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Posts posted by aWidowsPeek

  1. Boo hoo someone posted an opinion you don't agree with on a forum on the internet....shocker haha.


    So this was fut aka strip surgery of course? If it was i wouldn't have risked that scar on the back of my head for that minor hair loss.


    How old are you JimmyTwoTimes? You might be traveling down that lifelong road of keeping up with your hair loss by having surgery after surgery.


    Hasson doesn't need any more word of mouth lol He's the main doctor this website promotes. Although he really only does strip procedures and charges a premium to do so. Eh. That's my opinion.I'm entitled to it. You don't have to like it.

  2. Those detailed youtube videos were all i had to go as well. Pictures can be pretty deceiving but videos pretty much show you the real deal.


    Dr. Nader is one of the best. Konior does excellent work but charges $10 a graft for fue. That is insane to me. If i had went to Konior it would have cost me $50,000 lol Instead it was a fifth of that.

  3. Dr. Nader in Mexico and it went as smooth as silk. Extremely happy. Wish i had done it 5 years earlier but i had doubts about fue too because of all the lies people push about it. The videos on youtube show you fue is now and the future and strip is outdated.


    Yep post pics of your hair and you'll get the best advice.

  4. "I’ve heard that FUE wrecks your donor area, that you can’t get as good a result, that the scars you get from a mega session with FUE are even worse than a linear FUT scar"


    Maybe in the hands of a hack ass doctor. Those are all the favorite lies told by people with agenda's. The agenda...to get your money for a outdated procedure called fut aka strip.


    I've had 5000 fue grafts taken from my donor and you can't tell in the back or the front. Do some more research. Look at the FUE section of this site. Hell look up youtube videos by HDC or Diep.

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