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Posts posted by brentipold

  1. they say to stay on propecia for a year before you may see results.. me personally, by 4 months i saw hair improvement in the quality and much much less hair falling out.. its hard for me to see regrow because im not probably a nw1 if that at all.. I never really experienced a shed, my hair kept falling out like it always did till day by day it lessoned.

  2. Yea i would wait till your body goes back to normal.. thats what I did before trying a lower dosage..it took me about a week to get back to normal before trying to take it again.


    how long have you been taking prop for? I ask because it will be easy to see if the drug still works while taking .50 eod if the drug is already working for you now.

  3. i tried just about every way you can think of.... taking .25mg eod and what not... still had side effects..i took propecia for about 9 months... and ive been off it for 3, and are just starting to recover... in the end propecia just didnt work for me.

  4. any dose lower then .25mg a day would probably not be effective... as far as the sides go.. you are and I are pretty much in the same situation..... i was never able to get rid the side effects while on the medication. the lowest dose i tried was .25 and still had side effects....

  5. Oh... then give it sometime.. plenty of people had their side effects disappear after a month or so. However in my case they never did. it just depends on the person, everyone is different. And this coming from a person who still hasn't recovered from them fully after 3 months, just try to remain calm...and to be quite honest, if i were you i wouldnt even bother with it... look into PRP... it seem very promising.. ive seen ur pics from ur previous post.. you have a vast amount of hair still....

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