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Everything posted by jmghair

  1. Sounds like you're in a little bit of a pickle. For someone with limited donor such as yourself isn't this where bht comes in? Why is bht limited to beard hair only? I know Dr. Umar also takes bh from the chest as well. This may be an option for you although a pricey one. If Dr. Gho's claims are correct which have not been independently verified than he would be the best option for sure. As far as Bisanga goes he did not convince me to try and do strip. I was a nw2 only going for 1500 grafts though and he said my donor density was low about 65fu average. Bisanga does not strike me as a guy to quote you a plan because he prefers one surgery over the other, this would be unethical. I think he gives honest expert opinions and is on the conservative side.
  2. At 3 months the yield is great so far. Maybe 60-70%. I haven't buzzed down to a low grade to view the donor again yet but when I do I'll post pics.
  3. England I'm curious how many fue was taken in that op? It looks like quite a few. Way more than was taken from my donor.
  4. England you have the dots as well but because your hair is fair it won't be as noticeable. Also your hair is pretty grown out in the 2-week pic. From zero guard to two weeks growth you can't notice the dots at all on me.
  5. At one month its too early too judge scarring so of course I don't regret anything.
  6. I am fair skinned. My skin is also sensitive. I will give it a years time to heal before I start looking at other options such as laser resurfacing and scalp pigmentation.
  7. No like many I don't have a prescription. Due to the half life of finasteride, to maximize the effects of DHT suppression I take it every 12 hours. There are others on this board who have had great results doing this. Doctors don't have a crystal ball as to what sides you will have which I feel are overhyped anyways. I monitor my sides which are non-existent If I were to get suppressed I would lower the dosage or stop. The time it takes for results from finasteride is a year so I want to get maximum results during that time frame and then maintain from there.
  8. I take two a day anyways. One in the morning and one at night. 1.25mg per dosage. I'm fine I can get it up have orgasms and sex all the time. I don't play when it comes to hair loss. I plan on doing this for a year until everything stabilizes then taper it down to every other day.
  9. I am not shaving for the community I am shaving because it is what I wanted to do. I have no idea what punching technique Dr. Bisanga used. I could not feel a thing and could not see obviously. I imagine the twisting technique would cause less damage. See immediate post-op pic I have no regrets in choosing fue over strip. I would never get strip. If it was the only option I wouldn't even bother with ht's. The donor is not red but barely pinkinsh. I would imagine the dotting will improve. Some of the larger dots have the hairs surrounding the extracted follicle shocked. This should improve in a few months time. I don't think this is wishful thinking.
  10. No one has noticed or mentioned anything. I think they only matter to those who have trained ourselves to notice or are familiar with this procedure. Its still early and I attribute some of the dotting to shocked hair so it may improve.
  11. I know Dr. Bisanga spaces out the grafts over the donor so 1500 or less should not be too bad but it depends on person to person. Density and healing ability come into play.
  12. Someone should try it out and post the results here for our benefit. Any takers?
  13. I'm not so naive as to think fue is totally scarless. I don't expect it to go away 100%. I do expect that it will improve however and become less obvious by a years time.
  14. I buzz my head regularly out of convenience and that is what I did now at one month post-op. I will buzz it again regularly to check and see how it is healing and also to be able to rub vitamin E onto the scalp more easily. RichFrog the punch used was .8mm.
  15. I was told that these were not white dots but the absence of hairs as it is to early to have true "scars". The extraction sites are not healed yet as indicated by the pinkish color of the skin. Whether or not the look improves remains to be seen. This is what it looks like at a zero guard right now. When it was longer it was not noticeable. I will also start using a topical vitamin E treatment.
  16. I have white dotting in the donor 1 month after a 1500 FUE procedure by Dr. Bisanga. I was wondering if these dots eventually blend and is there anything I can do to assist this process?
  17. 2 weeks post-op from a hairline/temple procedure I resumed minoxidil again and started applying it to the hairline/temples as well. Will these hairs become minoxidil dependent? My normal routine is apply to the crown only because I had no loss in the frontal region. I plan on using it on the crown long term and only on the hairline/temples until the current transplant grows to accelerate growth.
  18. I am almost 3 weeks post op and when I examine my hairline closely where I had the transplant I see some hairs that are the same length as the other hairs on my head and smaller hairs, and some black dots, but also gaps in the hairline where it is totally smooth and I can't see any sign of a hair or graft. It had me wondering if the doc did not densely pack in some areas and needs a touch up or if this appearance when a hair sheds is normal and you can't tell if a hair follicle is actually there, or ever existed with the naked eye.
  19. It is my understanding that the newly implanted hairs are shed only to regrow 3 months later. My question is when the hairs fall out of the newly implanted grafts, is the skin where the hair used to be smooth, like a dead follicle on a balding person, or is there still a follicle that is viewable, like say a tiny black dot where you can tell a new hair is coming out? Are you able to see where the hair will come in on these shed hairs or does it look so smooth that you couldn't tell if a hair ever existed there or will come back? Like no sign of a hair whatsoever.
  20. This is interesting and at the same time uncommon. Thank you for sharing Dr. K.
  21. I don't see how this is better than strip surgery which leaves a scar in the back of your head. Wouldn't you rather have the scar in the back than in the front?
  22. Nasser the surgeon does the most artistic skill necessitated portion of the surgery which is punching the grafts and making the donor slits/holes. Punching the grafts requires experience and skill because of the possibility of transecting grafts and graft survival. Making the donor slits and holes requires the surgeon to match the existing angle and pattern of hair. Dissection and placing the grafts themselves in the holes can be done by a team of trained techs and does not require so much artistic skill. Dr Bisanga however did place some of the grafts himself then left the room and would come back routinely and check on the progress as the techs continued and placed a few more. Dr Bisanga uses a manual punch only. For me he used a .80 punch. Here is a donor pic immediately post op.
  23. There was an African American from Texas who did my anesthesia, a Polish girl who was placing grafts, a girl from Spain that mixed the prp and a French African. I didn't think to ask names.
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