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Posts posted by irishsailor

  1. Hi, i know everyone who wants to get an HT always want to have it as close to home as possible, but the truth is we almost all have to travel to achieve our HT. I had my first Ht conducted by a not so great company in the uk and ended up having to travel to the states to rectify my hair loss problem. It may seem like alot more expenses upfront with travelling but it will save you a small fortune in the long run.

    There is a list of Drs listed on this forum, i would recommend you look at the list and get a feel for who you think could help you achieve your results. Dr Farjo is in Manchester and is recommended on this forum.


    Best of luck :)

  2. Hi, i'm not sure if your shed is due to rogain foam if you have been on it for 9 months. People worry about shedding and believe it's always due to taking meds. The fact is we continually goes through sheds at different periods, some we notice more than others. Normally the hair grows back normally after its resting phase. I know no one enjoys shedding but i really would try not to worry too much about it. Are you on propecia?



  3. Spex,


    I know yr right mate, i promised myself i wouldnt try and look at my hair too much til i got to the 4th month point, however i seem to have fallen into that 2 month trap where we all seem to start hoping we may be an early grower. All good though, after i got my staples out i had full sensation back in my donar area, and had full sensation back in my recipient area within a month. Dr Feller certainly has magic hands :)

  4. RC West,


    Thanks for the reply, that was the main reason i asked the question. I seen a couple of Ht's were people had a high density of hair and was curious if all you needed was work to your hairline. Because you only use single hairs to the hairline i was curious to how they would conduct it if your strip yielded alot of multiple hair grafts.


    Thanks again :)

  5. Hi, i started on the meds 18 months before i had my Ht. I'm starting to see the full effects of being on the meds now and have had some regrowth as well as retaining what hair i already have. For me it was an easy decision to make, all my family are Norwood 6/7.I didnt see the point in having a HT if it didnt retain what i had because i would of carried on through to a Norwood 6/7 and would of continually had to chase my hair loss with more HT's.

    I think alot of it is down to how much hair you have and what yr family history is like for hair loss. If you have a family history of severe hair loss and you definatley want a HT then i strongly believe you have to at least try the meds to see if it helps in yr fight against stopping or reversing your hair loss.


    Just my humble opinion.


  6. Hi, just checked the site again, unfortunately they dont ship to ireland, just mainland UK. Im over in england at the mo with work so been using them whilst im over here.

    If you have to go elsewhere just be careful where you buy from on the internet.

    I would poss try your local GP and see if they will prescribe you for propecia. I know boots have a hair loss program however that works out at 30 pounds sterling per month


    Sorry i couldnt help more

  7. Hi there, and welcome to the forum. Nice write up:)


    The emotions and worry you are going through are normal, even i was nervous when i had my second op, most of the guys on here will confess that no matter how many ht's they have, there still is an element of worry and concern.


    The doc you have chosen to go with has proven results, me personally i have been impressed by alot of the results i have seen from his clinic.


    Your hair doesnt look to bad fella, you seem to have quits dense hair and the front looks to be holding up well. Now your on propecia that should held as it seems to work best in the crown area. Alot of the outcome of an HT is down to what you bring to the table, with density, hair characteristics and donar supply. I think you will be pleased with the outcome as you seem to be bringing alot to the table :)


    Best of luck with your HT, hope it goes well for you



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