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Posts posted by Shampoo

  1. Agree.

    Shampoo...I just realized you had another procedure in May! How's it coming along?


    Thanks NewHairPlease....my procedure in May went pretty well, but was smaller than I intended.


    I had really hoped for like 4000-4500 grafts....but Dr. Wong could only get 2708.

    I guess being my 3rd procedure the scalp laxity just wasn't there.


    2708 is not bad but i wished it could have been more.


    The transplanted hair has really started coming in the last month.


    We didn't get as much to the crown as I wanted...only 800 grafts :(


    So I would expect down the road in a year or two...after I see full results and have re-vascularization ....

    I may do a 1000-1500 FUE crown-only procedure.


    With my panic/anxiety I am scared of the "face-down" time involved with FUE...but I suppose with the right amount of Xanax I can do anything....lol.

  2. Transplanted hair is taken from hair zones that are not susceptible to DHT damage.


    As long as a skilled surgeon removes the transplanted grafts from the correct zone you should not lose hardly any transplanted hairs from DHT.


    However all the native hairs that surround transplanted hairs are still susceptible to DHT and will possibly continue to thin over time.


    This is why patients need to plan for the future and save donor hair in case of more native hair loss down the line.


    Hair loss is a "moving target" and will possibly continue to thin to some degree all around the transplanted grafts.

  3. This is how I try to plan my hair transplant travel:


    Sunday: Fly to destination

    Monday: Pre-op consultation/game planning with doctor

    Tuesday: Surgery

    Wednesday: Rest, recovery, first shampoo by clinic

    Thursday: 2nd shampoo by clinic, final exam by doctor, fly home afternoon

    Friday: Home Sweet Home as swelling sets in for 2-3 days


    Take the following week off from work for a total of two weeks off from work

  4. chicagoguy I have been using a product called "Catalase Extreme 10,000" that is supposed to slow/reverse grey hair. Like most products, it appears some people like it and feel they get results and others don't.


    I think it has slowed the progression of my grey hair.


    Sometimes with products like this, people buy it use it for a month or two, don't see dramatic results, and then claim "that stuff doesn't work". Well #1 maybe it took decades to go grey, so it is not going to reverse that in 60 days, and #2. because something doesn't work for one person doesn't mean it doesn't work for others. It's definitely a 2EachHisOwn decision.




    The FDA doesn't like the claims some of the sellers of Catalase have made: (but I think it works for me)



    "According to recent scientific studies, low levels of catalase may play a role in the graying process of human hair. Hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced by the body and catalase breaks it down. If catalase levels decline, hydrogen peroxide cannot be broken down as well. This allows the hydrogen peroxide to bleach the hair from the inside out. This finding is under investigation in hopes of developing cosmetic treatments for graying hair based on catalase supplements."




  5. I paid a deposit for both my surgeries at Hasson/Wong. This was their policy:


    After your surgery date is scheduled, the first deposit of $500 is due within one week.

    3 weeks before your surgery, a payment of 75% of your estimated cost is due.

    The balance is due the day of your surgery.


    I think deposits should be expected when you are basically reserving a doctor,

    several techs, and a surgery center room for optional surgery.


    I can't speak for them, but I would bet if you were reasonable and cancelled

    an appointment relatively soon after making an appointment they would probably

    refund a good portion of your money. I think deposits are basically just insurance

    against perpetual "tire kickers" and flakes that can't make up their mind.

  6. Shampoo I have been reading a lot of articles that say the same think. Not one clinic that offers SMP has made a comment on this. I would like to hear their opinions and claims they are 100% sure that the ink doesn't case cancer. Nicole07 what is your opinion?


    Lorenzo thanks for sharing your situation and the possibility that scalp tattoo could be a factor in various forms of cancer. I certainly hope you are going to be ok long term.To be honest I had considered SMP to add just a bit more density look to my crown, but after being enlightened by this wonderful informative forum I seriously doubt I would have SMP at least until more is known and/or studied about the health/cancer links involving tattoo inks.

  7. A 2nd procedure can be very helpful, but of course when that 2nd procedure takes place depends on each patient's unique situation in regard to donor supply, age, meds, and potential for future loss.


    You only get a finite amount of grafts, so every patient must use their limited donor supply wisely and realize especially at younger ages that future loss will most likely occur.


    Young guys in their twenties need be careful about using up too many grafts chasing a teenage hair-line, because when they are in their 30's, 40's, and 50's they may need to fill in a thinning mid-scalp or balding crown and be out of grafts because they wanted a teenage hairline in their twenties. Always think long term!

  8. the number of grafts (5000)


    You got 5000 FUE grafts?

    Did you get all 5000 FUE grafts in one session?

    How long were you in the chair for 5000 FUE grafts?

    What country was your surgery?


    Any "before" pics?


    I think at 2.5 weeks post-op it's way to early too make a judgement or panic

    but I bet you'll be fine, especially with that many grafts.

    Happy Growing!

  9. It appears you should be a good candidate, especially since you are not worried about the crown.


    Not sure how many grafts you have in mind, and what your exact goals are, but if you are going for a large session with a top surgeon like 3500-4000 grafts to the front and mid, then I think you will be quite pleased.


    However a one day 4000 graft surgery is mostly a FUT procedure in the United States, because of the time of surgery and money.


    Best of luck and no need to be worried as long as you went with a top surgeon.

  10. i accept all risk that come with it(the risk is if i go to norwood7 bald and i run out of donor hairs, etc) i am fully aware of them all... but theres the chance where i might not go bald at all....(ive really had this hairline my whole life, and i have thinning in that corner only


    How many grafts do you want? If you are thinking like a 1000 grafts then I still wouldn't advise it at your young age, but you'd probably be ok....but not sure 1000 will make you happy either.


    The risk isn't so much that you will go bald or be a Norwood 7, but what if at 35 you start losing your crown and some hair behind this new low hairline? You may need all your donor hair for front, mid, and crown loss and you may not have enough. Then you will be forced into difficult choices.


    Lets say you use up quite a few grafts lowering your hairline now, but in 10-15 years you thin out in front, mid, and crown. You may find your self short on donor hair and will have to "live with" a bald crown, because at 22 you used up too many donor hair trying to lower your hairline.


    The reason I worry is obviously your hair is important to you, and as you age it will most likely stay important to you, and if at 35-40 you are balding and don't have enough donor because of the decision you are about to make at 22....well you are not going to be a happy camper.

  11. I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but I would be very leery of any hair transplant at 22 years old unless it involved a very small amount of grafts.


    Who knows what your balding situation may be like in 10 years?


    In a few years you may need those limited donor grafts in far more critical areas if you begin balding. Once you start balding a low hairline would be way down your priority list.


    If I were you I would definitely go see Dr. Feller and Dr. Bloxham at Feller Medical in New York. Talk to both doctors. Feller and Bloxham both are active on this message board and appear to get really nice results. Feller Medical would be on my final list of doctors even traveling from Texas where I live.

  12. I am 4.5 months post op from FUT and my hair is beginning to show signs of life, but I hope and believe I am no where near the finish line as far as growth. I sort of planned my surgery back in May for a niece's wedding on Oct 21st. I knew I would not be near being filled in, but mostly past the "escaped mental patient look" at almost the 5 month mark for the big wedding. Although I have stopped using fiber concealer, for the special occasion I will use a bit of Nanogen fiber concealer and I think I will look fine.


    My previous surgery started really showing decent results at the 7 month mark and continued filling in right up to the one year mark. Every patient is different, so it is hard to predict.

  13. You could say the same thing about oncologists....if cancer was cured/prevented they'd be mostly out of business.....same thing with dentists....if decay could be cured/prevented they'd be mostly out of business.....same thing with with almost any profession....if it happens it happens...and people...especially very bright people and/or very hard working people will usually find something else to utilize their skills. The best almost always bounce back in something else.

  14. I've told many people that even if it was free, most balding guys would not do a transplant. With the expense and hassle you've got to really want to do this. For a guy that really, really cares about his hair, has the money, has realistic expectations, and has reached an "anguish level" that he just cant take it anymore...then they are probably a good candidate for a hair transplant.


    A hair transplant can provide great reward, but it is not an easy road and it often can lead to multiple procedures to stay abreast of further fall-out that will likely take place as you age. Besides choosing a great surgeon, patience and realistic expectations are key to a patient having a successful procedure.


    Besides the expense, the surgery day of sitting in basically a dental chair for 8-12 hours is well....it is what it is. Surgery sessions, especially larger ones, can make for a long tiring, day. Yeah you cant watch a movie, take sleep meds, but still, it's a long day.


    Then the various post-op phases begin that last up to a year. In my case and I think others, you look worse for awhile before you look better. I look worse post-op for at least 7 months. Again that kind of price is something a lot of guys just don't want to deal with.


    Other challenges can be post-op pain and discomfort for a few days following surgery, post-op swelling for a few days, post-op discomfort sleeping, hassles with showering, discomfort until staples come out(FUT) are all common post-op obstacles.


    Then after the first few weeks the long post-op wait begins. The "ugly duckling" phase. Dealing with not looking your normal self for several months around relatives, co-workers, and friends, is something a patient has to come to grips with and feel that the reward is worth the wait.


    I was surprised to find the dealing with people post-op is much easier than I expected. People are too busy with their own drama and issues to spend much time focused on your self-improvement. Once over the initial shock they move on.


    Personally I think it is worth it, but realize it certainly isn't for everybody.

  15. Which brand do you like most ? And what about locking spray? Is spray an essential with concealer ?


    Kiran I used Nanogen Hair Fibers. It works great, but can be pricey. However I used it everyday and started noticing throat and lung irritation after a few years of use. My bathroom counter-tops after a few days became covered with the "dust". And I knew I was breathing in that dust. I just can't see how that can be a good thing. Some people suggested masks and I actually tried that...but in my opinion it's just not practical and then you'd have to wipe down all your counter-top every day or you'd also breath it from there. I HATED stopping using it, but felt I was placing myself at risk for lung disease.


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