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Everything posted by kaliber

  1. I'm afraid I'm not improving. I started avodart two months ago and not only is my recession worse but my crown and mid-anterior region look horrible. I can literally feel how thin the area is when I touch it. I'm still hoping I'll see Avodart kick in soon.
  2. Yup, let's make fun of the people who don't get hair transplants for sex.
  3. If I can't have sex I can at least keep my pride lol.
  4. -Sure, I've read that. But we want to look at DHT levels for the scalp right? .5mg of Avodart(dutasteride) inhibits Scalp DHT by 55% while Propecia inhibits around Scalp DHT by 35%. Of course, I've also read that 2.5mg of dutasteride inhibits Scalp DHT by 82%. So, here are the new questions? Is the optimal dose of dutasteride 2.5 mg? Does a 55% inhibition of scalp DHT look significantly different than 35%. There is a 20% difference but could we distinguish a qualitative difference from looking at someone's head?
  5. My profile has a very well documented year plus of propecia treatment. I was still losing in the vertex so I made the switch to avodart. First of all, no one has sex with me so I don't care about erection difficulties. Personally, less distractions in life resulting from sexual urges would allow me to focus on nobler (education, career, etc) pursuits. However, I would like people's opinions on Avodart. I know it's not FDA approved for hair loss but there seems to be reasonable evidence that it blocks more DHT than finesteride. Is it worth the switch? Is Avodart truly more effective for hair loss. For those who do care about side effects, are the side effects much more noticeable than propecia. Any thoughts or comments on this drug would be appreciated. I have read several things on the web but I find the members of this site to be much more knowledgeable and experienced on hair loss treatments.
  6. On propecia, my right side seems to be receding quicker than my left side. This might just be the attack of our genetics which medication may not be helping. However, I'm also losing in the vertex so be thankful avodart is working for you in other areas. I just switched to avodart and I'm looking forward to the science experiment with my hair loss. I hope I get the results you shared.
  7. So I was quoted 7300 for a 1500 to 1800 hair transplant to help fill in the recession on the front of my head. I wanted to take a conservative approach and I'm not looking to drastically lower the hairline. This is from a well respected hairloss surgeon in Tampa. Any thoughts? Here are some pictures below. I've been on propecia for about a year and I have pictures posted if you are interested. Also, are there any recommendations on Surgeons in Tampa, the state of Florida, or South Korea as all would be viable locations for me.
  8. kaliber

    Propecia blog

    FIrst few pictures are from a year. I started taking Propecia last January. I recently added minoxidil this month. Here are a fairly good set of photos. I personally do not see any improvement so far in either the frontal areas(which are not supposed to change) or the vertex and and top of my head.
  9. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  10. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  11. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  12. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  13. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  14. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  15. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  16. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  17. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  18. I originally started both propecia and rogaine at the same time but because I moved to Korea I stopped the Rogaine. However, since I started it again about a month ago I noticed severe shedding and what was once getting better deteriorated quickly. However, a heavy shed should mean a heavy return. At the end of the day, it's just hair anyways and since I'm already going bald no reason to quit this train until I atleast reach one year.
  19. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  20. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  21. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  22. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

  23. kaliber

    From the album: Propecia blog

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