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Posts posted by iwokeuptoabaldpatch

  1. Thanks Hairthere. They have started to shed and it looks like i have got alot of dandruff, and i can't help but massage the area lightly untill the dry skin falls off. I've been told off a few times by the girlfriend to leave it alone, this shouldnt cause any damage should it?. There's alot of shedding but everything looks quite well healed, no bleeding just loads of black dots and skin falling off. I'm really tempted to give it a good wash today and actually rub the area instead of just letting the watered down shampoo run over it. Any advice would be really good. Thanks


    :) hi, im 32 days post HT now, and lol, reading your posts here, you are echoing my own thoughts and feelings word for word at the stage u are at. By day 9.5 i was going crazy wanting to shampoo myself properly. I flipped and day 10/11 i did start picking at the scabs and loosening them off. A lot of hair and skin and scabs came off....than i shampood hard.....its now day 32 and i can already see the same hairs very very short in my scalp particularly at front. So as all these more knowledgable than me guys say u will be fine!:) none of the grafts have been lost unless u see bleeding

  2. totally agree with spex. This year when hair thinning hit me big time i used alpecin to try and counter it. It doesnt do anything. Foolishly since it was the only shampoo i still had in my house post HT, i used it for my first few shampoos....post HT....big mistake.....its just so thick and sludgy what happens is it gets stuck in the recipient area which is already full of scabs and a thick film of skin which u cant rub too hard and the alpecin just clogs things up

  3. its no burden to apply takes 10 seconds, but like u "i dont want to marry it"..either.......... if it causes initial shedding in the recipient area or more reddening i wont use it cos the last thing i need after this appaling shock loss ......and i think rare will be the person who has suffered it to my extent........ is more hair loss even temporary. i dont want to take fin either, its too expensive in the UK, and i cant afford any side effects.



    thanks guys 4 the replies.

  4. 31 days post HT which was 2450 grafts placed in temples and front area of head only. There was a fair amount of hair already present in this area pre HT which has been very slow to grow back. That said about 35% of the actual HT grafts carried on growing immediately after surgery and are still growing. i rub my hair with my hands all the time and they still dont fall out.


    Question is this, to try and speed up the pre op hair growing back and snapping out of the shock loss,. IS IT SAFE FOR ME TO APPLY REGAINE 5% FOAM TO THE RECIPIENT AREA AT MY TEMPLES AND FRONT TWICE A DAY ? The pinkness from the operatuon has receded quite a lot altho there is some still. Will using regaine 5% like this now help speed things up. (PS I dont have access to finesteride and also dont wish to take it for possible sides and later dependance). I am already getting plenty of sleep, taking biotin tablets and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.


    My only concern is that if i apply regaine % foam to my recipient area i have heard there can be a shed initially which i obviously dont need right now. I must confess it has been 3 weeks since i started for the 1st time in my life using regaine 5% on my crown which is an area which needs it, and i have not seen any shed there. than again i was shaved bald for the FUE so nothing to shed.




  5. Thanks for the knowledgable reply blake, but i hope u can delete this thread. I was getting one tosser who just wanted to muck rake and ignored my pm request to edit his post from "tabloid" type muck raking comments, and another who insists my hair loss is worse than it actually is, because one picture is too dark in his opinion!! Lol n6, the office pic was taken at night in an office for graphic designers, with loads of spotlights, its the absolute worst light, while the car park "wasnt too dark"...i see myself in the mirror every day i think if i say something is the true picture it is...rather than someone who has seen two pictures and wants to beleive the worst.I decided to just delete this thread, Ive read elsewhere some new posters who come on here just after a HT attract this kind of "your a newbie let me talk *** to u type attitude and make your situation seem as worse as i can make it" . I was willing to be polite but Il stay clear of such posters in future and stick to PMing the knowledgable guys on here instead of starting any threads.

    Ive had 2 HT's and i did say in my origional post this was FUE. Anyway thanks for the heads up Blake. I think ill be off to another forum.

  6. Hi Gentleman.

    Yep the Prednisone worked very well for me. My FUE procedure was spread out over 3 days. On the 3rd day i had developed some swelling on the forehead, and the klingon look was starting, as I was about to leave the clinic for the last time i reminded the doctor to give me some anti swelling pills like he said he would when i first communicated. He gave me a box of prednisolone and advised me to take 2 of these 5mg tablets a day. He gave me the pills on the Thursday afternoon and my flight back home wasnt till Monday morning. However by taking these tablets the swelling was totally stopped in its tracks. It receded from the first pill i took and because it hadnt developed into anything major in teh first place it didnt develop at all after that. By Monday morning I had no swelling whatsoever totaly untraceable.

    Like you say I guess i was very fortunate, not being a doctor myself, I can understand you have had some patients who do fine without any meds and others who sadly still get swelling even with meds.

  7. Guys back in 2007 I had a minor 750 graft strip hair transplant with a discredited clinic in London. The swelling was very bad for a week post op. Thankfully on that occasion i had only to drive 1 hour home and than could sit at home for a week


    This time i had a 2450 graft operation abroad after a 9 hour flight and my doctor gave me prednisolone tablets 5mg, which totally killed the swelling in its tracks.I had insisted beforehand in my communication that I must have something for anti swelling, and the doctor relented. So ultimately post op i could sit in the very very busy airport and sit on the aeroplane for 9 hours and not have the klingon bloated forehead look.


    Always ask your doctor for safe anti swelling tablets. Cos many unscrupolous uncaring doctors do not give a shit once you have paid and are out of the door.


    I have seen what a caring and sharing community this forum is so i just want to give my two cents worth to help others too.

  8. be sure to ask your doctor for some anti swelling tablets. I also travelled abroad and had to wait 3 days before boarding a plane. In the natural course of things since my op was 3 days, the swelling had started on day 3 so by day 6 on the aeroplane it would have made things very difficult for me looking like a klingon in a busy developing countries airport and on a long haul flight, thankfully the doctor gave me some tablets prednisolone which worked fantastically well.

    After my first strip operation 4 years ago which was a far far more minor operation compared to the one i just had and done in 1 morning and afternoon i did swell up on the forehead and eyes very badly for 4-5 days. With these tablets nothing at all. all the best with your operation

  9. just my 2 pennies worth.

    I tried to contact the nobel clinic via email on their website back in may, and in return i got an email from ulf kienecker. I met him the same day for a ?35 consultation, in one of those day rate serviced offices on oxford street, it was an empty office ulf had hired for the day with just a table, no paperwork and ulf and his laptop pc. he seemed polite and pleasent enough.. he told me he had worked at nobel in its last days hence why the email was referred to him. He spoke of doing a strip surgery on me to thicken the right temple 250 grafts for ?750 which was his start up point for operations. He said he could do the operation within 4-5 days notice as that was what i asked for, but said he would need to find a place to do the operation so would get back to me via email. he also said the difference to the right temple with 250 grafts would be "a noticeable improvement"....He didnt try and sell more grafts , than again i told him the ?750 entry offer was the only one i had money for. he also didnt have any evidence of his previous work on his computer. None of that is suspicious imo


    I gave it a days thought and said i didnt think it was worth cutting my head open again just for 250 grafts.


    4 months later i tried to look for his website again, and the costs had tripled.altho in fairness the website didnt have his name affiliated on it anymore so maybe that was nothing to do with him.


    All in all, i cant comment on his surgeries as I wasnt presented with any evidence of them.There was a website called kienecker medical which set out his qualifications and it all looked proffesional. All i can say is he does have some affiliation with the nobel clinic, and he does seem to operate as a freelancer for different clinics. As a person he seemed polite, not a hard sell merchant at all , , but someone i did get the impression takes on any kind of work as he needs to make a buck

  10. Thanks to both of u for the kind reassurance. I knew this forum seemed a great place full of kind people


    I did some research on here and found several other fue patients suffered this most notably




    Im just praying i dont wake up any day soon to any more bald patches and it will be just the one. It looks bad but im hoping when the hair grows on the sides i can comb it over and also use dermatch to help conceal it.

  11. yep definetly go back to work. Like the other guys say the hair grows in very gradually and if u are seeing people on a day to day basis they always have a hard time actually realising its growing in, eventually they just think u look better or younger but cant put their finger on it. in my first HT a strip of 750 grafts strip to the right and left temples. People just thought i looked younger.

  12. Hi to everyone.Im new here and wanted to say hello and also urgently ask for advice.

    Im so sorry to make such a desperate plea in my first post. But I had my second hair transplant 2 weeks ago to this day.


    I had 2400 FUE Grafts put in on temple and mid top of the head done in the indian subcontiment. Most of the donor for this fue was from the sides and back obviously.


    It all seemed to be going okay in the operation .


    Its now been 2 weeks post op and my big problem is this:


    However my problem is this.............i woke up this morning and immediately in the mirror noticed a eye shaped bald patch on the right side of my head, just above the ear not quite at the temple area. it was bald and the skin smooth almost like there had never been hair there.A definite bald patch from out of nowhere. I touched it and to my dismay loads of hair fell in my fingers almost like it had been cut in my sleep. I rubbed the area and more and more hair fell on my fingers I rubbed the area underneath and more hair came off in my fingers same as before. This resulted in the bald patch looking like a long sideways eye shape on the side of my head.


    This specific spot was used as a donor area during the fue op. My fue op for 2450 grafts was spread over 3 days. So i guess all 3 days i had painkilling injections. My point is despite the apparent clean aboratory like facilities and 3 assistants who were members of the doctors family as well as the doctor, there is no escaping a 3 day op on the head, with so many injections and painkillers is a definite trauma to the head.


    During the surgery i had been given loads of drugs such as dalacin and codeine and the usual injections. After the surgery i took an anti swelling drug and the swelling was totally subdued. It had all been apparently going as i read it should after 2 weeks. although the top of my head is obviously still totally numb......and my hair from being shaved for fue had been growing back (to conceal the strip scar from my previous small strip surgery 4 years ago (750 grafts)..now this happens to me all of a sudden and i am scared.


    Last evening was the first day after 2 weeks i ventured to massage the back of my head, and also run my hands through the top of my numbed head........i dont know if this has any relavence.


    Also for the first time in my life 5 days ago i started to use 5% regaine foam on my crown which has slightly thinning and didnt receive any hair in the fue operation 2 weeks ago.Again i dont think the regaine use has any relavence to a sudden alopecia arretea like bald patch on the right side of my head. Correct me if im wrong.



    So my overall question is, is this phenomena on the side of my head what u guys refer to as donor area shock loss or shock loss and a common side effect....or is it just overall trauma from the operation.....or is it actually alopecia arretea......??


    I am very scared if it is alopecia arretea and am bemused at why it is striking me now. I never had it before although in my late teens briefly i did have a bald patch on my throat beard which went away.


    Any help is greatly appreciated, as I couldnt yet get hold of my doctor who did the surgery to reply to my email


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