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Posts posted by michaeljames

  1. Hi


    I wanna like to know what would be major cause of hairloss for men age around 28/27/26


    I experienced Hairloss since last 2 yrs and now its more thinning like oval shape on top of my head....


    Could improper diet/less sleep/masturbation more/low vitamins etc.......


    As i dont have any family history of hairloss Can you pls advise what would be reason and I have dandruff since i was young i use Head/shoulders since 5 yrs...



    Appreciate any advise....




    Hello Sama,


    The cause of most hair loss in men is androgenic alopecia which is treatable by HT. Though most men begin in there 30's some even begin in teens. Getting an evaluation from a recommended surgeon here on HTN. Your description does sound like classic male pattern baldness (MPB); a thorough consult with miniaturization study seems to be in order. Let me know how I might assist further. All the Best, Michael.

  2. Hello, i've just kind of noticed that my temples are recessed quite a bit, and a lot if I pull my hair back ( see pics ) .


    Since i'm only 18 I'm so frustrated as I couldn't afford any treatments and plus it's so damn young to be going bald.


    Could some people try and confirm whether i'm simply aquiring a mature hairline or if i'm headed for baldness?


    p.s. there is some slight thinning at my crown, though it seems to have been there for a awhile.


    Hi Amibald,


    Great that you are noticing this early. Your hair does look great and most doctors would recommend waiting longer for HT anyways. You hairline does show evidence of maturing which is natural but the temporal do appear to be a little advanced in the pic. A professional opinion form any of the doctors on this site could be very helpful. Keep track of this and get a professional determination as soon as you can. All the Best, Michael

  3. Hey guys,


    I know many of you have probably read over the same kind of post before. I have been on rogaine consistently now since january but on/off for at least 18months. I have also been on finasteride generic 5mg (split into 4 x 1.25mg) taken once daily for 4months.


    Since about march this year, my hairloss went from being something that didnt really effect me to something thats on my mind literally 24/7(yes also in my dreams). I never knew it could be so bad.


    I thought the rogaine/finasteride would help slow it down or in someway combat it, but its actually gone alot worse. My frontal 1/3 is visibly thin and my crown is like an old mans crown. Im 23 years of age and honestly 50yearold men I see at the gym have stronger hairlines/hair then I do.


    Has anyone else ever experienced even worse hair after being on rogaine and finasteride? And what are your thoughts/experiences with nizoral. I would appreciate some advice because I am the stage where I am lost.




    Hi SadbutTrue,


    I understand your anxiety. I would just like to offer something I did not see mentioned yet.


    You are at a pretty young age though some people experience androgentic alopecia even earlier in life. So yes I note that it is more distressing in our youth. I would ask that you share some pics if your comfortable and also encourage you to make sure a doctor has diagnosed that your hair loss is MPB and not from another underlying medical cause. Always deal with the facts and have the appropriate medical advice. If you have done that great. Others have already iterated regarding the duration it may take to see results.


    All the Best, Michael

  4. I am seriously considering a HT but so many people have told me to do the research, investigate, etc. I read somewhere that surgeons post the top 5% of their results and what you see is not necessarily indicative of what you will get. Does anyone have any thought on this? Obviously, a lot has to do with what you start with (I am a norwood 2 or 3 and just looking for hairline restoration). I am amazed by the results but wonder, can it really look that good for most of the paitents?


    Hi Thomas,


    I think it's great you decided to move toward HT. Of course one should always research but the fact is that HT has come an amazing long way and modern methods make it virtually undetectable. I advocate for patients and I understand the ultimate concern; "What will my results be?" There are a lot of factors that effect that Thomas. The availability of donor hair you have, the thickness of your hair shafts naturally, the natural density of your hair and at last how you respond to the surgery itself. HTN had done good job at evaluating doctors many of them onsite.


    Addressing your concern about the images posted, sure some people only want to post their better results because that's advertising, however I don't think anyone is falsely promising results intentionally. HTN frowns greatly on that and they could lose their status in this network. One of the critical things we do in our offices is to help the patient arrive at their individual realistic expectations. This is best done through a full and thorough microscopic evaluation and examination of the donor area and the patients other medical history.


    You can view the portfolios here but also on the doctors business website outside of HTN. I invite you to view Dr. Parsa Mohebi's. I know that part of my job is display the results of patient models that have agreed to it. Some are spectacular and amazing others are modest. I do know as a patient advocate that the common thread is that the patient is satisfied and feels tremendously better about their self image and this is a boon to their confidence and esteem. Let me know how I may assist you in any way. All the Best, Michael

  5. @MichaelJames


    I would not consider my loss as shockloss. From my understanding shockloss is either hairs that are not programmed to miniturize fall out and then regrow or hairs that miniturize and not regrow. Since mine were previously transplanted grafts that Dr. Sword transplanted in 2002 and 2003 i expected them to grow back months ago.


    Why would previously transplanted grafts fallout and not regrow? The only explanation I can find is the follicles was damaged during the hair transplant.


    Since there are grafts that were done in 2011 that did not shed and continue to grow in the same area where I lost previously transplanted grafts, the suggestion of immune system seems unlikely as the grafts would have shed and not regrown along with the previously transplanted grafts.


    Hi Bluebird,


    I understand your frustration. It is important to point out that your transplanted hairs are ones that are exactly as you mentioned; hairs not programmed for miniaturization and they can be susceptible to shock loss. At this point I really think you should get a second medical opinion. All the Best, Michael

  6. Hi Michael, I dont think its necessarily showing people to be balder as such,its exposing the areas clearly that need the work doing,some of that problem area would in day to day be covered by native hair but that person wants to address that area,and as I said that should be shown in all its glory but I think that should also happen post op as well! It's not for me to name names and discredit anyone,the physician's who post like that know that they do and the physician's who don't know that they dont! Some show far more photos from all angles,hair in the same pre and post and they need to be commended,and some not so much! Like I said I dont want to throw mud,just an observation and certainly something I have personally looked at when trying to choose a doctor for my surgery!


    Hi Hairshopeing,


    I think you have clearly stated everything. It is good you brought this forward it can only further enhance the integrity of HTN recommended physicians and the authenticity of forum participation. All the Best.

  7. @MichaelJames My HT's 2002 for 1,200 grafts exactly a year later in 2003 for another 1,200 grafts and in 2011 for 2,600 grafts


    @MCS Right before my 8th month mark I emailed over my pictures to the founder / owner of the clinic so they are aware of my situation. I was emailed back they would revisit this issue at my 12 month mark. The 12 month mark is fine if I had sprouts and fine hairs and was waiting for them to thicken and mature, but I don't. I see my 12 months being the same as the 10 month marks and the 8 month mark.


    Hello Bluebird,

    Well, clearly the shock loss indicates that your body's immune response is different then the previous surgeries. Our immune system adapts, changes and does not respond the same throughout the course of our life. What have your physicians said to this point. Have you had your 12mo. consult with them?

  8. so are you saying that a diagnosis of 50% hair loss in a certain area can't really be made just looking at the head with a light?? That is needs diagnosis? My husband calmed me down (because this made me go crazy when he said that) that if really you had that much of a hair loss, you would notice a difference in pore spacing compared to other areas, and my part/ whereever I part it looks the same. I mean, sure, I wouldn't notice a 10% difference, but I would think a 50% difference would be noticeable if you compared to a "healthy" area no? Like I said, I measure my pony tail, and it continues to measure the same. I went to get advice or to check parts of my system that could cause high shedding, but he just made that diagnosis and didn't bother to check iron, thyroid, nothing. I've been to four dermatologists here, and no one has microscopes or hair pull tests or anything. Why in Albuquerque are there no people who can confirm or make an intelligent diagnosis? I often think, mine is more telogen effluvium, chronic, but no one tells me anything, and at 32, to hear you've got 50% hair loss in areas, as a women, that's tough to take.


    Hello again Mamaherrera,


    I empathize completely with your position. I cannot speak to the practice of the doctors you have been too. I can say though some dermatologist have knowledge of hair loss but generally they are not the best specialists unless that is the focus of their practice. Hair restoration surgeons are fully committed and focus on hair loss, it's causes and treatment. HTN keeps a database of recommendations on this site. Our clinics follow a 5 Step Management program for women's hair loss; developed by our medical director Parsa Mohebi, MD. It can be found on our website and it will inform you as to the best approach a doctor should take.


    As a patient advocate I often interact with people like you coping with the emotional side effects of hair loss. The critical importance is in you having an accurate diagnosis. If you have not had success with local physicians you might consider and initial online consultation. Our clinics often to do them with success over Skype and assist long distance patients in getting the help they need. We also have a toll free number and you could get more detail recommendations for your path ahead. All the Best, Michael

  9. I saw a dermatologist, who based on my ccharts, (NOt my scalp) said I have Seborrheic dermatitis and then he looked at my hair and since my chart that I have PCOS. so then with his little light on his forehead, he looked a little bit at my scalp in front and said I had 50% loss at vertex and parietal areas. Now, I'll be honest. I went in because i notice a lot of shedding and I totally stress about it. But I 've never noticed areas. Don't you all think I would have noticed myself if I had areas that had 50% loss? Wouldn't others see that as well? All, I notice is lots of shedding. Do you think he could really make that statement with just a light on his forehead and looking through a few areas on my head?


    Hello Mamaherrera,


    Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is considered normal. The best way to confirm hair loss at a medical is through a microscopic evaluation or better said a miniaturization study. Our centers medical director Dr. Mohebi, does and extensive study and evaluation of patients hair loss. This is done in about an hour and also provides the patient with information on the predictability of future hair loss. This is an important fact when considering hair restoration. The best thing would be to do a specific consultation with an HTN recommended surgeon. Many even will consult online as our centers do. If you post some photos members here and myself would be able to offer you more advice. All the Best, Michael

  10. The one part that i have the most reservations about is the post surgery appearance. I'm considering 1500-2000 grafts in the hairline/top area. I'm told my head will probably be shaved down on top. My guess is that i'll leave it a little longer in the back to cover the scar. How long before it looks reasonably acceptable and are not being looked at every time you step into public or turn the corner at work. Is it possible that it's red and flakey even after 3-4 weeks?


    Hi Thomas,


    I understand your concerns.The inflammation and redness should be subsided often at the end of week 1, but a mild pinkish discoloration of the transplanted area may remain. This can be visible for a few weeks comparable to a mild sun burn, especially in patients with lighter skin. So in some instances it may take 3 - 4 weeks but by then the inflammation should be subsided in most patients. Healing is a very individual thing and not something that can be readily predicted for a patient. You are most likely the best judge of how you heal from previous experiences. If an HT will really help your self image, I respectfully suggest the you don't let the short term inconvenience keep you back from the natural, proven and permanent results of hair transplant surgery.

  11. Hey guys,


    Was just wondering before if the notion of being able to shave down to a guard 1 after an FUE procedure is correct or not? Obviously it would count on the amount of grafts so let's say something like a 2,000 graft procedure? Could it pass as seamless on a low guard 1 given average density? Would there be a notable difference before and after?


    Hey Mate,


    Lot of variables come in to play. The normal density of your hair, the colour of your hair, the healing of the grafts etc. So, let's take a best case scenario. Average density, If 2000 grafts were the recommended number by a physician then your probably in great shape to go with the military look. In some cases this can be combined with micro-pigmentation to further enhance the look of density too. We have noted good results with FUE patients who what to style their hair close. That is often a reason why the patient chose FUE. All the Best, Michael Here is a pic from this forum: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/attachment.php?attachmentid=8224&d=1283494227

  12. Thanks for your replies guys, I've had a consultation with a top surgeon and have been told I've got a pretty good donor area so as I'm going to be a nw6 I'm going to try and shoot for around 9000 grafts in total over 2 procedures, I'm hoping that will give me a good look


    Hello Sjones,


    That is two 4500 graft surgeries, let's see some pics of your head. It sounds like an abundance of grafts honestly. Post some pics and get feedback from the recommended surgeons in this network. Some physicians do count grafts differently; but this really seems out of scope. All the Best, Michael

  13. After looking through hundreds of results posted pre and post op,I'm wondering if anyone else has a similar concern as myself!!! A lot of the prep photos are hair combed in a way in which would

    A not be a natural hair style and

    B makes the patient look much balder then he actually is!!

    However the post of photos show it with the hair neatly styled and combed over a lot of the problem areas exposed on the pre op photos!!!

    Obviously doctors will do this to maximise the wow factor of the results,but I think a fair comparison if your going to show the best it can look after a ht is to show a photo pre op with the same style,not a combed back halfway up his head style that exposes the thin areas then a12 months later a photo with them areas covered by what was native hair anyway!!! Just so the comparison is a fair one!! I could style my hair in a way which would make me look 10 times balder than when iv styled it properly,so if I showed them 2 different photos it would look like quite a transformation,and In reality I'd have no more hair then before!!!! Any thoughts?? Or is just me!!!


    Hey Mate,


    Since, there a many different people taking pics, it be good to know photo you are referring too. I find people on this forum pretty straight. I know that often in the before images, the hair is pulled back to see the hairline, temple or other transplanted areas. Also, many patients change their hairstyle because they actually now have hair. HT is a bona fide natural, permanent and proven method to restore hair. Results do differ, I respectfully disagree. I don't think anyone is trying to show people to be balder then they actually are at all. HTN has one of the most ethical independent forums on the web bar none! All the Best, Michael

  14. MCS,


    I know exactly how you feel. I too have had 3 ht procedures. The first 2 were done in 2002 and 2003 and were both 1,200 grafts. As schedules the grafts shed, sprouted, grow, thickend and matured. I just hit the 10 month mark of my 3rd HT of 2,600+ grafts and do not see anything close to the results of just one of the 1,200 graft procedures.


    I also have had previouly transplanted grafts shed and not grown back. From what I have read online Shockloss hairs will regrow if they were not programmed to miniturized and shed, therefore transplanted grafts would regrow.


    In the area that I suffered previously transplanted graft loss, I have a few grafts in a patch that never shed and continued to grow, not as many hairs as was lost though. I also have a few of those types of grafts on the other side but not in a patch, more single strands, here and there.



    I did not have any noticable shockloss with either of my first two HT's.


    After 10 years I have never seen my scar, I can just feel it. My hair is about 10" long and pretty much covers up the area. I do know that I only have one scar and for the 2nd and 3rd ht they used the scar line to cut on. Your scar looks like it is above your ears. My scar is a lot lower and runs inbetween my ears.


    Hey Mate,


    Sorry to hear of your troubles. Have you talked to your surgeon and what is he saying about it? How close together were your surgeries? I am hoping the best for you but more information if your willing to share may be helpful. Take care, Michael

  15. I'm 23 and at stage 2A on the mercado chart (norwood didn't seem like an accurate depiction for me). I currently use nizoral shampoo twice a week and nioxin eod and have been for 3 years and also use rogaine foam twice daily (just started last month). I have yet to use finasteride for fear of sexual side effects. Have any of you used Ru58841 with good results? and at what point should i consider hair restoration? Any help would be greatly appreciated as my research seems to have hit a wall


    Hey Mate,


    The forum is a great place to gain knowledge from patients and physicians but it is difficult to do without pics. Could you post some? Thanks, Michael

  16. Hey Mate,


    FUE is a type of hair transplant procedure. Many people prefer it because they do not wish to have a scar left from the strip method procedure. There are vary conditions and personal patient reasons why the FUE procedure would be chosen over the strip removal method of hair transplant surgery. Both of these procedures are forms of Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT.) The harvesting of the follicular units grafts is just different. FUE is not related to stem cell treatments for hair loss. Gene therapy for hair loss is still in the research phase. All the Best! Michael

  17. Interesting thread. It is not really plausible and to me erroneous to assert that there are only 5 good clinics in the world. The statement pretty much counteracts HTN, Since a lot more than 5 HT surgeons are recommended. There are always levels of expertise in all professions. Asserting that there is such a low number of skilled centers cannot be good for the industry. Unless people are actually visiting the clinics and doing more than anecdotal precursory evaluation this idea doesn't make sense. Dr. Lindsay's list of the positives of good clinics is spot on. If however there were only 5 successful clinics yielding good results the industry would fold from the sheer volume of negative activity. There are a lot more than 5 top clinics producing positive results. This assertion is not scientific and contradictory to the efforts of HTN. All the Best, Michael.

  18. Hey Mates,


    I am sorry to disagree with the mate above. Each case is individual. Though the norm is as Matt stated. Make sure you take the time to have an evaluation. Medication may work for you but you have to see if there are side effects for you, especially if there is going to be long term use. Matt is spot on regarding getting the microscopic evaluation. All the Best, Michael

  19. Hey Mate,


    You can get new hair and more women, but be careful what you wake up next too if there of your friends ilk. The dazzling curvy brunette you took home; turns into a flat chested, flat bottom, chubby, with cropped hair( not that there is anything wrong with that) it just wasn't the sale, sort of speak...lol Her extensions come out when you pull her hair, her padded bra and panties are thrown on the floor, her green eyes are brown, because her lens are in saline solution...I guess you get the picture, hope you don't live it...forget the double standard mate and go for what makes you have a strong self image and confident. All the Best, Michael.

  20. Take some vitamins daily that is all you need.. that is what I can recommend


    Hey Mates!


    Vitamins can only be of benefit if the hair loss is directly related under nourishment or malnourishment or a particular Vitamin deficiency. There is no clinical evidence that vitamins can effectively stop or reverse the adverse effects of DHT the root of androgenetic alopecia or Male Pattern Baldness [MPB]. The type of hair loss that effects most men in their lifetime. All the Best, Michael

  21. Could anyone advise about if the procedure does not take (ie. the transplanted hair does not stay in and falls out anyway) for certain individuals? Can someone explain the shock loss effect? The transplanted hairs are placed around the current growing hairs. Now, will those current growing hairs in the recipient region, will they fall out? Do they grow back, etc?


    Hey Mate!


    Some people get shock loss; while others do. Here is a great post on it:

  22. Norwood II ... Yep That's where i am right Now and i'm 22


    I Think the Mature Hairline Myth is somewhat true... I Had a NW 1.5 hairline before but Last year i noticed Certain Changes in my body...


    My beard got thicker and the funny mustache changed into a somewhat stronger one...


    My chest hair creeped up a bit.. also Noticed Thicker Hair in my Hands and Legs... Overall i was feeling like being a MAN :cool:


    But what just collapsed me was My Hairline Receding:eek: .. Last August I was losing Considerable amount of Hair at temples.... Freaked out I went and Consulted a Derm... He was NW 7 :D .. He just smiled and Prescribed me Biotin Lotion...


    Significantly it had no effect on My Hairline but it did improve the overall quality and Texture of my Hair :rolleyes:


    Since then i have been a Constant lurker on Forums freaking out my selves certain days..

    I Started Noticing my colleagues hairlines... Everyone had almost similar Hairlines... But 2 of them had a Thick Juvenile Hairline.. They didn't have Manly Characteristics (No beard, chest hair, Mustache) and I Usually tease them being Feminine...


    Now the Tables have Turned now as we are NW2 our Hair styling Options are Limited :mad:... Combover Sucks.. They Still Have those thick and Dense Hair with no Recession (NW 1 maybe). Lucky fella's...:rolleyes:



    There's No Hairloss now... 5 -10 Hairs a day...


    I now have a plan to monitor my Hairline for 3 years and if it doesn't recede then I Would Probably Restore to a Strong NW 1...:rolleyes:


    Someone Please clear this..


    Does Having an HT ruin your eligibility for Future Treatments (Like adreans, Histogen etc)

    I am considering this serious because they looks promising at least Adreans..

    And If Some PGD2 Inhibitor is going to halt Baldness within 3-4 years then every1 can be an HT regardless of the age factor. Baldness would be History then


    The only Way my Hair Loss neat is when it is cut short... :mad: It would have looked better if i had a Widows Peak .Could Sport a Pierce Brosnan Hairstyle... ;)


    Hey Mate!


    If you have the need to resolve hair loss now than HT is the natural, proven and permanent solution. It does not ruin your chances for future treatments should they actually come available; but and many patients eliminates the need for future treatment. Age, future hair loss predictability would all play a factor. Best advice is from an HTN recommended physician. All the Best, Michael

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