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the B spot

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Posts posted by the B spot

  1. I agree Dr. M....I was simply worried that he had not seen a doctor in person to check this out and that if left untreated with a round of anti-biotic it could develop into something worse.


    I am sure he will have an excellent result, but he should be mindful of some potential for poor growth, which can happen in these types of situations. I am certain he will be fine in your hands.


    Take Care,


  2. You might need a round of antibiotics to cure that mate...I would also prepare mentally for the hair in that area to be compromised and not grow.


    Not saying it won't grow, but after seeing your recipient area, you should consider it as a possibility. You might get lucky and everything grows out...but describing your condition as normal is rather odd.


    I personally would not wait and I would see a doctor immediately.


    Heal Well Friend,


  3. Hi unplug....you will get varied responses on who is the best for your situation.


    There are several doctors recommended on this site in Texas and Dr. Keene/Dr. Alexander in AZ.


    My suggestion would be to start there, just to get a feel for approach and narrow from there.


    Posting some photos would be an excellent start as well.


    Take Care,


  4. Hey Guy Man....read your story...you been through it....the hairs vs grafts is an old trick...many have fallen, many will fall for it again.


    Why don't you send me your info and some photos to jason@shapiromedical.com?


    I know your budget, so let's see what you look like, etc.. and I can try to help out.


    One of the toughest things about those who enter into transplants without the proper education is the future loss and future finances aspect.


    So, what are people like yourself supposed to do?


    One of my biggest fears are for people just like yourself, who are backed against the wall and end up settling for some guy who is just going to take what little money you have and not deliver.


    Anyway, I would be happy to try and help you out and at the very least give you the feedback from an actual consultation for both your current situation and what the future may hold.


    Take Care,


  5. Did Dr. Dorin talk to you about needing another session?


    With your level of loss your likely to need at least another 2500.


    I just do not want you to be disappointed...your going to get coverage, but not very dense....this is NOT to point at Dr. Dorin's work...I'm sure everything will grow, and grow well. Plus you will look natural as well.


    Good news is, your on the path to getting your situation resolved.


    I hope you continue to share photos as you go along!


    Take Care,


  6. Hi Stamos! Well, the hair looks nice...much, much better.


    I think first and foremost, the goal of adding density, while disguising the previous poor work has been accomplished.


    With that said, just looking at the photos you have posted, I think one more session to target the part-line from the temple/corner back to give an option to move that part up or keep it the same is in order.


    I certainly believe the work done is stand-alone as it is, but now that the immediate goals have been addressed it would be icing on the cake to address that specific area, my opinion of course.


    I appreciate your sharing your results Stamos....your hair will continue to soften and mature and you may notice even more density and manageability in the coming months.


    As always, let me know if you need anything.


    Take Care,


  7. Hi Bill--- we can do 2000 grafts without shaving...in fact, a large part of what we do involves patients who cannot shave down, etc...


    Generally speaking we can do 2500-2600 without requiring shaving.


    We do not charge extra as some clinics do either.


    I would be happy to have Dr. Shapiro have a look at your photos and go from there.


    Also, if your looking for 2000 grafts unshaven, you should check with Dr. Rose and Dr. Charles as well.


    Take Care,


  8. This is the tough part about getting a HT....it costs a fair amount of money. I always tell people to put it in perspective..such as if your robbing your kids college fund or adding a second mortgage to your home, do not do it.


    If you do as the Emp stated and either save the money or properly allocate a monthly payment,without causing yourself undue stress, then go forward.


    You don't want to put yourself in the position to get your hair back, only to pull it out over your financial situation later on =)


    Take Care,


  9. Hey Slick! Your looking great mate!!!


    Glad to see your overall look has improved dramatically. Sometimes those with thin, light hair just take a bit longer to fully mature....I think at 14-18 months you will likely be fully mature.


    On the positive side, those of us with thinner hair look ultra natural in the right hands =)


    As far as that scar goes, let Dr. Paul or myself know if it just doesn't come around enough and we'll be happy to take care of it for you. We take care of our patients 100%, so just sit back and relax, worry free.


    Good Growing!


  10. Dr. Tyckosinski in Brazil. Check him out...I believe his cost is reasonable, plus...It's Brazil!


    Also, expect to pay a reasonable amount of money for a HT....this forum and others are littered with those who sought a cheap procedure from "some guy" and end up being repair patients.


    Not a scare tactic, just a friendly warning.


    Take Care,


  11. Transplanting the crown on patients in their 20's early 30's is not to be taken lightly.


    The obvious supply and demand issues abound, but there is a mentality of what does the future hold?


    We really do not like to target the crown on young patients...in this instance, approaching this particular patient, I would probably tell him that he should address his other areas, continue on Prop and employ concealers....plan on possibly doing a crown HT in the future if everything holds up. Please note, this is not a "right way", rather, just being cautious. I'm sure Dr. Williams assessed the patient and in his opinion, went forward properly.


    In Aaron's case, he had prior work that we had to balance out, and only after assessing his donor, Dr. Paul determined that transplanting to the top of the crown would still allow for Aaron to lose the mid-scalp and still have enough to fill the "in-between" even should he go to a NW5-6. Aaron is also aware that he will likely need at least one more HT in the future.


    With that said, it is not normal practice for us to transplant the crown on young patients, absent Dr. Ron/Dr. Paul assessing the patient and determining that a particular individual is a proper candidate for such an approach. Much patient education and explanation is done prior as well.


    Take Care,


  12. Hi tb--- generally 10 days is enough to pull it off....what I recommend to everyone doing FUE is shave your head prior----give everyone a chance to get used to you BEFORE...that way, your co-workers will be used to you with a buzz and at the end of 8-10 days you if you have some lingering pinkness, people may give you a second look, but nothing will appear out of the ordinary.


    Take Care,


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