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Posts posted by orlhair1

  1. Drs. Dorin and Rahal both have outstanding reputations and are close to you. You are doing the right thing by conducting a lot of research. I would not let travel get in the way of your final decision. You should select the surgeon that you feel the most comfortable with in the end. As long as you choose among the top surgeons you will be in good hands.

  2. Listen to what Aaron1234 and others are telling you.........they are giving you good advice. I do understand your desire for immediate improvement, but you have a limited supply of hair to use over your lifetime. Take your time and do a lot of research. It is not worth making a mistake that you will have to live with for a long time. If you take your time and talk to top surgeons only, you will be able to have a long term plan to help achieve your goals, but you have to have realistic expectations as well. Best of luck as you pursue this.

  3. I don't mean to dismiss or diminish the known or potential risks with Fin, but class action lawsuits have become a cottage industry for some law firms. Most are never actually certified as class actions by the courts. Additionally, the vast majority of class action settlements provide huge fees for the attorneys with little to no real benefits to the consumer, which is why so many are filed. So, in my humble opinion, I would not place any weight on the fact that this law firm (and probably others) are soliciting people to join their lawsuit. I do think that researching the risks and discussing the risks of taking Fin or any other drug with doctors you are comfortable with is very important before taking the drug.

  4. I think the best thing for anyone to do is to talk to several top surgeons about their goals and both types of surgery to determine which is best for them to achieve their goals. In doing my research I considered both and found no "bias" at all in this forum. Their are differences between the two that definitively are important to understand that will impact whether or not you are likely to achieve your goals. It is an individual decision.

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