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Posts posted by brentipold

  1. Sharpy, ive read on here people have had shedding from messing with the dosages, but I would assume that the hair that is shed will grow back, hense it is called shedding. I played around with the dosages and never experienced a shed, i never experienced a "shed" from this drug ever. My hair just fell out as it normally did untill the meds started working.. Now bc ive never experienced a shed before switching the dosages mean that i will not experience one, i do not know. I guess it all depends on the person.. hope this helps

  2. Green,


    Still not back to normal yet. I'm not going to worry about it though. Sometimes it just takes a long while to recover. Great to hear that ur responding well to propecia and I'm glad u stuck with it. Just keep monitering it for the next few months I'd say.





    It has nothing to do with mental in my case. Thanks for the insight though.

  3. 1. I have taken propecia for 8 months, stopped using it, and went back to normal in a week. then tried to take a lower dosage .50 of a pill. had the same side effects.. and still have yet to recover..

    2. the first time i quit yes, the 2nd time, still have not yet.

    3. could take a week could take 2 months, could be never.

    4. search PRP on this forumn, might be something to look into.

    5.i guess this would depend on how bad you're hairloss is,age, and what nw scale u are.

  4. Yea I kinda figured it wouldn't be enough.. I guess some people just can't handle this drug. I too, am to scared to try avodart, it's just not worth it to me. I just hope I return to normal sooner then later.. it pretty much feels like im on a roller coaster right now.

  5. and green i dont mean to sound like a broken record, but I to had the same effects through the first month as you already know.. if you are thinking of lowering dosage after a month, i wouldnt stop for 3 weeks like I did. just continue with the lower dosage mwf.. maybe even try .25 at first.. that way if you dont expereince sides you kn you're safe.. i suppose..

  6. hey guys, im wondering if anyone has expereinced what I am experiencing.. I took propeica for about 8 months, had mild sides.. decided to stop taking it...and was back to normal within a week.. maybe 2.. While being off it for about 3 weeks, I decided I would try it again with a lower dose.. .25 everyday instead... I started on Monday and had sides by saturday.. so I stopped and now it is taking a lot longer to get back to normal.. its been 4 weeks now.. I can get an erection, althougth i would say my libido and my sex drive are still very low.. im starting to worry a little bit and am trying not to but if anyone has any advice for me, I'd appreciate it.. or if anyone has been in the same situation..






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