultation. I received a reply from his patient co-ordinator with a quote. I am happy with the price and number of grafts. She says that most overseas patients have the consultation with the surgeon on the day before the surgery. The problem is i am slightly worried about making such a big commitment without meeting the surgeon in advance. Obviously i have the option of travelling over for a consultation prior to booking surgery but this will mean paying twice for flights over there, which are fairly expensive.


    Can anyone with experience in a similarsituation give me some advice. Is it always important to meet the surgeon and discuss the procedure before making the decision and paying the deposit.




    Hello Aj,

    I live in NZ. I found a surgeon in LA, after much research and the same results as you. He actually gave me the option of sending my info and doing a Skype consultation. Seeing the Dr. virtually, but live and being able to ask questions and know that he had actually taken a good deal of time to go over my info made me feel a lot better about the whole thing. I traveled to LA and had a great experience. They put me in a nice hotel and I met the doctor the day before. The surgery was not bad at all, surrounded by beautiful nurses.. and yes, it hurt a bit, but not more than my feelings when people would mention my baldness. So, I recommend you check this doctor out. FYI, US Hair Restoration. Good luck!

  12. Hi all,


    I'm a long-time lurker and this is my first post!


    I'm 26 years old, and have been contemplating a hair transplant for some time. I started slowly losing my hair around 19/20yrs old. In the last 3 years I have irregularly used propecia and minoxidil. However, the longest I've ever used minoxidil is only about 3 months straight (obviously not enough time for any sort of results). I shave my head weekly and use dermmatch daily as a concealer on the temples and crown. However - I'm sick of this!


    Over the next 12 months, I will be taking 1.25mg propecia and applying 5% Minoxidil daily. At the end of this period, I'd like to re-assess where my hair growth/loss is at and contemplate possibly going ahead with a FUT or FUE transplant. I'm willing to travel (US/Canada) and the cost is not a huge issue. I'm an aspiring fitness model and simply have no chance of going anywhere with my current crop of hair! It's not just that though - my hair loss has been affecting my confidence for a long time now.


    I've attached various pictures that were taken today after a 1 clipper shave (my scalp may look oily as I applied Minoxidil before the photos were taken). I've clearly got a receeding hairline, some thinning in the mid-scalp and a nice bald patch on the crown. I'm hoping the propecia/minoxidil will at least stabilise hair loss and possibly (hopefully) thicken my hair a little in the vertex and crown.


    Interested in people's thoughts! I'll add some more photos in a week when my hair grows out a little.




    Hello Fitness Junkie!

    I feel you my friend. I lost most all my hair by age 24. The truth is that Propecia had really helped me, I even felt like my hair had actually come back! but no chance... the truth is that the only thing that actually worked was having a hair transplant. It was a tough decision, but I went from spending random money in cover up, products, pills, etc., to actually being happy with myself, it looks great now. It was 7 months of a little transition, but the results are amazing! I am really happy to say that the decision changed my life. Just make sure you get a great doctor and do it right.

  13. So I’m really just interested in what people have tried in regards to products that help your hair. As anyone who has done the research would know that 90% of hair loss products on the market are false and do nothing. I had a HT with Dr Rahal, I’m on the 7 month mark and currently take the following:

    Propecia, Bioton, MSM, Vitamin E, Iron Vitamins, Biotin hair conditioner.

    They seem to work well for me especially the Biotin Hair conditioner.

    So this is really just a thread to see what people recommended?, does anyone know of any products you apply to your hair such as oils which can be positive on the scalp?

    Let me know your thoughts :)


    Hello Jacob,


    Stick with whats working for you. Your HT is still not fully matured. If you mix too many things you can't tell what is working. Our patients here often get a maintenance program of Propecia that works great. Congrats and all the best, Michael

  14. There are some new nike ads out where Lebrons hairline looks fixed. Some sources are saying he got hair plugs. Is this the same thing as a HT? I think his new hairline looks good. Glad he did something about it.


    Hello Mixedguy,


    I can't be certain...but many onscreen performer I know with that hair texture and styling get away with Toppik and products similar for the camera. Remember much of screen is an illusion. It could be a transplant or just good makeup artistry...check him out in a current half time interview and see what you think then. All the Best, Michael

  15. Just had my first hair transplant last week, an FUE over 2 days.


    I just wanted to get some post op advice as I feel I might be being too gentle. I use the shampoo my doc gave me a couple of times a day over the recipient area.


    However, I'm currently in the 4th day post op. There is a small line of dried blood still over part of the recipient area.


    In my post op instructions it did say to remove any dried blood on day 1 post op.

    But I figured by the 7th to 10th day I'll be able to be more aggressive to remove it.


    Is there really any issue with leaving a little dried blood there?


    Apart from that I'm healing very well, especially in the donor area. I had my procedure done using the ARTAS robot, so am very excited to hopefully see some great results!


    He Smiledoctor80,


    I hope my title got a smile. I don't think you have a lot to worry about there with a little blood on the scalp. Running mild temp. water over it should help remove it. I hope you will post some pics of your journey...it will be interesting to see some first hand results for HTN forum members from ARTAS. All the Best, Michael.

  16. I read lots of article and paper about harmful chemicals. The most of those say that Sulfate,NaCl and Silicon cause hair loss, make hair growth slow.

    I checked my shampoo. I contains the mentioned chemical. By the way i have serious hair loss problem. What do you think?


    Hi Adeline,


    The hair is sensitive to chemicals on a topical level if the amounts are large enough. It is unlikely to have such amounts in a shampoo. If you feel you have a serious hair loss problem it is best addressed by a medical professional. A five step approach to women's hair loss as described by Dr. Parsa Mohebi, a recommended physician on this network. Consult with a specialist as soon as possible to have your concerns addressed.


    All the Best, Michael

  17. Hey guys, to give you a brief overview: I'm a male who just turned 23 in late August. My father is not bald and neither is my mother's father (although he is thinning out at 78).


    I've always had really thick and nice hair, but in January I moved to Rio and during my 8 months there I noticed a stark increase in the amount of hair in that would come off in the shower and on my pillow every night. It got so bad that 20-30 strands of hair would fall off in the shower, and about 20-30 hairs would be on my pillow every morning. At first I thought it was just Brazil's water and crummy shampoo, but then I noticed a huge difference in the location of my hairline, specifically at the temples.


    I shaved my head on July 4th and that same day started taking 20,000mcg of biotin each day, magnesium, resveratrol, and a few other supplements. That same day I also started using nizarol shampoo every day, with one day a week off. I just started taking Niacin every day after lunch.


    I'm proud to say that when I wake up in the morning, there are no hairs on my pillow and only a few hairs come out with each shower. I also cannot as easily pull hair off straight from my scalp (used to be able to pull 2-3 out each time)Here's my problem though: just recently I started noticing that smaller hairs, mostly under an inch long and very thin have started to fall out. There are usually between 5-10 that I find each morning in the shower. There are also thinner hairs along my temple, although I do not know if this is regrowth from my regimen, or further thinning :S


    I have ordered 4 months of finasteride that are waiting for me in my kitchen (back in the US btw), but I wanted to get some of your opinions before I take that leap. So I've attached 3 photos below of both sides of my temples and my front (taken this evening). I have also attached a photo taken mid august for reference.


    Can you guys help me out in determining if I'm actually going bald and if I need to start taking finasteride? Or is it just natural maturing hairline? HELP!


    Hi Gildash,


    Your hair looks pretty good all the way around. Your hair shedding as described by you seems completely normal. Are you having a healthy hair panic. You do appear to have a normal matured hairline. I don't think it is good to just start a regimen without an appropriated consult from a doctor.


    All The Best, Michael

  18. Hey there. Haven't posted in a while, haven't needed to because I've been pretty happy with my hair. Accepted the fact I have a mature hairline - no thinning, just a more concave, 'V' shaped hairline. That's cool, I'm 22.


    I've also posted about my crown, and was told I shouldn't worry, that that's fine also. I just have a parting, light hair, and a red scalp. No thinning or loss. Fine with me.


    I've been to doctors, derms, you name it, and they've said my hair is fine.


    So anyway, my hair has gotten fairly longer than I usually wear it, and I was speaking to some friends about whether I should just leave it to grow long... not hippy style, just longer than usual. They said I needed it cut, because the sides are thick and my fringe is quite long. Then my friends girlfriend said "get it cut because you're going a bit 'baldy'. Well that's MESSED ME UP GOOD STYLE, and I've started the whole taking pictures of my hair again.


    SO! As I said, I feel my hairline is fine:




    So that's not the reason my mates girlfriend said it to me.... but she wouldn't have seen my crown, as I'm taller than her.




    But that doesn't look 'baldy', does it?


    HMMMM. It's bugging me, because after all my time posting on forums and going to docs, derms etc, and it's been established there isn't a problem with my hair, this girl says this to me.


    What do you guy's reckon?


    Muchas gracias.


    Hi Jonnykino,


    Your pics show a normal healthy head of hair. Let's not let random comments from a hater mess with our psyche. Your hair and scalp look great. When it really becomes a concern than post again. Seems, like that might be a fair bit down the road!:)

    All the Best, Michael

  19. Hello all,


    I am considering Dr. Rahal, Bisanga and Keser for an FUE procedure (approx 2,000 - 2,500 grafts). What factors would you consider when choosing one of these doctors? Would appreciate your comments / advice on who to choose. Feel free to message me as well.





    Hi Neil,


    Here is a link to a good article on HTN: Hair transplant surgery: How to choose the right hair transplant procedure.


    One important thing to do is to call several doctors prior to booking consults with them. Ask the questions you want of staff answering. You can get some sense of the enthusiasm and knowledge base of the support staff as well. I find that a strong indicator as the commitment and inspiration starts at the top with the doctor. Also true professionals won't usually knock others, they will tell you why they are a good choice. This is a life time decision approaching with thoroughness is recommended. All the Best, Michael

  20. Hey guys,


    This is my first post and I wanted to share my journey and hair transplant by Dr. Raymond Konior, who is located in the Chicagoland area, US.


    I had roughly 3950 grafts all placed by his skillful hands and have been extremely pleased with the progress so far. It hasn't even been three months since my July 2012 procedure but I felt I should start a post to encourage anyone else interested.


    This network truly helped me get to the decision I feared regretting-- going with a bad surgeon. So for that I thank you guys. Fear not with Dr. Konior, he's an artist like many have stated prior; particularly with realistic density and masterful hairlines.


    Below are images from the night before the procedure, 3 days after, and 2.5 months in. Here's to more progress. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.


    Hair Restoration Site for Sam Spade


    Hello SamSpade,


    Thanks for sharing the positive news. I look forward to seeing more as you are further out from the surgery date. I guess soon you will be starring in a film noir sporting a dashing mane and a femme fatale on your arm. All the Best, Michael

  21. Finally, after initially booking my HT date 4 years ago, and thereafter changing the surgery date probably 5 times over the years due to work commitments, 3 weeks today I shall be in the chair at Dr. Rahals clinic. Its insane to think that it is so close. Many emotions as normal. Hoping for the best! Cannot wait!


    Hello Raphael,


    Good news for you. Happy that your moving forward. I hope you can post some now pics and share your journey on HTN. What type of surgery are you having; strip or FUE? All the Best, Michael

  22. Well it's got to the point with my hair that I’m so low on confidence that I so want to restore my hair to get my life back.

    I'm a 41 year old male living in Kent, uk.

    I first noticed my hair getting thinner in my late 20's. It has been a gradual process and something that has worried me now for so long.

    To most people my hair looks ok. I can style it in a way that it looks normal.

    It's only in the last 6 months that it's getting harder to hide my thinning hair.

    It has got to the stage that it has taken over my life. I have no confidence in the way I look. I separated from my wife three years ago and currently live and work on my own.

    It is getting to the stage where I’m happier staying in so I don't have to put wax in my thinning hair.

    I have been in a new relationship for 5 months, but my all time low of confidence is now affecting this relationship.

    I know I will not get through this stage of my life if I don't try to do something about it.

    Last year I did a year’s treatment at the Belgravia centre in London. I used the Propecia and minoxidil treatment that just didn't work. It seems since I stopped my hair loss has increased.

    I guess I’m after advice on what I should do next.

    I know I will have to pay a hefty sum of money to try to do anything about it.

    But I know if whatever I do is a success will make me happy again.

    Is the best option for me to have a hair transplant? What are the costs.

    Any replies would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks


    Hell Iamx121,


    Great that you are reaching out for help there is plenty here. The surgeons listed here are the best. Many of them treat patients from all over the world, Priority is a proper consultation and evaluation. Set one up as soon as possible. Understanding your options and setting expectations is the most prudent path. Today's HT are natural and undetectable even to most stylist. All the Best, Michael

  23. This is a scam alert. Normally I make fun of clinics using photos that they have lifted from Hasson & Wong (seems to happen fairly often) but this one is a bit more serious.


    Our UK representative was alerted to this scam by a patient that was scheduled to have a procedure next week. He emailed to ask us if we had any affiliation with Matador Hair Transplant clinic as they appear to be using several of our results as their own. In addition, they are using the logos of the Coalition and several other affiliations when in fact they are not members of any association whatsoever. The photos of their doctors and staff are stock generic photos available for use by anyone and are not photos of actual staff members.


    The patient that alerted us to this scam informed us that Matador Hair Transplant Clinic asked for flight information so they could pick the patient up. There is no clinic to visit but only a hotel room for consultation and the clinic demands cash only with no option for credit car payment. The opportunity is ripe for a hefty monetary scam and potentially much much worse.


    I won't put the link up but you are free to perform a Google or Bing search to find them yourself. Below is a screenshot of their homepage in which you can see the logos and our patients stolen shown at the bottom.






    Thanks for keeping us all aware. We do not need others destroying the hard earned reputations of any of the credible surgeons and clinics in our specialty. This post is good for all of us to be informed on. All the Best, Michael

  24. I know, many of you experienced members on here, will know all the horror stories about the Hospital Group in the UK. So, I don't want you saying I told you so. I wouldn't say this is a horror story, but I certainly wouldn't call it a success, distincly mediocre at best.


    Right, I received a Hair Transplant from the Hospital Group in February 2010, after a consultation in late 2009. I was taken in by sales pitch, by the slick salesman Tarquin. I was very vulnerable at that time, as I felt my hairloss had began to accelerate again. By this stage I was a Norwood 2, just on the front. High forehead, fairly deep recession v shape.


    Anyway, after I had put down deposit I began to find a lot of material that was bad about Hospital Group, that I had not seen before. Needless to say, I was worried about this. I was very skeptical, but paid the rest of the money, and unconvincingly went along with it. Tarquin ensured me it would work out, and there was a lot of 'media propeganda' at that time against the Hospital Group. Bullshit!!!


    At the operation in Broomsgrove, near Birmingham, and about half-way through, the operation I could tell the density was no where near enough. Dr. Westwood tried to tell me, when hair is wet it looks less dense (I know what wet hair looks like). But I was drugged up, feeling ill and just had the back of my head cut open so wasn't going to argue.


    Dr. Westwood made the incisions for the grafts, but some female assistant placed the grafts in, which I have since found out that grafts placed in the wrong angle give a wirey effect to hair. It took, several months for hair to grow to my normal length, and at first was naively satisfied, although very aware of the low density, but was just happy to get hair in that area for the first time in many years.


    Now 2 1/2 years on, I have a sizeable scar on the back of my head, and the the transplanted hair on front is thin and fairly wirey, compared to the rest of my hair which is pretty thick and flat. Now I have to cover the front area with Nanogen, which looks pretty unnatural.


    It was an expensive process for several years, but it helped get me through some important stages in my life, such as University, which I'm not sure I would have even had the self-confidence to achieve, with not having any hair there.


    I have some questions if I could get honest answers I would appreciate it.

    • Am I right in saying the 'top' hair transplant surgeons do the whole process themselves? and not just pass it on to some assistant to do after making the graft incisions?
    • Is it possible to take out grafts if I chose to in future, or would that be almost impossible?
    • Who are the best hair transplant surgeons for repair such as frontal and strip repair? I was looking at Dr. Feriduni in Belgium, which I've heard great things about.
    • Would it be worthwhile waiting for cloning or a form of multiplication to come out as preferably I don't want to have much more hair taken from the back of my head?



    Hello Rocket Man,


    As a patient advocate, I am always distressed to hear stories like this. Told you so's are really immature and not helpful. Regarding your questions I share the following:


    Am I right in saying the 'top' hair transplant surgeons do the whole process themselves?

    Most of the top surgeons I am familliar with work with a team of superb technicians. When doing the common 2000+ grafts we see in our practice it is important to expedite implantation without sacrificing quality, art and care. The fatigue factor of a single person doing such a surgery may prove to be a disadvantage and most likely more costly. I don't think your poor results would have been changed simply because the physician placed all the grafts. HTN does on sites visits and does not give recommendation easily.


    Is it possible to take out grafts if I chose to in future, or would that be almost impossible?

    Hair transplant repairs usually for older outdated ones, but always are performed in our office several times monthly. Their is a good chance that without moving grafts you can have another procedure giving you the natural results you desire within reasonable expectation.


    Who are the best hair transplant surgeons for repair such as frontal and strip repair? I was looking at Dr. Feriduni in Belgium, I can not speak to the surgeons outside the USA, but double check with folks here at HTN.


    Would it be worthwhile waiting for cloning or a form of multiplication to come out as preferably I don't want to have much more hair taken from the back of my head?


    Without seeing what you have available for donor hair and your hair density this is a challenge to advise on. One consideration is when this will be an approved and viable option, this is uncertain. Of course if you are willing to wait a few years and its available why not. If your need to improve your quality of life is more urgent, share some pics and consult with doctors who are in HTN.


    Hoping All the Best from This Point On, Michael.

  25. I have heard conflicting reports; one guy said it actually stopped his hairloss whereas a doctor online said the protien shakes cause hairloss!!! Which is it?????


    Hello Mrkneed;


    This would have to be directly do to a severe allergenic reaction and of course has no relationship to MPB that is proven by any legitimate study. If is unfortunate that this kind of information is out their to mislead people. 90% of hair loss in mean is androgenic and this is the type of hair loss resolved by HT. If you happen to have the link post it. Hope this helps, All the Best, Michael.

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