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Posts posted by iwokeuptoabaldpatch

  1. yep the advanced laser and the nioxin definetly helped me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Im asian so have black hair it was getting thinner but going to that place and sitting under that huge ass laser definetly made my hair markedly thick the hair shafts would be like ash black and thicker id notice it combing how much thicker the hair was others noticed like my mom. i did think tho for 1500 pounds back in 2001 it was insanely expensive, the salesmen did seem cheap liars...but my situation was desperate being a young man in his early 20s and facing a prison charge for assault i didnt do...i was terrified this sudden hair loss (major recession at temples only) would get worse and if i got a year in prison it would decimate my hair due to stress i stood to lose my gf, my job, my flat etc etc. So i went against Advanced laser hair studios recommendation for a 6 month treatment and asked to have 6 months worth of sessions in 3 months.....maybe that made all the difference? I did also add vitamins to my regime.


    Years later i would buy a lexington hair max laser for $500 based on my earlier success. this device however was a load of junk totally useless


    Yep ufc 141 was great especially that young kid fighting nap kham doing all those judo throws in mma and alistair overeem!


    I wouldnt in this day and age recommend ?1500 or whatever on AHS lasers since propecia is now around as well as you can buy nioxin seperetly and get a decent hair transplant for a little more abroad .

  2. yeah i feel exactly the same. Im supposed to have had 2450 grafts done and i know from my pictures compared to others on here of the same amount of grafts and recipient areas that i have definetly had the same amount done.

    It just feels weird th 2450 grafts should be around 3500-4900 hairs yet to me that would seem a collosal amount of hair and i just dont see even probably 500 hairs!


    It was the same with my two earlier small HTs....the one at rogers of 250 grafts i was told i got around 575 hairs out of it yet when all was said and done after a year i could probably hand count around 100 hairs in the area....is this to say only less than 1 in 5 hairs survived?


    With the nobel clinic one of 750 grafts at 6 months a real cosmentic difference on the right temple but again i dont think was around 1500 new hairs maybe 500 which made all the difference.


    It does make me question the statements that even if the hair falls out after one week or 14 days after that point the grafts cant be lost etc etc. Because in my first two HT it did seem the hairs that survived the scabbing/2 week dont touch phase, were the ones that grew from teh get go and i didnt see much else growing.


    Anyway just my two pennys worth

  3. well said receding boy.

    I have also noticed many many posters do not post updates after coming on initially to raise their issues.


    This does a great disservice if , it does transpire the patient ended up with a great or adequate result and just disapears to enjoy life.


    If on the other hand they were disapointed and decide not to think or discuss HT's again i can understand that.


    but it is very wrong to speculate in the manner of some of the semi gleeful, lurid tabloid style speculations that went on earlier in this thread such as " I hope he didnt kill himself"....thats pretty disgusting and vile.


    The whole point of this forum is surely providing support to each other on the one hand and also provding the best possible database of results and reputable doctors. As i write this Im watching UFC 141 with a 6 pack and some buddies. I may be 6 weeks post my third HT i may be thinking how its gonna go. But at the end of the day I will be posting my result at 6 months to let people know


    Bonkerstonker for one has been very useful to me, as his hairloss pattern follows mine, and his updates on his shock loss situation have given me hope.


    I also have told people the way it is according to my experience.

    FACT Advanced Hair Studio laser did help me and did drastically thicken up my hair in a short time (3 months) and stop my hairloss dead for at least 5 years.


    FACT: I had a 250 graft strip as my first op at rogers clinic, which although it added a couple of very thin lines in the right temple it was concentrated on was a waste of time and money. the only good thing was the strip was so thin and indistinguishable.


    FACT:I than a year later had for the same price a 750 graft strip at nobel clinic which altho they did plant all the hairs at a 90 degree vertical angle, despite all the horror stories, I had a great cosmetic result with them, with zero shock loss, minimal (2 week time off) recovery, and ig difference at 4 months.....


    If it were not for my stupid negligent use of anabolic steroids where i took one bad pack and it thinned my hair insanely in 3 brutal weeks, I would not have had to have a third and large procedure of 2450 fue grafts...


    So my point is letting this forum know the result one way or the other is very important to save others a) making the same mistake b) being aware of certain issues and c) just letting people know


    Bad results happen even to the best of doctors.


    right now we dont know he may have ended up with a great result. I did think his 6.5 months showed a definite improvement but also understand he rightfully expected a far bigger improvement who wouldnt with 6500 grafts thats an insane amount of grafts when i consider my 2450 took 3 days to plant.


    Right now my not inconsiderable pre op native hair is totally asleep in terms of regrowing at 6 weeks.....but reading info on this board has helped e trememdously so the thread starter should post his results here if he can....

  4. thanks bonkerstonker tbh mate its your thread and than your improvement about what happened to you, that has kept me going, as our pre 3rd HT hairlines were very similar as well as the way u looked one month post HT. I cant wait to make it to 2 months. I just hope the next 2 weeks are big. Most my recip area seems to have a huge amount of pimples with small spiky hairs sticking up! Under extreme light which i work under, being in graphic design, it makes me look like i had brain surgery!


    Thanks newhairloss, i also have dodgy knees from years of cross country, so im sure the MSM will help that too!


    I got some today at GNC 1000mg 30 tablets for ?5.89! Ill take 2000mg a day!

  5. If you're really (really) lucky, then most of the transplanted hairs will remain and start growing right away. It's a small chance though, usually they all fall out and start growing again after 3 months or so...


    I guess where ive been unlucky with terrible shock loss, lack of regrowth of old hairs in recip area, bald patches in donor.....one thing i have been lucky in i guess is, 25% of the grafts remain in place at week 6 and are growing fast! i shampoo every day and also run my hand hard through my head and they down falll off.


    I just wish my pre op existing hair would also start growing back to balance it all out!


    So in answer to Thread starter. u may be lucky, try and be gentle with them at day 14 when u start shampooing normally dont pick at your head and by week 3-4 onwards they may just stay and start growing rapidly. But dont worry if they fall out, like the guys here state they will be back at month 3 usually or the other timeframes depending on the person

  6. Thanks Gillenator.

    TBH mate if i could just get my pre op existing hair back within the next 6 weeks i would be ecstatic. Its been a terrible ordeal on this third 3 HT to for the first time experience shock loss (fist sized bald patch on fue donor area to right, smaller one on left, and general lack of old hair regrowth in recip area due to shock and being shaved down for op- that wasnt done on fiorst two ops which were strips).

    The recovery on my first 2 ops (250graft and 750 graft) respectivelly was like a dream, no shock loss, no hassle after 2 weeks off..) just a smile in my mind every day i woke up and went to work and a great subtle result!


    This one has been a bloody nightmare and its affected my life drastically having to hide away from friends and the gf who has just about walked out asking why i always wear a hat suddenly. just hope the next 6 weeks things improve!

  7. I read recently that balding men on average earn more than those with full heads of hair.


    I guess this is as they are thought to be wise/nerds/smart rather than young/inexperienced.


    Unless you want to be a model, I doubt that your hair is holding your career back - the negative attitude might be though. It seems like this cure needs to be in the head, not on it.


    Exactly... the vast majority of middle managers and senior level guys and proffesionals ive seen in my field are not only bald to some degree, but usually also have one or most of the following,

    i) are fat

    ii) wear glasses

    iii) have terrible dress sense

    So i dont see how looks can hold you back in a career unless your a model or singer.


    This website lets face it is composed of a minority of bald/balding people. Many people suffer some form of balding lets say in their 20s and many dont get any balder ofr 15-20 years , alternatively some get it in their late 30s and they still have the same hair 15 years later.

    Up until 250 years ago a lot of civilisation married and mated in their early or mid teens and were dead by 50 in the majority of cases.


    Every day i see loads and loads of bald men (and i dont mean shaved heads) with very beautiful girls....I admit i see it far far more in cultures like the indians,chinese and arabians than westerners. I do think its an american hollywood propogated message that good looking people only should mate with other good looking people


    Looks come and go.ive seen many a 18-20 year old of poorer socio economic circumstances, knocked up and has 3 kids by 25 and looks fat out of shape and aged by 28-30


    We all have a prime and for some of us its shorter than others.

  8. Hi

    Am now 6 weeks post HT. The pre existing hair i had before the op is still very very slow to grow back. In fact its growing at a snails pace and i still look almost bald on top wheras before i had good coverage altho it was thinning.


    Ive been applying regaine to the recipient area for 2 weeks as well as taking biotin tablets and this seems to have finally started growth. After a dreadful 1st month post HT.


    However i understand there is this MSM which is also good. Could someone kindly explain what this is and hwere to buy it in the Uk and dosages typical pric e etc

    thanks a lot

  9. yep same here am talking 2 good vitamins a day and eating 2 whole eggs and a salad with tomatoes, onions, spinach, avocado and mushrooms every other lunchtime plus loads of fruit.


    I would say the first two weeks i didnt shampoo normally, i waited to be extra carfeful till day 14, until that point it was impossible to get rid of all the danduff scum/skin accumalated from the HT which i could only see after mild shampooing when the hair was still cold. For that first two weeks nothing grew. Since than the last 24 days I have shampood hard (ie usual) every othr day and kept the scalp clean and the hair does seem to be growing i can see it but it isnt of any length, but like u say newhairloss, since we arent used to our heads being shaved who knows if this is just how quick hair grows..


    All that said i did notice the hair on the back and sides of my head has grown back very quick within this 38 days its very thick and the strip scar from previous surgery is impossible to detect so its at grade 3. But that could be excused by the fact the back of the head and sides had a 2 week start as the top of my head the recipient area was covered in scabs, blood, and unable to be shampood properly for 2 weeks as well as taking more trauma


    Lets see.

  10. just a random question, id like to ask people who have had a HT (s) and before they had one, they had a fair amount of native existing hair in the receipient area........and their head was shaved down for the op........my question is......how long did it take your existing native pre op hair to grow back to the level it was at before pre op.......obviously i am aware many persons (such as myself on my 3rd hair op) experience "shock loss" and at week 5 my native pre op hair is still very very poor in terms of growing back....i had 2 far smaller previous HTs where the hair wasnt shaved and had zero shock loss.... so in a nutshell are there people here who had a HT had their head shaved....and there native hair grew back fairly quickly , so that they could cover the growing area? Id like each person to give their own experience to build a picture.


    I have seen on some members pages like bonkerstonker who had a lot of hair comparatively before the HT and it took 4-5 months for his native pre op hair to grow back to any semblance of where it was before.

  11. ya sure... i can imagine rooney post shower after every training session,every match hiding away in the cubicle mirror in one hand nanogen in the other not to mention the pressure that would put him under not being caught by team mates or cameras in post match interviews..you can see his scalp in nearly every photo in the papers and on a recent man utd quiz scalp was seen easily.


    There is clear evidence in pictures rooney is using some kind of concealer. I think u are perhaps a little cynical regarding the kind of team spirit the man u boys have. Remember all the tweets of good luck rooney got from his teammates after his surgery? Plus like others have said a fair few balding guys in that dressing room, who probably saw the effect, and said let me see that stuff! Also until recently after a goal celebration none of the utd boys were patting rooney on the head. A few times some guys forgot and were gonna do it and rooney stopped them. The scalp would be seen if its used properly otherwise it could look like bootpolish!

  12. yes i saw this exact same phenomenon at around day 12-14.


    Prior to day 12 i had not "normal shampooed" my hair. I had waited till around day 5 post op to shampoo mildly and than done so every 3 days. Otherwise following the HT i had had daily luke warm water very low pressure shower over the head.


    I had noticed from immediately after the HT when the new hair grafts were wet or cold they would seem to have a white film around them which would go away when they dried.


    At day 12 like i say i shampood normal. I did start to see the grafts fall.


    But please note just cos they fall off doesnt mean u lost the graft unless u scratched very very hard and saw bleeding....which is rare.


    By day 15 even tho all the scabs had gone i too was suprised to see this big white film....especially as i had just shampood my hair.....i rubbed my nails on it and it felt like a thick film of dandruff.


    So i went back in the shower and this time made the water hot, and shampood pretty hard...i removed all the film of skin/dandrufff whateveer it was.....and since than the last 2 weeks the hair in my recipient area has started finally growing back a little, even tho it is still in shock loss.


    In a nutshell, I think it is dandruff/skin left over from the operation and the period when u were unable to shampoo normally due to the scabs and the fact u had just had a HT.


    But wait for some other answers here first as someone else may know something i dont.


    I would say tho at post 14 days u can shampoo normally and quite hard and u wont lose grafts at that stage.

  13. Having had 2 minor (1000grafts in total ) HTs back in 2006 & 2007 which went without any hitch, unlike many i wasnt that suprised with Rooneys spectacular growth between june and september when he emerged with good coverage.


    Than the experts here pointed out to me, Wayne must be using concealers like toppix and dermatch.


    Despite my hair loss starting almost 10 years ago , I had simply not known of these products.


    Im using dermatch right now to cover a donor scar after my 3rd and largest HT, and i am amazed at how good dermatch is at covering. Previously i had known of some kind of hair spray to cover baldness which i had seen a few people like 15 years ago use, and they looked ridiculous, like a totally bald guy with spray paint on his head......I was ignorant.


    I have seen for myself the power of dermatch to thicken up in a natural way thinning hair.


    And now last night I see rooney again his head looking great....and than i see dimitar berbatov and ryan giggs both previously with noticeable balding in the crown.....and temples.....and lo and behold both of them had no bald patch last night!!! and their hair in particular berbatovs looked a hell of a lot thicker than it did at the end of last season.....I think its the wayne effect....both are wearing concealers.......


    I think its great these things r great products and create a natural look....I was a big sceptic and my thinking was 10 years old.....the fact the product is hiding my donor scar so well that I can stand in crowded supermarkets and no one notices the big donor scar is a real blessing

  14. To say that FUE is taken from the same permanent zone as FUT is really inaccurate in my opinion. Look at the number of photos posted, many FUE grafts are taken way above the area of FUT. I do agree that a patients safe zone will vary from patient to patient but how does a doctor know what the permanent safe zone of a patient in his 20s, 30s or 40s will ultimately be? Are you saying that a doc can reasonably predict the norwood scale for a patient at these ages?


    You do seem to jump to conclusions and than blindly follow them. I would listen to these guys i think on balance what they say is very reassuring

  15. I understand my FUE surgeon implemented lateral slit incisions of .7-1.0 mm wide

    Is this is a good and modern level? He confirmed he used a special handle to ensure they didnt go deeper.


    I did have quite a lot of existing pre op hair , and he has reassured me he used this level of lateral slit incisions to ensure regard to the existing hair.

  16. yep that seems to be the one. the packaging is different from when i last used it in 2004 but its the same one....the one i used had 3 bottles. a shampoo, and than a deep cleaner conditioner after the shampoo and finally after u had dried your hair there was a gel serum to apply.when i used to get it from advanceed hair it was so expensive used to set me back about ?38 or something. later i went on holiday in thailand and found a salon there that was cheap and they did a huge sized bottle of just the shampoo. i bought two and they lasted me a year up to 2005!

  17. in that case it wouldnt be bad only to buy the nioxin shampoo set they used to sell, but dont buy it off them, I just found out u can buy it on amazon these days its not salon exclusive. some people have cast doubt on its DHT removing abilities but it worked for me thats all i can say.


    Otherwise like the guys here say start talking propecia and buy a good shampoo like nizorol or nioxin. also 2 vitamin pills a day with biotin r a must. i forgot to mention back in 2001 i started taking these as well for a year and i take them now again.


    Im not sure where nizorol can be bought but pm a member here called SPEX he is a great guy who is a great help on this board.


    In the vast majority of times hairloss comes in spurts and just cos u lose some at a time of stress, it doesnt mean u are gonna lose it all, like this horrible little man at advanced hair panicked me into thinking....in my case i have had 2 episodes of hairloss.....the first i mentioned in 2001....the second was 8 years later and due to a combo of extreme stress (like u get only a few times thank god in your life), a starvation diet bought on by stress and not wanting to eat properly and also my taking a bad batch of DHT causing steroids due to an idiot not having my usual clean batch...so much of it was my fault! talk about being hit all at once........anyway i am sure u will be fine:) just stay away from steroids as well!

  18. bollywood superstars

    Salman khan

    aamir khan

    Sunny deol


    Mel gibson

    John Travolta

    Jude Law

    Wayne Rooney

    Jamie Foxx

    James Nesbitt

    Jack Dee

    Martin Keown

    Imran khan (pakistan cricketer)

    Shoaib Akhtar , naved ran ul hasan (pakistan crickeyters


    these are all defintes, Yet the ignorant in this day and age still think of hair transplants as something for bald old men like silvio berlesconi. Its not a vanity thing....hair loss is an illness, and like any illness its victims seek cures.....the same bitchy women who think nothing of wearing extensions (a wig), having boob jobs, lip plumpning, botox and facelifts and liposuction and tucks, would make negative remarks about a simple illness like hair transplants i heard it on looose women about rooney, yet done of these dumbasses would know guys like stallone have had stuff done.

  19. hi there,


    i went recently to Advanced Hair Studio in Reading for free consultation and i would like to ask you if anyone had any experience with them recently,


    after he looked at my hair for about 10 min he suggested to me the laser treatment with their products 1500? for 6 months or 2400 for 12 months...


    any advice will be helpfull


    Is it still based on that little backyard off the london road (quite close to the shopping centre car park)


    When i suffered my first hairloss 10 years ago (right temple only mainly and a little on front tuft) i went there in a panic. There was what was on first impression and also in retrospect a very shady little turkish guy, total used car sales man and his clinic was operated by the usual blonde irhead hairdresser types. I was a young lad in his early 20s and this turkish guy peddled horror stories to me about how if i didnt use laser i would lose all my hair within 6 months ( please note apart from the receding at the right temple and a little on the front tuft the rest of my hair was great and in tretrospect extrememly thick. its just being in your early 20s and for the first time seeing hair loss of any kind u freak out) u dont realise the vast majority of people suffer some recession but than it stabilises for years in most cases naturally.


    Anyway to convince me he pulled out a photo of a totally bald guy from his draw, it was an old picture maybe 15 years old of what looked like a 30 year old middle eastern man totally bald. He said to me "that was me before"...it looked nothing like him....but the inference being as i looked at his wavy full head of hair that somehow laser had got him where he was today....he offered me the ?1500 deal as well for 6 months with 6 months supply of nioxin shampoo.....now being a silly kid i went and paid him in cash!.......my issue was i was due to go to prison for possibly 6 months for a nightclub fight when i defended myself and was awaiting trial ....and i was terrified the stress of being in prison for the first time would make me lose all my hair like the turk was telling me.....so i coughed up and told him i only had 3 months to complete my treatment so would double the sessions he was fine with that.......... eventually i was cleared, and later on the turk tried to con me by not giving me the last 3 months supply of nioxin as he had initially given me 3 months and i had 3 months of laser simultaenously.


    Now here is the rub, for all his dodginess, for all his lies an doom peddling initially....for all the fact the ?1500 price was a con ......the fact of the matter is, that 3 months of laser treatment and the 3 step nioxin shampoo did something great to my existing hair....it made it very markedly thicker and tougher...i have black hair and as sure as anything it made my hair become even thicker, especially in the areas where there had been recesseion and there was residual thinning (IE ONLY THE right temple and a bit on the front tuft.) i would touch it, and feel it thick.it looked darker and thicker too like loads of concealer was on it and when it did fall out in the bath all the lost hairs were very thick and dark like beard hair.


    Thereafter i used nioxin shampoo for the full 6 months and carried on using it on and off till 2003. (so 2 years basically. ) my hair loss totally stopped and im sure of course i was less stressed but the laser did hellp me. It did work beyond a shadow of a doubt).....so basically for 5 years i did not think about my hair anymore..... ..In 2006 also on the strength of my previous laser experience I bought a lexington hairmax laser comb device which had won FDA approval (I dont know why) as used over 18 months i found it useless and it replicated none of the effect of the advanced hair laser...... still i had no intention at that point of paying 1500 again to advanced hair as my hair was stilll as good as when i stopped using laser the first time.


    Anyway i have diggressed my answer to the thread starter is this.........dont go to Advanced Hair....1500 is too much to pay in this day and age and it was back in 2001 aas well and it would probably only help u if you hairloss is slight thinning all over and not real recession.....in any event dont go....I went cos it was ten years ago and there wasnt much information, travelling to the US was a non option i knew nothing about hair transplants and felt they were just something fior the rich on harley street ...i didnt know better ....with the options and info available today especially with a guy like SPEX on this board who can answer your questions....save your 1500 and double it and have a hair transplant somewhere good. abroad....absolutely pointless going to advanced hair and wasting 1500 when u could go abroad and have a hair transplant of 2-3000 grafts for the same amount for the price of a airline ticket (around 650 quid.


    By the way does anyone know where i can buy nioxin shampoo? is it still only through advanceed hair??

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