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Blog Entries posted by TheSpecial1

  1. TheSpecial1
    Well its 11 weeks ish! and everything settled down. I think hair looking better but cant be new growth and must be shockloss regrowing.

    Also I have a good few grey/white hairs growing quickly and never had any before. Not sure if Minoxidil is affecting the colour?

    Anyway I am getting organised and found a photo of top view taken 5 days after HT. The grafts,as you will see, were focused on density mid to front. I am feeling tingling in my scalp now and still taking my vitamins etc.

    Had my haircut twice in last few weeks and nobody seemed to notice, I was worried they were cutting too short but in the end all ok. Its the simplest things that you end up worried about.

    I will try and upload photo now from 5 days after HT, then in next week I will take a current one and upload that for early comparison. (Just editing blog as system will not let me upload photo, it says my available memory is -292k and even though photo is 184k and I have never put a photo on it shows a negative available and wont let me upload aaaaaggggghhhhhhhhhh I could pull my air out!!!!!!)
  2. TheSpecial1
    Well its 2 months today since my HT and everything settling down. Scar healing well and my scalp is far less red and back to normal. Not much on the growth front but another month or two is what everyone says is starting growth period. This will be a long month waiting and watch but luckily I am very busy so not too much time to think about it. Im still using Minox, MSM, Vit B compound and Omega Oils so supplements are good.

    Hopefully I will have more to report next blog at 3 month mark. I have photos and when I get time I will add them to various stages of blog for comparison.

  3. TheSpecial1
    Well its 5 weeks after my HT by Dr Farjo and his team in manchester and all is good. Strange how things happened, I had just short of 3000 grafts and for the days after I was so careful in case they fell out! I washed scalp as per instructions but actually probably too careful. Then on day 10, probably due to my increased confidence and the feeling returning to my scalp I washed a little better and my scalp went from being tight and coated in a sort of scale to a clean nice feeling scalp. My grafts went from feeling like stiff prickles to softer normal hair. These grafts grew for the first 3 to 4 weeks and I loved the look as it reminded me of my younger days. I didint lose any grafts to my eyes during the first 3 to 4 weeks and then over the next week 90% fell out. Now I start the waiting game but its a good waiting game as you now what it coming is great. You have gone through the pain and now have to wait for the gain.

    My scar site has healed up well so far. I get the odd iritation on twinge of pain now and then but I suppose its the healing process and of course the hairs on the scar can be growing and it may be these I am feeling. Well I am taking my vitamins and have resumed on my minoxidil regime and thats about all I can do. I have done various researches on shampoos but nothing stands out as being too much better than anything else. I bought pregaine to be used before appying regaine and that is a good shampoo, I bought that caffiene based shampoo but probably the best was the sample bottles was given by Farjo centre to use post HT (Shampoo, Conditioner and a scalp spray). I have my Farjo bag with the various bits and peices in it proudly hung on the back of my bathroom door and it represents me taking a big step in doing something positive for myself. I am normally not great with any medical procedures in fact I faint when I have a blood test and I cant believe I am saying it but apart from a few early nerves I actually enjoyed the process and the day. The day felt like such a positive and emotional process. The Farjo team took good care of me and I would definitely consider a second HT (If after waiting 18 months for full reults of the first, I still felt I wanted to do more)

    The one added issue I have to resolve is getting my hair cut. I am currently working overseas and left 3 weeks after HT. My wife cut my hair before I left but she is not joining me here for 2 months. Anyone who has tried cutting their own hair in a mirror will know your brain to hand co-ordination is screwed and you hack bits off and stab yourself. I will have to find a good local salon where I can discuss the HT with them and I know they will mind the scar and not cut too short.

    I will update on my next blog and add photos.

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