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Posts posted by irishsailor

  1. Hi congrats on your procedure with Dr Feller. Im only 10 weeks out with my procedure with Dr Feller and the first 3 or 4 weeks i thought my hair was a little thinner however im now 2 and 1/2 months out and would say my hair is back to pre-op :). When i think about it now i think i probably just got used to the stubble of new implanted hairs for 3 weeks then when as expected it dropped out and made me think i had less than when i started.

    I'm sure by the 2 month point you will be back to where you started pre-op


    Best wishes :)

  2. Hi Barry, welcome. How long have you been using Nizoral shampoo for? It's not uncommon to get a shed on Nizoral shampoo as well. I agree with Dutch it's probably the propecia, if you have been on rogaine 6 months it prob isn't that. Try not to worry about the shed to much, it's a good thing and normally indicates it's working :)

  3. Hi, congratulations on your Ht :)


    Regarding the lump at the end of the incision, i had a similar lump on mine, it was just abit of inflammation due to the trauma of surgery, it's quite common and nothing to worry about.

    Regarding your haircut, it's only an idea but rather than get your barber to use the blades and shave down, you can ask him just to cut using the scissors and take it to a grade 4 our 5, that should be enough to conceal the scar.


    Hope that helps, grow well :)

  4. I had a HT in the uk 4 years ago and got sucked in by the glossy ad in the back of a Health magazine. Yeah they where cheap but you get what you pay for and last year i had to travel to New York to fix the botch job that i received.

    Best to pay more now and get the job down right than go cheaper and end up paying to get it fixed later:mad:

  5. Hi, im sure more people will pitch in an give a more detailed account. When the Dr checks the density of your donar area they will take a strip long enough to cover the work required in that session. It wont be till they take the strip away and cut down the grafts that they will know exactly what was harvested.

    The reputable clinics out there will be able to give you a full breakdown of the grafts taken and whether they were 1,2, or multiple hairs on each graft.

    As for how do you know whether your getting what you paid for, comes down to trust on your half and integrity on the behalf of the clinic you are having the HT with. Most of the good guys out there end of giving more than you actually paid for:)


    Hope this helps, best of luck with your op :)

  6. There's a good reason there not recommended on here, there a waste of time to be honest with you.

    If yr really concerned you may of heard people talk about the big 3. Thats propecia, rogaine and nizoral shampoo, thats pretty much all that is avaible, some people take various multivitamins like omega 3 and biotin.


    Regards :)

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