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Everything posted by NorwoodBalding

  1. This site is ridiculous! You only get help when/if you're considering a transplant. All these guys are merely marketer for all the HT surgeons connected to this site. Commercialism gone wrong! Please delete this thread, I've found another forum which is a lot more sympathetic to my needs...and please delete my account while you're at it. Although, I bet even this won't get read and I may well have to force the issue directly. Thanks but no thanks!
  2. Anyone? I know my post sounds stupid, but that's because it is. I have been very stupid to be using these meds. I'm stuck as to what to do, I'm balding at a flying rate. Any response to my exasperated queries will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  3. My hair seems to be going worse, but that could be because I only wash it once a week. I've also had serious thinning and shedding around the back and sides, my temples have almost vanished and the area behind my earlobes is also looking poor. I think this last bit is because I used to apply minox and then without letting it dry, I'd go to sleep. Has the minox dripped down and affected the aformentioned areas? Could this also be the reason as to why I have hairy cheeks now(as a result from facial contact with pillows)? Another very important mention. My nephew, who's nine, sometimes sleeps on the same pillows as me. Now, he's got some very diffuse, almost unnoticable thinning below his hairline and temples, you can definitely say it's unhealthy hair, however, his hairline almost touches his eyebrows as well, so it could be a re-alignment. Just to add, he also looks malnourished because he's got eating issues. I could do with some advice, this seems to be ruining not only my life but my family's too.
  4. Thanks Dutch. I really appreciate the advice, I had an inclination to do as you said before I posted, but uncertainty had me questioning. Just to add, my hair feel thicker everywhere else, but the density has suffered. Is there any chance of growing back the hair I lost in these last 6 months? Whilst I'd be more than happy to keep what I've got if I had the assurance to not lose any more, I'd see it as a bonus to gain back what I've lost. It hurts losing hair on the crown at such a young age. I can feel thickness in the region, but it looks terrible when wet, which indicates poor density. What's the best way to increase density other than using concealers or having a HT. I'll try to add pics later on.
  5. Yes, another day and another rant.... I started losing my hair after I left school at the age of 16. Due to utter desperation I began taking light dosages of Propecia(1mg) every two to three days from my brother's stash that he'd leave in his bedroom....with his door usually open:). Since then I've been using it on/off with Minox 2% then 5% soon after until the age of 25. I had occasions where I'd react to shedding and use it efficiently, but that was probably only a few times within a year. I messed around with the dosage so as to not allow my system to become "densensitised" or unreactive to the medication. Later I added Nizoral into the equation which helped immensely but left hair very dry. About a year and a half ago at 25, my hairline and density became very pronounced and this came at a time when my specially concocted meds were discontinued due to a certain Doctor being closed down. I changed the regimen to the Kirkland brand and Proscar 5mg cut into quarters. I added Rogaine foam into that mix for a month, and that seemed to accelerate my hairloss and grow back(then go back:rolleyes:) a few vellus hair on the temples and hairline, but only for a short time. I, for some reason, scrapped the foam. Since then, my hairloss has only gone downhill. My hairline has receded an inch back, my temples have vanished and my sides have become very thin. I can now see the 'outline' of my horseshoe and the density is crap, to put it bluntly. I have to mention that I received 28 pills(5mg) and those have lasted me just under a year. I know, I've not properly implemented them into my regimen but that's because of the side effects. I've since began using the foam because of its reputation for better absorption... One other important mention is that due to time restraints I have applied the Minox solution simultaneously with Couvre and Toppik and on other occasions I've applied Minox on a 'dirty' head. Dirty, that is, with concealers. I've also not washed my head for periods of up to two months at one time. I'm having side effects so the meds are taking effect in my opinion. Questions. What do I do? Shall I risk continuing with the same? I could be completely bald in a year or so. Have the meds stopped taking effect? Or is it just a prolonged period of shedding/regrowth? I've just started with the foam again. Was that wise? Please, I could do with your much needed input. I've not ever been in touch with a dermatologist, because I've not known any to be around in my area(near Leeds, England). So if there's anyone from these ends, I'd gladly accept your recommendations. Thanks A Stressed Balding Man
  6. That's so scary. I'm using Proscar in 1.25mg doses every other day. Before that I used Dr Lee's Finasteride at 1mg almost everyday with lengthy gaps. I'm shedding like crazy at the moment. Shall I continue with the same until the 6 12 month mark?
  7. Today, I've realised from the pictures(which I intend to upload one day) that my hairline and temples have almost vanished. I'm in month 5 with Kirkland and Proscar and I don't know whether I can hold on any longer. Will I get my temples and hairline back if I withdraw from the treatment? I'm thinking of trying nourkin, as I heard it has little side effects.
  8. Thanks for the reply. Multiplier, I was chronically depressed during that time and wouldn't turn up to work. Got laid off a few times because of it. Even now I'm reluctant to be in certain environments, not wanting to meet old friends, etc.. I think the paranoia builds up over time and I wish I had just revealed my gradual hair loss then instead of hiding it. There are still many who probably don't know that I'm going bald. I feel if I had a successful hair transplant today, they'd be none the wiser about my hair. But, and it is a big BUT, because of the jobless state I was in, I don't feel financially secure enough to pursue an aggressive HT. Hair loss has ruined my life.
  9. I'd rather people laugh it off than take it seriously. It's because my family took my image so seriously that I fell into this state of chronic depression. If only they said "So what, it's natural", I would have been better off. I see so many people younger than me who take it in their stride, but I'm stuck in this state of denial and stubbornness to not yield to my state of affairs.
  10. I've been using Dr Lees formula since I left college. Admittedly, I didn't use the meds regularly but my hairline from 16 to 23 went from NW1 to NW2(1/2). My regimen during that time consisted of 2% earlier and then 5% two years later. Yes, I did start Fin at the age of 16 without any care for medical consequences - I was desperate/stressed. I'm not sure if it has stunted any growth, but my head, hands and feet are pretty small for my frame(but I don't look abnormal, at least I'd like to think so). I used it in occasional doses early on, I wouldn't call it aggressive use. I used Niz too, by the way. Oh and I pretty much covered my hair tightly with a cap, probably due to my paranoia of what others 'thought' or would think. The treatment, however inconsistent, seemed to have helped my cause, I could look a Norwood 1.5 with the right hairstyle at the age of 22 and roughly the same at 24 with a sprinkle of Toppik to aid my hairline and density. Things started to take a turn for the worse at 25 with a couple of job losses - I went through a few jobs because of all the hair-related stress - and increased shedding also probably due to the stress. Moreover, recently Doctor Lee got shut down by the FDA. I just turned 26 and still managed to look a NW 2.5/3 after 10 years of struggle because of his products. After this revelation I was absolutely gutted! I now had to look elsewhere for my treatment, but had no idea where to look. After a bit of research I saw Kirkland to be the right choice, most affordable and more importantly in liquid form; a continuation from my previous regimen. For Finasteride, I chose Genpharma. All was well, or so I thought, the first thing I noticed was intense shedding. When I say intense, I mean really intense! I went from NW 2 to NW 3V/4 in the matter of months. My hairline gain from Dr Lee's meds completely vanished. My temples took a more severe battering. I was now balding from the sides, and my overall hair density and quality was severely reduced. It only added to my depression. On further research, I found Genpharma to be unreliable and had my Doctor prescribe me some Proscar which I split into four 1.25mg tablets. The shedding is unstoppable, I'm now losing density on the top of my head and my hairline/temples are very thin, and in some areas completely bald. I'm into the 5 month of usage and I'm at crossroads as to what to do. Is it the stress causing my hair loss? Is it that the Kirkland might be weaker than Dr Lee's mix? Proscar causing shedding or MSM, B5 vitamins? My hair seemed to have stabilised its shedding at the beginning of this month, but it now seems to have begun again. Maybe it's because of the stress or the ineffectiveness of Minox. Please offer me some direction. What shall I do? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Norwood
  11. That looks really natural. Word of advice though, hide your face, not that it's unpleasant; although you're not my type(I'm male & not gay), but you may have third parties nicking the pics from this site. Before you know it, you could be on Youtube, your cover well and truly blown! Back to topic, awesome results.
  12. Yeah, good price. Let's pray both of us can avoid the HT for a while. I'm quietly confident I can grow back enough of my temples to use Toppik on them later. They are the worst culprits right now. They really expose the front of my head. Good luck to you too!
  13. I've just bought Dr Reddy's Finasteride at 4 pounds and 60 pence. This is a four month supply when split into four making it 1.25mg each. It costs on average 1 pound and 15 pence per month. Making each daily dose of Finasteride roughly 3p. This prices becomes even better when taken every other day, because 1.25mg should suffice at 3 days a week. Compare that to Merck's Propecia which costs almost 400% more per day. If you want to buy this, you have to consult with your local GP. My local GP Practice allowed a phone consultation which is even better for discretionary purposes, better yet, it wasn't even my family GP(although even he's obliged to keep schtum). The GP's leave a prescription at the front desk, you can pick it up whenever you like and visit any pharmacy at whatever time you like. This is great for peace of mind, knowing that you're buying a genuine brand of Finasteride, contrary to what you might come across online. Probably the cheapest way to keep/grow you hair.
  14. Just a side note, it's really refreshing to see doctors like Dr Charles visiting forums like these, it just demonstrates to me that they have client satisfaction in mind. And also, it really separates them from all the corporate entities out there who have love only for capital. Thanks greatly Dr Charles for reassuring troubled sufferers like myself.
  15. Hey munchkinman, Where will you get your prescription from? Future HT Doc, Is it one tablet per day as it would be for Finasteride? If the results are remotely positive, doesn't that sound absolutely dreamy? And the slogan: Only two tabs a day to take your hair loss away! Regards Norwood
  16. Definite improvement on hairline. Is all this with Kirkland Extra Strength? I can see them new blond hairs growing there On a side note, my doc's managed to prescribe me some Proscar for ?5. Amazing price. My hair loss treatment is now very cheap.
  17. This will explain my recent 3 month shed. I've switched both Finasteride and Minoxidil from Dr Lee's magic mixes. I have doubts about my current finasteride. Should I be shedding even though I continued using Finasteride in the same dose? The first was Dr Lee's and the latter that I'm using now is Genpharma's. What should I do? How can I find Finasteride that was most similar to Dr Lee's?
  18. Hi Mattj, Yeah, I think you interpreted it about right. The reason for my anxiety is that I've just transitioned to a phase where my recession on the hairline and temples is visible even with the use of cosmetics. I've essentially switched from NW2 to NW3. However, the shape of my head with certain hairstyles/hair products does a decent job of concealing a large part of my hair loss. Just want to clarify, my post was in no way an attempt to question Dr Rahal's practice, (even though it may have come across like that) but I was merely questioning the process of consultation for hair transplantation as a whole. You're right, this is a bit of a mental challenge for me, but I hope I can come to a decision soon. Thanks for taking the time out to reply.
  19. RCWest, how come you use Avodart and Propecia? Do you not have extreme side effects? And on whose recommendation did you take oral minoxidil? And is it working? Sorry for the Question Time, but I'm very curious. If there's a chance to avoid the greasy stuff, I'll be more than willing. I'm a fat boy, so eating tablets is just another type of food to go in my mouth. Oh, and forgot to ask what NW were you before and what are you now? Thanks
  20. Thank you everyone for your input. I was taken aback with this being my first consultation and I just want to clarify; I wasn't at all doubting the integrity of the practice or the assessment, but the way in which the whole process affected me. I expected some preparatory advice on whether I should proceed with the surgery in the first place . It was just a reality check as to how serious by case is now. Now that I know how it all works, I intend to make an arrangement this summer to fly over. Once again, thanks for all the comments.
  21. Cperry, those are the most remarkable results I've ever seen. You're Norwood 1 again. In fact, I hope this is how it goes for you, but you may never go bald if you sustain the use of it. Try get some Finasteride in there if you can. Perhaps, every other day.
  22. Thanks TTP. I miss Dr Lee. The guy had something good going there. About the finasteride, I've found the local GP can do it much cheaper. 1/3 of the price Spex is getting it at. All it takes is some courage to phone the local GP up and tell him you need it for your thinning head. I hope he prescribes me it, because at ?4.36/$7 for over four months of treatment is a steal. All this from a company that probably supplies the NHS. I hope it's the same as Cardel's as it's working a treat for him.
  23. I'll keep that in mind Cardel. I asked the pharmacist and he recommended it, told me I was getting ripped of online and to not use the web for medicine. I guess he'd say that as he works at a pharmacy. Although personally, something isn't right at the moment, I'm shedding really badly. Losing my previous little hairs on the temple and hairline. I'm seriously stressing, which is proably making it worse.
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