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Posts posted by rev3

  1. the more you beef up those temple points the further the temple angle recession looks


    your points (the triangles close to the ear) look fine

    they do not look recessed much

    i think the deep temple angles are throwing you off


    it's these temple angles that can be closed up

    to be more in balance with your points


    great photoshop

  2. sorry, the number of posts someone makes does not make them an expert on hair transplants


    if Plausibleboss had made 10 years of posts, his argument still hold no water


    ignore him


    the result is fantastic! even from this top-down angle pic you can tell the whole front of your hairline has transformed the way others will see your face



  3. doesn't look like shock loss


    looks excellent for two months


    if you think it is shock loss

    the hair may never come back if they were on their way out (miniaturized) at the time...which in your before pics looks that way


    it also looks like your doc COMPENSATED FOR THAT and in 3-4 months you should be looking like you were never balding in the first place


    great placement

  4. yes guyz, you may be alarmed at me having a transplant at such a young age.


    but i have been really patient for the last 4 years when it all began and did my research.


    i had a strip surgery with dr rahal with 3608 grafts and density of 70fu/cm2 at hairline, reducing the density the further back the grafts were placed.


    in all honesty, the surgery went really good, im 4 days post-op, things are looking good. im kinda glad i chose the doctor i did and didnt fell a sucker with doctors back home in the UK


    please have a look at my weblog and let me know what you think. i will keep you guyz posted so theres more to come!



    this result was 70fu/cm2 at the hairline?

    do you think docs lie about these figures?

  5. Hi,


    Thank you for your response.


    I have medium to fine hair which is light brown so im guessing 50 wont be enough even though a few doctors have recommended this, stating this is general for their practice.


    Im hoping to style my hair than just brush it forward so i guess i will have to aim for around 60!


    some docs feel more comfortable achieving these higher densities with more than one procedure. don't be put off by this. this is a good thing. the yield re: survival rate of grafts is higher with multiple procedures at lower densities.


    50 might be enough. but probably not for ALL hairstyles and probably not for ALL hair types.

    but yours might qualify


    go on a few consultations

    many top docs have most likely operated on patients with similar characteristics as yours and can show you pics of what you can actually expect


    consults are usually free via email so consult with docs all over the world for their opinions

    even though you might wind up going to the doctor closest to you

  6. othersyde


    totally agree with your outlook/percetion about hairlines


    you are a realist, maybe because of your military background


    the hairline you drew while perfect design for optimally framing your face would require way over 4000 grafts to get a good density 60+ per cm2


    not that it couldn't be done but doing so would would probably mean sacrificing a thicker mid section and crown.


    many guys now are getting hair transplants with this in mind: lowering the hairline to optimally frame the face and having lower densities to the crown


    whatever you decide, no harm in getting opinions from other hair transplant docs about all possibilities even if you ultimately decide to go for beefing up your current hairline with your current doc


    wish you the best and thanks for your service

  7. this was posted by another poster but i am wondering the same

    anyone have an opinion?




    Hi all!


    I am very interested in hearing whether certain kinds of acne treatments would be safe for me to use now. I am currently being treated by a dermatologist for acne, and my dermatologist has suggested that I consider the following kinds of treatments for the cysts in my transplanted/recipient area:


    - Diluted kenalog+saline injections to reduce the inflammation

    - Clindamycin phosphate topical

    - Benzoyl peroxide 4% solution topical gel (though she warned that the benzoyl peroxide solution, while potentially effective, might be mildly irritating to my still-pink recipient area)

    - Salex Shampoo (active ingredient 6% salicylic acid)?


    Should any of these treatments be safe to use in my recipient area 1.5 months after surgery? Can anyone think of any reasons why one or more of these treatments might pose a risk to the transplanted area?


    Thank you in advance for any info. This forum is a tremendous resource!! icon_smile.gif

  8. Hi all!


    It has been 1 1/2 months since my HT procedure, and I have about 4 relatively hard lumps/cysts (a couple the size of a thumbnail) in my recipient area. The lumps are mostly invisible to the eye, but they can be felt (and they are sore when touched). These are not tiny whiteheads nor pimples that can be popped.


    I am concerned that the cysts could affect my transplanted hair's growth. I will be in contact with my HT doctor about this.


    I am very interested in hearing whether anyone else here has had (or has heard about others having) similar cysts, and whether certain kinds of acne treatments would be safe for me to use now. I am currently being treated by a dermatologist for acne, and my dermatologist has suggested that I consider the following kinds of treatments for the cysts in my transplanted/recipient area:


    - Diluted kenalog+saline injections to reduce the inflammation

    - Clindamycin phosphate topical

    - Salex Shampoo (active ingredient 6% salicylic acid)?


    Should any of these treatments be safe to use in my recipient area 1.5 months after surgery? Can anyone think of any reasons why one or more of these treatments might pose a risk to the transplanted area?




    has any doctor on board answered this?

    can they?

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