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Everything posted by NorwoodBalding

  1. RCWest, would Biotin shampoo work just as well the oral med? If so, why is that not encouraged?
  2. Hi Sigildark. I see where you're coming from, but I expected it to be a longer process. I expected more pictures be requested or more questions asked. But it seems he knows exactly what needs doing. It caught me off guard because it's my first consultation. Judging by the quick response I think Dr Rahal is even better than I expected. At least it bodes well for my encouragement, I hope I come across as an 'easy' patient.
  3. Wow, I'm impressed. This is getting me excited. Dr Rahal is the first doctor that I've seriously considered. The guy seems a genius.
  4. I know Cardel, but at that price? 28 tablets of 5mg?. That's over four months. I intend to use it every other day or just Mon, Weds, Fridays and leave Sunday out. That makes it almost free!
  5. I've recently had an increased awareness and reaction to my hairloss(NW3), as a result I was forced to look in to surgery options. Just minutes ago I checked an email i received from Rahal Transplant with a summarisation of what I 'might' need. The email follows: Is this normal? Is it this easy? I sent in my pics and I'm now on the verge of being accepted as a patient of Dr Rahal's. Kind of frightened me a tad.
  6. I've just recently found that your doctor can prescribe you 5mg finasteride tablets that come to a whopping price of.......wait for it..........?4.36! Amazing price for a four month duration. It definitely beats buying it from a bogus online pharmacy. The downside is confronting your GP about it and maybe going through some precautionary checkups. But that's just my opinion and it might not be necessary.
  7. Thanks for the reply. I want to clarify whether you mean Kirkland or Finasteride as "not the best product". I'm pretty sure something has triggered my shedding recently. Maybe my change of regimen or the poor finsateride that I bought from 4rx.com I'm really impressed with your results, I intend to use your treatments, except without the oils.
  8. Thanks for the reply TTP. You're a veteran here, so I feel safe in asking you. I don't feel comfortable with Genpharma and I need to use a different supply of Generic Propecia. Where is the most affordable place to look to, providing that it ships to the UK? And did you hear about Dr Lee's practice? I trusted his meds, and they seemed to do the trick for me, but I'm struggling to find a new regimen now. My hair is shedding fast. I don't know whether it's down to the Kirkland, Finpecia or just a change in regimen. Please help.
  9. Problem solved! Marry a man....... Jokes aside. 5 years and no detection?! What! Do you work for the secret service? If not, then you definitely should.
  10. I just bought a couple month supply of Kirkland. Shall I last them out or fly to the foam?
  11. I had the same issue mate. Yes, it's difficult. But, if you have hope of regaining lost hair, then try to use cosmetics while you're on treatment. It's hard to maintain all the time, but try to use Couvre for your temples and Toppik everywhere else. It's the best way of fitting in on a Friday night, the lasses won't think anything odd. Alternatively, you seem to have a good face for the bald look, so go Bruce Willis with a a nice bit of facial hair. There's hope as long as you keep it clean.
  12. I'd like to know too. I'm on Kirkland and it bleached my hair. I was seriously shedding and still am. My case has become desperate, the reason I was prompted to join. My temples look terrible at the moment. But I'm not sure if it's my change from Dr Lee's old stuff. I'm seriously depressed, I need help.
  13. I'm jealous! You lucky lucky man! I've been wasting my time. I'm actually thinking of switching to the foam.
  14. Hi guys, My first real post. I've been on Dr Lee's 2% minoxidil on/off with Finasteride, then changed to 5% prescribed from the same. I was fine with it as my hair loss was relatively stable on NW2-3. He got shut down, I changed to GenPharma in Pune, India for my finasteride(very cheap). For my Minoxidil it's Kirkland 5%. I've experienced massive shedding, it feels almost as if I've lost all my gains. Am I using genuine products? The Kirkland has made me thinner on the front, probably not worked on the crown. All the fuzz I had from Dr Lee's seems to have gone and become 'bleached'. Will there be good times or am I doomed?
  15. Whereabouts are you from? And from where did you get the treatments? I'm using Kirkland, don't think it's as good as Dr Lee's, but they closed him down.
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