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Posts posted by orlhair1

  1. Larry Shapiro's shakes are a joke (and he has a terrible reputation)......hope you did not waste your money on them. There is no magic potion you can drink to keep your hair or make your transplants grow. I just love these posts with no pictures. 3 hair transplants and you have no pictures from any of them you can post? Not realistic.

  2. I would not let geography decide who you go to. Do your research and ultimately pick a surgeon with a proven track record and one that you are very comfortable with. If that requires travel, in the big scheme of things as it relates to a hair transplant, that is not a big deal.

  3. Jotronic, your summary makes sense. I believe the issue has gotten way out of hand and clearly Dr. Wong has a great reputation in this field, so it is a shame to see all of the mudslinging. I really am not saying this to take sides and I am sorry that TE feels the way he does, but there is no way that H & W could have the reputation they have if they treated their patients the way things have been portrayed here.

  4. I did not find the procedure painful at all. I am 7 days post op and would say the most discomfort I have had is at night trying to sleep. It just puts pressure on the strip. Getting better every day. I highly recommend using a neck/travel pillow. It helps keep the pressure off. I learned this from others here and it makes a big difference.

  5. I think you can determine what a likely (but not guaranteed) outcome is by talking to your doctor and seeing if that matches your expectations, assuming you are working with any of the top doctors. It is an individual goal for everyone. I think we all have to go into this understanding that the outcome could be a little better or worse than what we expect, and if people are simply unrealistic then they probably won't be happy in the end.

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