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Everything posted by johnny2000

  1. But if the techs is not good enough at that exact clinic, like in NYC case where he claims the side the tech in hakans clinic did, is very bad, Then i dont Think the techs should be allowed to do that.
  2. Yep now its working. I remember i have allready seen Them You Got Any updates? How is things going with the hair?
  3. Indeed it is a Big compliment for the doctor. I must say i do feel he is very competent. The question is if he now have to much work to do and Then leave to much work for the techs? I Think that in This Industry, you must be dedicated at your work. I mean its not like selling hotdogs in the yankiee stadium. The problem is when you are to busy, its impossible to maintain that dedication and you just need to do whatever you have to get the job complete, wich may include involving techs to implant and stuff like that. Is that the problem here ? We dont know. But at least we have not yet seen Any total failure from dr. Hakan yet. That is offcourse a good thing.
  4. Yep i sure will. There is a much easier Way of to proofe if its Real. The administrator could just check the ip log files from the poster and the clinic, Right? I mean if there is doubt about This it is the best Way to find out ?
  5. Yeah i understand. But if it makes you feel better, you have alot more hair than me. Im thining a bit more than you i would say. Thats why i Also assumed i would have needed more than 1300 grafts. But the clinic did what they did and nothing more i Can do. Now i Will just have to wait and hope it gets dense enough and my donor gets better. ? Pray to the Lord. Maybe i should start going to church so my prayers gets heard:)
  6. Whats up with the first picture? It must be before the surgery Right? I have to say that your hairloss is alot less than me. It looks like you only thin in the corners. Im aldo diffuse thinning in the middle so my hair loss is Way worse. But i dont Think the hairline looks that bad actually from what i Can se at the picture.
  7. I didnt see that at first. But yes how come the donor gets much better instead of a little bit worse. Hmmmm
  8. Check out the result they just posted! What do you say?
  9. Can i see some pictures buddy? If you dont like posting Them here maybe you Can e-mail Them to me?
  10. Yes life is all about alot of choices we make. Some times its good ones, and alot of times it is bad ones. I just dont get that the clinic would make false advertiseing just so they Can make alot of HT for a year or 2 and when they get caught, its game over. allthough dr. Hakan is a bit new on This forum, he still claims to have been in the business for Many years. So he should be able to produce good results. Are you sure about Lloyd is a fake profile? I had some mail corispondence with him some time ago up until my surgery. Allthough he didnt Sounded like it was a fake profile it could offcourse very Well be.
  11. hey bud. yes you are right my mid scalp is thinning as well. i ask the doc at the Clinic. dr. Ayhan. he said that, because there is still hair there they would not transplant in that area. he then said that they could put a few graft in that area, to be honest i dont know how many graft was plantet there, and i dont think the doc knows aswell. my guess would be - MAX. 50-100. to tell the truth. i do fell like the surgery was rushed. and i do Wonder if i will need another one after 1 year. if i do choose to get another one done i deff. have learned alot from this experience. even though its hard to not to think about the end result, i try my best not to. but some days are just hard to get through :-( but it is what it is.
  12. i think i have experienced some shockloss in my temples where the most grafts were placed. i just hope that it will grow back along with the new hairs. so Guys what do you think? most of the hairs did fall out along with the scabs when i removed them at around day 13-15 right now im shaving the ones that didnt fall. just so i dont look so wierd. there is still some redness in the temples an i think i look a Little suspecius, specielly when there stille is some tiny hairs here and there in the red area. i dont think the public eye knows anything, maybe some people notice there is something strange, but i think only a former HT patient would be able to tell what i have had done. i also hope my donor will get better, because there is a clear difference from my lower to my upper donor area. agian i dont know why the Clinic only harvest from that Little area, as it dosn't make sense to me not spreading the harvest out more so you dont have a thin area and a thick area. but what can i do. do you Guys think i will experience more shockloss of my native hair? or should that be over now?
  13. I Think it is a bad result. From all the results i have seen in here i Think that you are fully Right to expect alot more. Who was the doc?
  14. How long are you post op? What did you feel about the staff? Did you Also feel like you were "Rushed trough"? Some days i allready thinking about who is gonna do my next on. To thincken the Whole thing up. But the i need to remind my self that it is Way to early to make a conclusion. But i bet you know what i mean.
  15. Hey NYC. Im doing fine, like i wrote in my write up. I have the concerns about the density because i just dont see it to be very dense, but offcourse i hope i am wrong. And Also the donor area was my concern. I Will post some 1 Month pictures in 2 days Did they shave and harvest your donor like mine? Where they only took from the lower part of the donor and not from a bigger area? Can you post some pics? How long post op are you? How did you feel about the staff?
  16. Could be Nice to know as i Also has some forehead wrinkles that i hate. But not 1/10 as much as my hairloss
  17. my Clinic told me at 1 monts post op i could start using toppik
  18. 2 weeks Photos. would love to hear your Guys oppinions. i cut my hair at the back and sides, but i didnt cut the place where the grafts were extraced, only the part above to even it more out i do think it looks thin in the donor, and also now that the scabs is gone i do think the density is not looking like i hoped. but let me know what you Guys think
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