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Everything posted by kaliber

  1. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  2. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  3. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  4. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  5. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  6. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  7. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  8. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  9. Regardless of what happens this feels like a fun science experiment. Thank you everyone for your help and support and comments! First two pictures are from a year ago. The third picture is from either April or March of this year.
  10. I started propecia back in January and I added minoxidil seriously about 2-3 weeks ago. I've always had a very receded hairline but it's the hair loss on the top of my head that has me really concerned.
  11. 6 months of propecia. I'm not quitting I'm just doubting things are getting any better or that they have even halted hiar loss.
  12. Einstein-I thought that was weird too. I wonder if that is a result from spinning on my head a lot during my breakdancing years. Thanks for the observation and my hopes are that my regiment at least halts my hair loss. I might get a minor fue procedure in the future just to fill in the temples some. I don't mind having a receding hairline. I think it looks good with age.
  13. Women for the most prefer guys with hair. I know most of the women in my life like me better with hair but when my head was shaved from my navy days there were women who thought it was sexy as hell. It was neat because it was like a whole other type of women were attracted to me. I think most women prefer hair but at the end of the day it's all how about how you talk to the ladies.
  14. I think you gave up too early homey. You should lose hair at first but that is because it is preparing to grow back in stronger and fuller from what I understand.
  15. I think I am experiencing a shed because I've goten really thin on top in the last month since I started taking medications. I heard if you shed you are having a strong reaction to the medications which is a very good thing in the long run. Plus, I notice hairs on my hand when I shampoo or scratch the top of my head. As I stated before, I will take these medications for a year before I consider hair transplant surgery and I'm well aware these medications will probably not help with the hairline. I can rock the high hairline though so I'm not worried about it. I just don't want lose anything on top.
  16. The flash is used on all the pictures. Mac photobooth. I can't get my doctor to write me a prescription for proscar.
  17. I have always had a really receded hairline. However, over the last year I noticed thinning on the top of my head. I began taking propecia at the end of december and I started using minoxidil 5% twice a day and now the thinning looks like a huge bald spot. I can deal with a receded hairline but the thinning on the top of the head is starting to get at me. I am considering getting a ht but I am going to wait and see what happens with the two FDA approved medications. I can still pull the ladies at this point:) but more loss will be hard for me to keep my confidence. Please review the pictures. The first two were taken a month apart and the other are for general comments. Any advice would be appreciated.
  18. I have always had a really receded hairline. However, over the last year I noticed thinning on the top of my head. I began taking propecia at the end of december and I started using minoxidil 5% twice a day and now the thinning looks like a huge bald spot. Please review the pictures. They were taken a month apart. Any advice would be appreciated.
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