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Posts posted by Shampoo

  1. As I mentioned in my post, the effects would only be seen many years later. So a study on the long-term effects of fibres in concealers likely wouldn't be possible for many more (likely 10+) years.HOWEVER, there are tons of studies on people inhaling fibres in other environments (as in work environments), and there is definite evidence that these cause a type of lung disease called pneumoconiosis. .


    I have for the time being stopped using fiber concealers because of serious concern about how it could affect my lungs. I used fiber concealer 7 days a week and it was amazing when I wiped down my bathroom counter-top every few days how much fiber would be on the handi-wipe. I would like to see a study done on this, but I would think it can't be good to be breathing that everyday. I found a mask impractical to use, plus it still gets all over your counter-tops/floors. etc...

  2. Good luck with that.




    I think the vast majority of disaster results we see from patients on this

    message board are from patients that picked a surgeon that offered a "great price".


    Heck I'd get a second job before I did that.


    Can you imagine someone saying "hey anybody know a good cheap heart doctor that can do my open heart surgery?"


    Either you can afford this or you cant....because no one can afford a disaster result.

  3. Be advised your staples/stitches will need to come out around the 10 day or 2 week mark. Personally I don't think it would be ideal to be wearing a hard-hat 10 hours a day at 4 weeks, but I guess it might work. In your daily routine in construction would you describe your work as physically strenuous or are you sitting inside a machine like a bulldozer? And how old are you?

  4. Yes, to me the FUE extraction sites appear larger than normal and larger than they should have been. The sites are very large and sub-standard.


    Mickey85....Vult states his FUE surgery was 6 years ago.


    I suppose one might could argue that FUE today has greatly improved and what most doctors were doing with FUE six years ago is light years away from what they do today?

  5. Don't you think that I'm promoting FUT. FUT should be forbidden IMO ;) why, well we've all seen failed FUT attempts. 1 ruined life with it would be enough for me to forbid the whole thing. It's just a Russian roulette then, with a difference that you need to live with it afterwards.


    Oh come on dude...I can empathize with your disappointment, but all cosmetic surgery has risks. You think because a very poor cosmetic result can happen from every type of cosmetic surgery they should all be "forbidden"? I have had 3 successful FUT surgeries and if you would had your way I would have been "forbidden" from having those?

  6. this posts smells like yet a pro-FUT guy trying to push people against FUE. And deny that FUE has any advantages over FUT.


    I hear ya...a bit of a strange post....but he seems anti both FUE/FUT or just anti-transplant period


    Hi, With either FUE or FUT you will never in your life be able to shave short or bald without it being noticeable, and don't doubt it. Shave bald, no matter how bad you feel imagine feeling x10 times worse. Drop the idea right away!.
  7. Do you think the 2400 grafts that was suggested by one doctor enough to not have to do another future procedure if I stay on the meds?


    I very seriously doubt you would be very happy with only 2400 grafts.


    Like someone said you have a lot of real estate to cover.


    If you want pretty good coverage, long term you could easily need 6K-8K grafts if you have the donor supply to make that happen. Of course if your have lower expectations maybe less grafts could work.


    Depending on your financial situation I would suggest getting a larger session than 2400 grafts.


    At 36 years old maybe get 4500 grafts as a starter now, and reassess in 2-4 years?


    Your questions about how many procedures you will need basically revolves around how large of sessions you decide to go with. Larger session surgeries usually means less surgeries you will need...but there are other factors like donor supply and financial that all play a part.


    Some clinics specialize in larger sessions and many clinics primarily like to do 1800-2500 graft sessions.


    Without opening a FUT vs FUE debate, personally I would get a large FUT session first (FUT in US and Canada much cheaper than FUE and usually larger sessions more easily accomplished with FUT) and later down the line gravitate towards FUE. The so called "scar" can be an issue with some patients, but if you go with an elite doctor it usually will not be an issue unless you end up shaving your head or wear your hair really short. I have had 3 FUT surgeries and the so-called "scar" is 100% a total non-issue that my hair-dresser has trouble finding.


    Also I would advise not lowering your hairline at all when you have your surgery, use all your grafts to build up the areas in and behind your current hairline.

  8. Being about 9-10 weeks out from surgery I am also currently a member of the ugly duckling club.


    One thing to remind ourselves is that it normally takes many years to go bald, so going through several months of ugly duckling should not be a surprise and is the price we must pay to achieve our goal.


    8 hours of ugly duckling at work, and the rest of the day and on weekends I wear a ball cap.


    It is what it is.


    Hey and tomorrow I will be one day closer to graduating from the Ugly Duckling School of Hard Knocks!



  9. Tony whether you realize it or not, you having a relatively high forehead is a plus. It will mean down the road "less space" that will need to be transplanted. Sure guys that have a low front hairline are blessed, until they start going bald, and then they have more acreage to try and cover. I would advise you in any future surgery to not try and lower your frontal hairline...keep it basically where it is now. This will allow you to keep things thicker on top and make better use of donor hair in case your crown needs it later. It looks like your doctor took a relatively conservative approach with only two thousand grafts and left you with more donor hair for later.


    ps: if you start having any side effects from the Popecia....try playing with the dosage and the frequency. I am no doctor but I think having some of it in your blood every week does help. Some people start getting some side effects and just quit all together, when they should try tweaking dosage and frequency before just quitting.

  10. Tony it really is time to relax. I know easier said than done, but each day that passes you are one day closer to seeing the final result. Whether you worry a lot, or worry a little, you still have to get to about the one year mark to see the complete result. So really the worry is basically a waste of time because it won't change anything. I bet at the one year mark you will be relatively pleased in that some of the problem will be solved and/or look better than before.


    Are you taking Propecia? At your age you should try and hold on to as much of your hair that you can. After all, holding on to the hair you have is at least half the battle. If I were you I would immediately get on Propecia and just take a half a dose every day or every other day, otherwise you are probably going to continue to lose hair.


    One silver lining is you are so young that you will most likely see major changes and breakthroughs in the transplant industry that will help you better maintain a head of hair as you get older.

  11. I am 2.5 months out from surgery and just today at lunch the lady that works the counter at a hamburger place I frequent that has not seen me lately said "wow....your hair....you cut it...looks great". She was being nice. It's funny how many people are so polite to tell you how great you look when you are in the middle of the ugly duckling stage. I guess them being polite is better than telling you the truth that you look like shit...lol.


    Anyway....I replied "well yeah a haircut and something else". She looked puzzled and said "something else"? I said "yes I got a hair transplant and that's why I look the way I do". She immediately said "oh ok I see where you are going now" and thus for me the issue was addressed honestly and now is over....she knows...I know....the end.


    Look I know not everybody can be as open and carefree, but for me "hiding" is much more painful. I'd rather just be confident in that I did the right thing for me....and screw anybody that doesn't approve or understand....because I am on my way back to better hair!

  12. If you wear your hair anywhere near that sort of length then I'd say go to a doctor and get 4000+FUT. High quality grafts and no nonsense! I would only touch the crown as part of a session that also tackles the frontal loss. It's never going to be very dense back there (probably 10 grafts per cm2) but at least you will have hair and the option of concealers if it really bothers you.


    Wise words. Go with an elite doctor because with your level of loss at your age you can't afford any mistakes. Also with an elite surgeon you can stay with the same doctor because you are going to over time need multiple surgeries. Stay on meds. For the time being Nanogen concealer would mostly "solve" your crown issue, but Nanogen is addictive, pricey, and I am a bit concerned about the health issues of breathing the fibers long term.

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