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    United Kingdom
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Thinning Hair Loss All over the Scalp
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    I'm here for support

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime

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  1. Well i have no problem from doctor he is helpfull. where ever you do the transplant you get same problems because they not tell you in advance i contact few people and they facing same problem so doctor or hospital not problem.
  2. I have done my hair transplant nearly 6 month ago from Pakistan (jhelum) .I want to give you honest advice, please check my pictures in my profile last picture you see its after 5 month and 20 days and i am not happy with result you know why because on picture its look very good result but if you see in real it will less thicker than look in picture and i faced quite few problems all doctores will not tell you everything before transplant. after transplant my face swelling not going down and it stay on my face around one month and also i had allergy after 3 month and stop using Minoxdil and all medicine my head is still num even its nearly 6 month most time feel itchy. in early days after hair transplant I got too much itcy sclape even can not sleep in night, I will not recomend any one do transplant because you can not get same denisty as natural you have to do 2 or 3 transplant to get good denisty. I was wearing hair piece before transplant and thinking about to use again if result stay same , i am still wearing my cap and hoping they may go better in couple of month. I do not recommend anyone the medice they give they block your harmones and your sexual power go down as well I feel problem in erection its getting better now because i stop using nearly 3 month but i still feel my stage was not like this before transplant and my head go very itchy when you do sex and when you nearly cuming my head feel some one put 100 needle in transplant area so brother too many problems I do not want to put you down its your choice but if you done transplant I am sure you will remember my words.feel free to contact me
  3. hi please see my result after 5 month 20 days and comment please what u think ?
  4. you will get good result I can not wait for my result and i am in 5th month
  5. I am in 4th month and have no redness or any problem , i think if you using minoxdill that make skin redness on few people check with your doctor .
  6. i live near manchester plz let me know the place and will attend 100%
  7. hi the hostital is not 5* its 3* . yes you can cut your hair as normal and they will grow back the only thing you can not shave head with razor.thanks
  8. for some reason I got allergy last week on my head too much ichy head and face and my ears I contacted my doctor and he told me you got allergy stop using all medicine and minoxdil , not sure why i got allergy was using same medicine from last 3 months but anyway doctor gave me Proton 5mg table and i used only 4 tablet and everything gone now back to normal and today i took tablets again after week break but no more minoxdil because i get dry skin when i apply monoxdil so doctor told me stop using anymore, just worried whether i get good result without minoxdil I start using Genesis and Surbex tablets ?
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