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the B spot

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Posts posted by the B spot

  1. LT you have multiple scars from a recent HT? Who did your HT? This information would be helpful to others as well.


    In response to your question, FUE can be placed into your scar, but perhaps you could seek a top-notch surgeon who could reduce your scar, plus perform a quality HT at the same time. This may change your mind as to how you proceed. After that, you may want to try doing a FUE into scar, but the chances of shaving down to a #1 without a noticeable scar is not good. I know Dr. Rose is noted for his ledge closure, but I am not sure your expectations are realistic (#1 guard shave).

  2. Worthy, let's wait and see what happens and congratulate these guys for what looks like really good work. I agree it is a little coincidental, but hey, that is what the internet is all about, sharing information. Many Doc's praised here, do this as well. No harm,nofoul. Should it become overbearing, we can deal with it then =)=)=)

  3. Hoping, while you offer some sound reasoning, please provide the "medical study" that has shown the results you have posted. In addition, if the side-effects of propecia show up, he can stop taking the drug. His risk of prostate cancer is nil at his age. A hairtransplant is PERMANENT, propecia isn't at this point. Let's face it, this kid is in a terrible situation period. He has chosen to exacerbate the situation by insulting educated members of a HAIRLOSS FORUM, many of whom have had multiple surgeries themselves, AND faced the situation he is in. The BEST plan of attack (this is where the maturity kicks in) is to step back try propecia, educate yourself and then proceed forward. No one has castigated his "physician of choice", nor have we told him not to ever get a HT. What we have given this kid is good old, USDA Choice, Unbiased, and generally right on the money, ADVICE. What you have done with your *timely* magical post is to give this guy one last straw to cling to. (Thanks)

  4. dhuge67--


    Please do me a favor--Stop insulting people who do not know you, have never met you, and are still trying to help you. Your attitude is one of idiocy and ignorance. Jotronics is employed for a reason, and not as a shill for H&W. He has gone through a TERRIBLE hairtransplant at the hands of a unethical, unpracticed doctor and has YEARS of life experience that you cannot comprehend at this point in your life. Do not presume to know what you are talking about, there is a reason no one knows who your doctor is, my friend, perhaps you should think about that.

    Now run along and get a hairtransplant, and hopefully things will go good for you. Just remember, you have signed on for many more surgeries.

  5. D -- Perhaps you should have your father read over our response to your query since you have based your HT doc. on his opinion? Since you are well connected in the medical field, it is doubtful that Dr. Pistone would keep your deposit... I think many here have presented enough solid advice to at least force you to postpone your session for a little while. Take some time and send your pictures into the 3 clinics and get an opinion. Again, bring your father into the loop and let him read this thread, just to see what his response is. Anyway, I think we have given you the BEST, unbaised view of your situation and given you the tools to make an informed, mature decision. It is after all your life. Should you proceed with your HT and have any negative experiences, we will be here to support and help you as well. Good luck either way you go, buddy!!!!

  6. dhuge67---


    First off, I would like to say that I am sorry you are losing hair so young. I lost my hair early as well, and it is not fun spending your 20's bald. Second, although you exhibit thinning and regression, you are not exceptionally bald at this point in your life. I share the opinion of the other members of this site, which is you are taking an incorrect approach to hairloss, specifically yours.

    Have you asked yourself what you are prepared to do if the surgery accelerates your loss of native hair? 1900 grafts are not going to cover that much should that happen. I assume that you are closing your temples to a degree and restoring most of your original hairline, in an attempt to "stay on top of it." What you are ASSUMING is that your supply will meet your demand, which is a complete mistake. You already informed us that your brother is thin, so it is safe to assume that you possess the potential to join him in your mid 20's. Given this information, you are NOT a candidate for a hairtransplant at this time. You need to start Propecia, and give it a year or two to stabilize your hairloss, and strengthen your existing hair. Only after this, should you pursue a HT. My advice to you is look at all the members of your family and assume that the person who exhibits the greatest pattern of baldness could be you. Assume that you will require three or four surgeries, (that you have NO guarantee that can be performed), and really search yourself to see if you can financially and mentally support your decision. Hair Transplants are not the first option, but rather a last option, reserved for people able to make informed, mature decisions. In addition, please do not be so quick to dispell the advice and experience of those who belong to this forum. At 20, you have seen very little of the world to make such a bold statement. The comments given here are intended to help protect and inform you, so any derogatory rebuttal on your part is crass, and proves that you are not ready to take this step.

    Please note, my assessment of your situation is not based on your age completely. I personally feel that circumstance dictates action, not set in stone axioms. If you were a NW 5 or 6 at this age, then a plan of attack could be formed. Since you are not a 5 or 6, and barely a 1-1 1/2, you should postpone your surgery and educate yourself. Your ETHICAL surgeon should be willing to give you back your deposit, without any problem whatsoever. Should you chose to go through with your surgery, I wish you all of the best, and I look forward to you sharing your progress and results.

    Feel free to PM me if you need to.

  7. Doc-- you pose an interesting question. I think the HT industry is based around Propecia and Avodart, and the thought that either of these remedies have long lasting side effects is a thought too awful to consider. I know that potential liver damage exists any time your body is forced to metabolize medicine for any length of time, so questions do exist. It is possible that a pharmaceutical giant like Merck will not fund a study that shows a lower daily dose is effective, simply from a profit standpoint. For a person with my level of baldness the point is moot since I am not using propecia to "keep what I have". I look forward to other's thoughts on this as well.

  8. For any new person to this forum PAY ATTENTION!


    Simply being glad that a chain of HT doctors did "Good" work, is not enough. To make it sound OK because a particular doctor performed a quality procedure, does not justify the fact that technique and facilities inherent at Bosley & MHR are outdated. Period. Everyone who actually takes time to really look at how a HT is actually done, can spot some of these "lies". For example, in order to schedule multiple patients each day, you have to use mini and micro grafts. Period. In addition, the reason you choose to do 1500 grafts was probably due to the second mortgage you took out to finance your HT. Cobblestoning, pitting, raised scars, grafty hairlines are all a re-ocurring theme for chains and overall "shit" doctors, simply because the tools and methods they use are antique. I am glad that you are happy. I am glad that several of you have had good experiences, because I know what you have suffered through as a balding man. Just do not look for support among the HT community because your sucess stories are the minority, not the majority. We have to continue to come down hard on these clinics and demand excellence. Let's face it, would you pay more money to a 250 hitter, when you can get a better deal on a hall of famer?

  9. Can we please lock this thread? EVERYONE knows that Dr. A stole pictures, PERIOD. He also gave no real explanation. In addition, I have no idea why we have to have BHT conversations that have to include this doctor? BHT is in early stages, WE WILL WAIT AND SEE!!!!! finallyfree, I can understand your dedication to the man who has changed your life. I would say that if you persist in pushing this doctor, you will need to define the nature of your relationship with him. I don't particularly like people who constantly attempt to contradict Pat on this site, especially when he has been overly generous in allowing Dr. A to explain his actions. Pat and this site has two motives education and sharing. Your posting is not educating or sharing at this point, since we all have seen your postings concerning your story and we continue to see you pushing YOUR doctor continually in other threads. You have experience and knowledge, use it help someone, not shill for an unethical surgeon.

  10. Moris,


    I would like to see some additional photos of your scar and your balding areas. You have had ONE opinion and ONE bad experience, which is no reason to call it quits. Keep your chin up, buddy!!!!! Moris, feel free to PM me if you need to man.... We are here to help you and support you.

  11. Max--- i am glad that you are happy with your experiences, and given that the size of your sessions are so small, you should be in great shape for later on down the road. I am glad that you found this site, and I know without a doubt that you will change your approach to hair transplantation as time goes on. In reading this thread, I know that you felt Pat may have responded a little harsh, but you have to understand that this site reaches worldwide, and some of the physicians you have mentioned are not good doctors.It is important for people who view this site to know some of the unethical or outdated practices of ANY physicians in order to promote awareness and sharing. I question your treatment, your plan,and your choice of doctors. You seem to have been very lucky to come away with nothing more than a shot to the wallet.While I will never take issue with profit, the amount of money you have paid to receive what many consider inferior treatment, is outrageous. I personally received double your graft total for a lot less than what you paid to see a Bosley Doc, and that was with one of the top doctors in the world! I think it is a good thing you have found this site Max. You need to conserve precious donor hair as well as stopping cutting yourself open for miniscule sessions. As you heal, do spend some time on the site and soak up some knowledge, it will do you good. Again, I know some of this seems harsh, but we need to let people know that hair transplantation is a serious issue, and we cannot condone Bosley, MHR, ANYTOKENHAIRMILL, etc.. They will always be a step behind because profit comes first, and whatever interferes with profit is not good for business, including unethically over-charging you.

  12. Any clinic quoting individual "hair" prices is a sham. Please expose the clinics you have mentioned so others can reap the benefit of your research.


    Listen Guys, 2500 hairs will work out to 1000 to 1400 grafts, which is dependant on each individual persons donor/ hair type. Unless you are not very bald and are getting a touch up, you are wasting your time with this. In addition, 6800 is a complete rip off! Put another thousand with that and call one of the more reputable HT docs, and tell them you will take a cancellation but you only have 8000. Tell them you want 2500 or more if possible. You will only be a few thousand dollars off full price, and the doc's chair will be filled.


    You question about the scar: ethical surgeons will continue to use the same scar line, which will only continue to leave ONE unoticeable scar. Period. I can think of only a severe repair case that would require multiple scars. Again, any doctor willing to excise a "fresh" strip is not leading you down the right path.


    I have one last thing to say, and I want you to ttake this the right way. Your questions about grafts/hairs and scar excision do not show any knowledge about the modern methods being used today, by even just "good" doctors. I sincerely recommend you do NOT get a HT at this point in time. Spend some time, pour over this sight and soak up some of the free knowledge that is here. After that, make a decision on a doctor, and go forward with a PLAN and KNOWLEDGE.

    Feel free to PM me if necessary at any time.

    PS. EVERYTHING is negotiable, and don't forget it.

  13. Hello again!! finally got around to posting some new pictures Gents!!!! I took these right at 3 months, and boys I have to tell you... If early returns are any indication, I am going to be one happy SOB a few moths from now icon_biggrin.gif

    I am excited with my progress as people have been asking if I am losing weight or my face looks thinner.... etc. I know it is only a little bit of growth but wowie zowie!!!!! (or Holy Shit!) I have been so busy that 3 months has flown by, so hopefully that will be the case in the coming months. As always, I will post more photos!!!!!!!

  14. Gator---


    I have only read good things about Dr. Charles Gator. I have also read that his manner is quite pleasant and likeable. In addition to that, I have not heard any negative feedback about any of his patients anywhere. I think he is rapidly ascending to "top doc" status, as many of his philosophies mirror his mentor, Ron Shapiro. You would be hard pressed to find many better HT Doc's in my estimation.

  15. Hairbank, there are several things you can do to reduce your HT costs. First, ask the consultant if you can get a flat price, 2500 or anything above that for x amount of dollars. We will use 7500 dollars for example. Tell them that you will put up the deposit right then if this price is workable. Remember, screw the consultants feelings, he or she is making money from your misery, so a little empathy here and there won't hurt a bit. Second, be willing to take a cancelled appointment. Tell them you require only 10 days notice etc... and you are willing to go on short notice. Patients cancel all of the time, which is why HT Doc's require deposits. If some guy cancels, the doc keeps his 1000 deposit, so if he knocks off 2500 bucks for you, he isn't really hurting, plus, he has a day booked. Simple math really.

    In my case, I called Shapiro's office and asked for 3000+ for 9000 out the door. Period.(I personally think once you go over 2500 grafts, your cost should not average more than 3 per graft, including travel exspenses). I also said that I was willing to take a cancel date, and plunked down my deposit right then. What doctor in his or her right mind is going to turn down a 9 G day, when his other patient got cold feet? Not many. Oh, and by the way, I also worked out a refund policy in case the harvested grafts were below 3000. Just make sure you cover your bases and make the best deal you can. I had 9000 dollars to spend on a HT, so I made the deal.

  16. TB, you have posed an interesting question here my friend!!!!!! I think most of the members here are hesitant to endorse one doctor over another, simply because at one point several respected members began working for this or that clinic, and rabidly endorsed their doc/employer. Obviously, you can see how the internet is a powerful marketing tool, and how "shills" (as they are called here) could sway newbies one way or the other. I myself carefully combed through this website and others in order to get to "know" several ht doctors. I cannot tell you how many phone consults I had icon_biggrin.gif What I was looking for was an industry common, you know, information that kept comming up, over and over again, without prompting. As I would like to consider myself a pretty logical guy, several names popped out (to me) :Shapiro, H&W, Rose, Feller, and Konier. I immediately disregarded Konier, simply because his consultant (Tom, I think) refused to negotiate a reasonable price, and would not budge from almost 5.00 per graft. I personally did not have him as high as Shapiro,Hasson, or Wong,(pretty close!) but his office was the closest to my home (40 min). I then called H&W, and I was impressed by their "style" and confidence. Seeing Jotronics results helped as well. In addition, they were more than willing to negotiate a flat rate price, which really impressed me as well, as they are not hard up for customers. I felt the same about Dr. Shapiro, who seemed to be everywhere at the time. I know this is going to piss a few off, but here goes: In MY estimation, Dr. Shapiro creates the best hairlines in the entire industry, period. By that I mean his patients receive the best hairlines as individuals, not a cookie cutter template. This is not to say that a drastic difference exists between Shapiro and other dr.s, just an observation. For example, I think the best doctor in the world at one pass density is Dr. Hasson, and the best crown work is done by Dr. Wong. That does not mean each is substandard in other areas, just an observation. In addition, I am not casting dispersion on other clinics, just my opinion as an informed patient. Many long time posters feel that a HT is a last choice, and a conservative approach is best. We are not hairloss forecasters, and should keep that in mind when we embark on this journey. I had 3100 grafts done and I will go for another 3000 to 3500 in july-august. This should leave me with 1500 to 2000 for any future work that is needed. I like this approach, and that coupled with Shapiro's hairlines, made the choice easy for me. TB, ultimately, the choice is yours, so weigh all of these factors, and then make a decision and feel proud that you are joining a brotherhood of individuals that will not just accept baldness standing-up icon_wink.gif


    PS: I would appreciate it if anyone has any negative comments concerning this post, to please actually read it, and then read it again before you reply. Thanks

  17. I would check around a bit. 11,500 seems a bit high for 3000. If you can get H&W for 8500 I would seriously consider that. Also, don't be afraid to haggle a little with these consultants. Of course they have a bottom line, but you can offer to pay a flat 3 dollars a graft, etc to bring the price down a bit. I guess it is all in what you feel is comfortable. I know that over the past few years pricing has become very competative, so perhaps you should call around and price match a little. Why pay full price? I hope this helps.

  18. No sweat, felt no pain whatsoever - actually felt like two pieces of Velcro coming apart while being numb all along.


    You know, the only thing I do not like about your closure is the fact that the tissue is fully removed and allowed to remain open the entire time, whereas other doctors prefer to close the wound as they go. Other than that I think you are going to be very happy with your results my man. I am just starting to grow about 2 weeks early, so I will posting some pictures soon.

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