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  • Gender
  • Country
    United States
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Thinning Hair Loss All over the Scalp
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?

lex222's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. any update on your joints? i am still considering fina
  2. to rehash an old post. Most definetly anethesia in the recieving area more shock loss. Not enough guys comment. Though the more patients you speak with who had long procedures have alot to say about shock loss.
  3. so i keep reading rogaine does nothing to limit dht production and works only in 4 out of 10 people...how about nizoral alone to regrow and combat dht? anybody have success?
  4. i am looking for some people to show results of fue 6 months post-op..love to see if many people still waiting or have pleasing results at 6 months ...or actually when??
  5. yes these drugs lower dht...dht directly associated to testosterone ...testosterone directly affects bone,muscle,and connective tissue. Can cause muscle weakness,connective tissue issues amoung other issues. just lucky if not you.
  6. That job looks beautiful. May I ask why did you stop at 750 first day;and then why not continue the following day ? Thank you
  7. as they are being pulled out I am told many break ..I was told that they regrow because the root stayed in the head...not true I take it . thx
  8. During an fue proceedure what happens to the graft's that break prior to being fully extracted. Do they come back or are they dead. Thank YOU
  9. sparky on your Fue did they break some comming out in back of head before they actually got them out? if so did they regrow?
  10. As the tech's are extracting fue's from the donar area some break off while still in the scalp (donar area) do those regrow back right there in donar area??
  11. Hey guy while on this subject..if he did Fue I hear while extracting many break before they get pulled out . Do those always come back?
  12. can someone fill me in here . I am hopeing to be filled in on what issues call for cause to scratch a Dr. of short list.
  13. i tried to say anybody ever do any bloodwork to see if saw palmetto actually lowers dht
  14. Please clue me in on why not Dr. Epstein. I guess I wonder is it hair placement design, riskes of anastesia (did he have patients get sick? my fear !! never have had any drugs)..after care too busy to do follow-ups? I would like to hear what makes a bad choice in a dr. so I can ask all the right questions to the Dr. I choose... Thank you
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