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Posts posted by Slickers

  1. Greatjob, thank you for you honesty and 'breaking it to me' that I am not a demigod, a being around which our wondrous, sacrosanct constellation revolves for my own curious wonder. Just this morning I was trying to effect the tide for my personal amusement until your message awakened me from my misconceived and delirious slumber.


    In response to your over zealous reading of the situation, I stated that on a number of occasions I had asked Matt some questions and he didn't bother replying. Not just the one incident but several.


    I happen to think that when someone posts a case on behalf of a clinic you do so for comments and questions. I happen to think that when someone asks a question that question deserves a response. People are busy and that's not always possible. I accept that. But when you fail to even acknowledge a question on a number of occasions I also happen to think that it's not unreasonable to point that out.


    Matt to his credit messaged me straight away. And he then replied to another poster who asked a question on the other thread. Is this not the purpose of the forum? For meaningful questions and dialogue? Or should we just be spoon-fed information without so much as an ounce of curiosity?!

  2. Definitely have a trim to even it it out. By evening the length and reducing the contrast it'll appear much less noticeable.


    In my view Couvre should only be used for thinning patterns i.e. between hairs, and in conjunction with hair fibres such as Toppik. Without it like you said it just looks like you've painted your head. Using Toppik or Nanogen with Couvre and combing it through should disguise it nicely until the shockloss areas recover.

  3. Matt.... why do you ignore questions? I must have commented on 3 or 4 of Dr Rahal results, in a very positive way and just asked to see a few more pics, post op or other but have never had the courtesy of a response .


    Are you too busy? Spex and Jotronic always seem to find the time. If you don't have pics, just say so but an acknowledgement of the question now and again wouldn't go amiss.

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