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Posts posted by Slickers

  1. I would say yes, it looks like you're receding. As above, no one on here can say for sure, we havent seen what your hair used to look like, but at the same time I can't imagine your temples were that recessed in your early/ mid teens.


    Don't get me wrong you still have plenty of hair but then you are only 19. And I say this not to frighten you but it's even worse to be in denial about it. My temples were the same at 19, I couldnt believe someone could start to go bald at that age but believe me it happens.


    Don't get down about it, there are plenty of options available to you to help you maintain what you've got.......which, as everyone on here will attest, is a hell of a lot easier than getting it back when it's gone.

  2. Slickers

    I would have to disagree with you about this clinic. Ive looked at the results on their website & when you compare them to the likes of Feller, Rahal, T&D, Bisanga & others, there really is no comparison. Also charging €250 for a consultation is a joke.


    Kopite I don't think you read my post correctly. I said I know of only one clinic that could be reputed to perform decent work but even then I havent seen much evidence of this myself.


    My comments certainly weren't an endoresment. In fact I'm a bit miffed as to how you arrived at that conclusion.

  3. Spanker, congrats fella, you're all done!:eek: And I can only echo what everyone else has said already, it looks fantastic and I have no doubt you're in for one hell of a result.


    The work looks impeccable, just what you'd expect from Konior.


    Great write up too. Makes me wish I could fast forward 8 months when hopefully I'm sat in the chair.

  4. hairybaldy I don't know you from Adam, all I know of you is two posts and you're recommending a newbie goes to the same place as you seemingly went to in Ireland.


    I'm Irish myself and I know of perhaps only one clinic, one EXTREMLEY expensive clinic in Ireland that does anything close to resembling decent work. And even this clinic has very few results online for people to view. In fact as far as I'm aware their reputation has largely been built on Jimmy Nesbitt's HT. That might be doing them a disservice but I have never personally seen any other result from them. And from what it's speculated he paid for his HT (and I emphasise speculated)... it should bloody be good.


    So.... my reading of your recommendation therefore was that it didnt sound like good advice but, and believe me, I'm happy to be proved wrong. I'd like nothing better than a top HT doc in the beautiful emerald isle but I haven't seen anything on any forum or from many hours of research that tells me different.


    And lastly don't take things personally. Like I said I have no idea who you are so it can hardly be personal. It was with good intentions for the guy who started the thread asking for advice.

  5. I think he was just trying to imply that you have to be weary of posters with just two or three posts who rave about a clinic/doctor but the poster hasn't shown any photos or discussed their experience. Its easy to gain credibility here, just post your pics and tell your story... write a few comments for others and the community is going to be receptive and interested in your story.



  6. Look at the MANY results on here and ask yourself how many are from clinics in the UK.


    Then look at the truly impressive results of the surgery that is similar to what you're planning i.e. type of surgery (FUE/ FUT), placement frontal/ crown , no. of grafts etc. And then identify the top doctors that impress you the most. Again notice how many are (or how many aren't) from the UK.


    Then consult with those doctors. Meet with them if possible (many do consultations in the UK) and also meet their patients in person. Find everything there is to know, cost, write ups about the day of surgery /surgery experience from other patients, where people stay etc etc.


    Then decide on who the right doctor or clinic is for you. Don't limit it to geography or you could very well regret it.


    Good luck.


    ps. oh and ignore the advice from posters who have very few posts on here, particularly when they're recommending you go to any specific doctor or clinic

  7. Look at in the other way. The sooner you're in the chair the sooner you get the hairline you've been pinning after for years, spending countless hours of your life on forums looking at guys hairlines and transplants when you should be out in bars chatting up girls, driving a cabriolet without a worry in world about what way the winds blowing or enjoying any number of things that just seem less enjoyable when you're paranoid about your hair.


    You've got a great head of hair as it is and Konior is world class. You'll be in a very good place in only 5/6 months time.

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